Friday, August 10, 2007

Marcellas talks BB8 reality remix discussing Amber & Eric

Duration: 288 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 20:16:17
User: BigBrother8USA
:::: Favorites

so amber also was a sex addict.....

allenpc ::: Favorites
Marcellas,, what a joke. Why is anyone wanting to know his opinion... the worst player in BB history. What a joke
07-08-08 21:02:07
8394147 ::: Favorites
Marcellas is a great host. House Calls were retards to replace him with idiot Bunky who barely even watches the show. I love Marcellas and he made it far on both seasons he was on.
07-08-08 22:59:40
THEDemotivator ::: Favorites
Yeah worst player in history, but he is a great host.
07-08-09 02:22:30
mahadeen ::: Favorites
Marcellas was on two BBs and he was the co-host of house calls. His view is as valid as any other past guest. No joke
07-08-08 21:28:15
jubgrat ::: Favorites
Can't understand why CBS is so afraid of outside interference in the form of banners, yet they encourage outside interference in the form of the America's player twist. Seems like the only outside interference they'll tolerate is their own. And Marcellus was a good player that made an incredible blunder. It happens.
07-08-08 22:49:31
xnina7x ::: Favorites
i miss marcellas on housecalls! i dont even watch that shit any more..bunky sucks and gretchen is nothing without marcy..he at least watched the show.
07-08-08 23:24:34
cwypy ::: Favorites
Marcellus if you are out there-if you cannot get back on HC PLEASE start your own internet BB show. We need you and you are the only reality host who knows what the hell is going on. Love you dude!!!!!!!
07-08-09 01:08:44
Lozie82 ::: Favorites
yea i'm a Marcellas fan too... i love it when he says "out in the cosmos"
07-08-09 15:10:47
PinoyBoyy ::: Favorites
FORMER All-Star.. he is still an All-Star in my book!
07-08-09 22:01:15

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