Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The role of K-12 teacher unions?

Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 13:19:45
User: gsedpioneers
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John from Columbus asks a debate question.

teachingpassion ::: Favorites
Keep in mind though that not all schools lack the technology or the curriculum. Generally our suburban schools remain wonderful institutions of learning. I dislike how people lump all public schools together. Some cities and rural schools do have problems, but our system as a whole is great.
07-08-21 18:27:25
teachingpassion ::: Favorites
I appreciate your response. I would agree that technology integration and curriculum remains lacking in some areas. For instance, all students in k-2 should learn a foreign language. Studies show that children learn languages best at this age, yet we still only offer it in HS in most areas. Many times research is ignored, because like you said politics prevail.
07-08-21 18:25:14
teachingpassion ::: Favorites
I really appreciate your response. I agree some schools still lack the technology resources as well as some curriculum that would be more meaningful. For instance, it would be great if every kindergarten-second grader received foreign language instruction. We give this in high school when research shows that children learn languages better at young ages. But it's like you said, there are a lot of politics that determine this and often the research is ignored.
07-08-21 18:19:30
lilakmess ::: Favorites
Good points, teachingpassion. Our education system is certainly better, in terms of accessibility, than many systems in the world. Given our global economy, though, I think it's safe to say that our schools are failing our STUDENTS. Kids are still learning an antiquated curriculum, rather than the business and technology acumen that will help them understand and succeed in our rapidly expanding global economy, which will, in the end, place them way behind populations in many emerging markets.
07-08-20 01:14:14
teachingpassion ::: Favorites
What makes an unattractive environment for qualified teachers are low pay, ridiculous reforms that are not in the best interests of our children, and disrespectful comments like the ones you just made. Our US education system is not failing as a whole! We have one of the best systems that includes EVERYONE! Meaning our system isn't like many countries where only the smartest or the wealthiest get educational opportunities. Teachers unions prove vital to protecting teachers as professionals.
07-08-19 23:07:40
tooosweeet ::: Favorites
Teachers unions remain instrumental in providing the poorest education possible, to all students.
07-08-19 06:47:27
tooosweeet ::: Favorites
Hopefully none. Teachers unions are one of the top 2 reasons the US education system fails. Teachers unions are a joke, all they do is keep bad teachers teaching and create an unattractive environment for qualified teachers.
07-08-19 06:46:39
teachingpassion ::: Favorites
Teachers unions remain instrumental in helping to provide a quality education to all students and professional working conditions for all teachers.
07-08-15 23:58:42

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