Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wookie Wookie by Gaunt Noir

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-18 08:08:21
User: gauntnoir
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Gaunt Noir lolling dance on Wookie Wookie song!

micromania666 ::: Favorites
07-08-10 08:07:39
stefanoru ::: Favorites
bene dai XD cmq dalla citazione posso capire che anche tu conosci gli atroci :D bene bene ...........cmq magari prova a mettere nel prossimo video di Egli Metal qualcosa tipo messaggio subliminale che spinga tutti i metallari a lottare contro la razza bastarda comunemente conosciuta come "TRUZZI DI MERDA"......potrebbe essere divertente XD detto questo ti saluto e grazie per aver risposto P.S sei un idolo continua cosi
07-08-07 10:21:49
gauntnoir ::: Favorites
Hai perfettamente ragione! Darò una spiegazione a ciò nel prossimo mio video metal. L'importante comunque è non infangare il sacro metal e rispettare i 10 metallamenti! Poi purtroppo nasco come artista demenziale, quindi riesco ad ascoltare anche altre cose (si lo so, Wookie Wookie è dance di merda, però il video era così trash che ho dovuto emularlo XD)!
07-08-07 05:32:21
stefanoru ::: Favorites
Perdonami Super Gaunt ma un mio amico (un tuo super fan) dice che sei un metallaro..............come cazzo fai ad ascoltare altra musica al di fuori del meraviglioso metallo?
07-08-06 19:08:58
sucarolpo ::: Favorites
sei un folle ahahah grande
07-05-04 12:13:09
winters87 ::: Favorites
perchè non ci canti a te ti puzza il culo! grande pezzo
07-02-06 14:13:10
winters87 ::: Favorites
è da un po ke non ci si sente ,ma cn felicità vedo ke il tempo non ti ha cambiato! ;-)
07-02-06 13:32:29
gregory87 ::: Favorites
more and more, baby give me more!! GH!
07-01-21 15:18:54
spkru ::: Favorites
Macho man is on XD Cazzo andiam a Savio sul ddr supernova questa c'è eheheh Good Moves! XD
07-01-20 17:03:56
Forest987 ::: Favorites
ahahahah ti muovi come un Dio XD Altro che ASSHUNTER, tutto ciò batte persino gli EBA!!! *__* /me si fa una **** con la chitarra di GH, GH! xD
07-01-18 13:08:40

St. Wilhelm's, Member 00007, Cambridge, Phone book tear

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-14 08:57:27
User: SmashiusClay
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2005/2006 Cambridge Yellow pages (2" thick) Long live The Church.

**************** CONGRATULATIONS ************************ Your video is shortlisted in the First Weekly Top 10 Videos of the RIP & RECYCLE Yellow Pages VIDEO CHALLENGE. Your video was voted in for being original and generating maximum global cooling with a thick phone book rip and some kickass sound in the back * YOUR VIDEO MAY GO ON TO WIN THE WEEKLY CHALLENGE & $1000 & WILL ALSO BE GUNNING FOR THE RIP & RECYCLE 2007 CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX VIDEO Award that will be announced in January 2008.
07-09-06 13:58:39
justiceislost1988 ::: Favorites
i've ripped las vegas (1700 pages) with no crease and i've ripped chicago (over 2000 pages)no crease the only reason i use the small ones is because those are the only free ones because they are from my area and i can do 3 of those on top of eachother no crease
07-09-05 13:47:34
SmashiusClay ::: Favorites
That would sting if you weren't using the most pathetically thin phonebooks I've ever seen in your videos. I've shear teared the phonebooks you use, not difficult.
07-09-05 04:21:46
justiceislost1988 ::: Favorites
next up you can stop being a poser strongman and do it without the popping technique
07-09-04 19:04:36
armywife012205 ::: Favorites
You owned that phone book :D
07-08-02 22:13:31
FullMetalShaman ::: Favorites
07-06-25 09:45:53
Lusst ::: Favorites
I'm still trying to learn how to fucking do this...
07-05-29 10:12:49
tozstyle ::: Favorites
anyone can do it , just look at the phone book tear revealed, btw you made it look great !
07-05-04 04:57:55
rantoniomg ::: Favorites
Wow! I wish I could do that.
07-04-19 13:05:02
SmashiusClay ::: Favorites
Normally there's more Cockney chimneysweeps everywhere but they had the day off.
06-12-28 11:48:18

Granny vs. Mercedes

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-20 16:54:28
User: mhurley
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This guy got what he deserved. He was beeping at an old woman trying to cross the road. She hit his car with her handbag and set off his airbag. Priceless!!!

randomuthafudger ::: Favorites
ROFL!!! did that granny make the airbags come up???
07-09-10 04:21:59
02Mattias ::: Favorites
Haha! Love this video, looks like it is filmed in Sweden...
07-09-08 17:58:02
HBKV1 ::: Favorites
The Car Got Pwned Hahahaahaha
07-09-05 21:27:54
benderkick ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahaahha lololololollollololololoololloolollo lmaolmao go granny!
07-08-13 06:43:18
PutItOnwhenUpInSmoke ::: Favorites
07-08-07 17:41:28
PutItOnwhenUpInSmoke ::: Favorites
granny was sleeping on the road, look how she jumls after the first horn
07-08-07 17:40:19
Gencaline ::: Favorites
Own3d. That is fucking funny. Go! Go! Go Grandma!
07-07-31 19:13:20
thefloatingpankakes ::: Favorites
wwas she sleeping in the crosswalk awesome
07-07-19 18:16:47
princedavid0 ::: Favorites
I wonder what happened after that
07-07-16 15:26:27
Monstrosity23 ::: Favorites
07-07-07 23:12:54

Enzo Biagi intervista Daniele Luttazzi - 30/04/07 - Parte 2

Duration: 06:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-01 18:32:23
User: rospettoxxx
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Enzo Biagi intervista Daniele Luttazzi dopo 5 anni di assenza dalla RAI nella sua trasmissione RT

GiammyThePraetorian ::: Favorites
Ci avviciniamo all'8 settembre, il giorno che vedrà la disfatta di "loro". E' vostro preciso dovere di italiani partecipare, abbiamo aspettato fin troppo, è arrivato il momento di riprendersi ciò che ci hanno tolto. VAFFANCULO DAY ! ! ! Il popolo italiano rialza la testa.
07-09-02 14:23:52
sirio2201 ::: Favorites
Che cosa vuol dire :D ? Per quanto riguarda le verità di Luttazzi...lasciamo perdere...leggiti il mio commento in altri video simili a questo.
07-09-01 15:16:21
painproject ::: Favorites
ahahah calzante sisi!!!:D è vero .. cmq dicevo che ti può stare sulle palle luttazzi ma quello ke dice è vero, non è strumento di nulla sono fatti realmente accaduti per cui SONO VERI!ecco :D tao
07-09-01 14:51:30
sirio2201 ::: Favorites
Mah...non riesco proprio a capirti,paimproiect,...mi pare la supercazzola del film "Amici miei"
07-09-01 13:26:29
painproject ::: Favorites
umpf :D un vocabolario :D?! opinionabile = a cui si può dare un'opinione..non opinionabile a cui non si può dare un'opinione :/ mi pare sia così!
07-09-01 13:14:25
sirio2201 ::: Favorites
Senti,painproiect, la tua precisazione l'ho trovata, se possibile, ancora più contorta. Ma non riesci proprio ad esprimerti più chiaramente? Cosa vuol dire "opinionabile"?
07-09-01 10:40:17
painproject ::: Favorites
me l'aspettavo..allora tu visto che non sei inesperto sei esperto in COSA? satira politica o intelligenza creativa? seconda cosa ALLA VERITA' non si può dare opinioni diverse Quindi è UNA..ecco..che apoi a te stia poco simpatico lui è qestione di gusti ma ciò che dice in questa intervista nn è per niente opinionabile riferendosi a fatti di cronaca VERA..che poi non so se conosci enzo biagi..beh non credo ke enzo biagi permetta castronate in un suo programma =! tao beo!
07-09-01 08:21:01
lobiees ::: Favorites
non mi sembra difficile
07-08-31 20:42:12
sirio2201 ::: Favorites
Mica ti ho capito, caro painproiect.
07-08-31 19:27:06
painproject ::: Favorites
esperienza in satira politica? o intelligenza creativa? no beh perkè può piacere e non piacere ma la verità non è molto opinionabile?
07-08-31 15:38:11

The Life of The Great Khali {28-07-2006}

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-29 09:16:55
User: DasistderPe
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The Life of The Great Khali our best vid about him :D

logofomosho ::: Favorites
ya chak de phateeee
07-09-11 20:08:29
latinoheat619350 ::: Favorites
07-09-11 02:02:41
rikane9 ::: Favorites
jajajaja igual
07-09-09 14:55:08
ningsning ::: Favorites
stupid khali nearly caved in the skull of poor rey mysterio i will HATE him forever!!!
07-09-09 05:55:34
reymastireo ::: Favorites
u mean what happened to rey if that what u mean no one deserves that
07-09-08 21:43:05
sawtaney ::: Favorites
khali is great .....simply great .he putted undertakers coffin in his ass.I saw it on SMACKDOWN.and john he putted cena underwear in his mouth and made cena chew it like a donkey chews grass.I saw it on RAW.....uncensored RAW.
07-09-08 16:25:44
sawtaney ::: Favorites
whackocheno maa chuda le....smack down put in ur ass
07-09-08 16:20:46
Wakochenko ::: Favorites
07-09-08 16:13:45
sawtaney ::: Favorites
oyyyyeee jatt kar dita sabnu pat. oye singh is king. chakde phate nab de gilli. subah jalandar te shammi dilli.
07-09-08 16:12:08
bruninhuh4444 ::: Favorites
that was funny
07-09-08 13:41:31

Mariah Carey Get Your Number

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 13:36:35
User: Macshelley
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Get Your Number

raifil2222 ::: Favorites
07-09-11 09:05:11
duckapoo ::: Favorites
I am glad I am not the only one who tunes in to look at Michael Ealy. He and Mariah would make a cute couple.
07-09-10 06:23:12
Lananee ::: Favorites
This sounds like a semi-old-school jam. I love it.
07-09-08 10:16:44
SongbirdMS ::: Favorites
i looove mimis cheek it
07-09-06 22:13:11
SongbirdMS ::: Favorites
07-09-06 22:12:45
didxx ::: Favorites
07-09-03 03:54:34
ritcm16 ::: Favorites
i'm gonna watch this clip every day
07-09-02 14:34:37
ritcm16 ::: Favorites
amazing clip
07-09-02 14:27:37
justinikx ::: Favorites
oh damn ....girl!you are the best doubt!!!!
07-09-02 12:47:03
knightglider ::: Favorites
07-08-30 01:58:05

Nunchaku Freestyle - Week #28

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-24 15:18:17
User: NunchakuFreak
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Description: -------------------------- Training Progress: 28 weeks Nunchakus: 14" made of beech, nylon corded Music: Alien Ant Farm - Wish --------------------------

Phatso6969 ::: Favorites
thats pretty kool man
07-04-24 19:45:11
Minazki ::: Favorites
Nice but why the hell u have sai, bo, tonfa and knife in tags ? 0.o They just mess everything
07-03-23 15:23:02
unknownninjalady ::: Favorites
it looks really fluid
07-03-12 13:46:57
Kampan ::: Favorites
echt geile moves machste da ;) und danke sehr fuer den link
07-03-12 04:11:13
SativaDust ::: Favorites
good stuff my freind, your improving, nice vid
07-03-01 03:57:55
IrvMstr ::: Favorites
hey dude. Really nice moves, great aerials. The new "Under the knee-throw, catch and arround the neck" is marvelous. keep on swingin'. ;-)
07-02-25 18:34:13
fireaminal ::: Favorites
nice one mate, your aeriels are lookin sweet:)
07-02-25 08:58:29

FY trainbombing

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-17 17:35:02
User: LennartFaust
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Fy crew destroying the inside of a swedish train. I think the clip is from Subway Stories.

Garderobsapa ::: Favorites
thats a artline postermarker 20mm not 30mm,30mm is to big for taging in thoose small areas
07-09-10 08:11:04
mercdriver ::: Favorites
Losers without girlfriends!
07-09-01 17:33:06
papsilapsi ::: Favorites
tbh looks like a postermarker 30 :S i rly have no clue. I know ligisd uses hes own recipe tough.
07-08-27 13:21:07
brutaldeathskater ::: Favorites
hes not using a fucking marker with grog ink lol
07-08-16 04:57:47
xallyfacex ::: Favorites
the nib on that is a wide felt tip like an otr, the grog 25 is a mop with a round tip.
07-08-13 20:01:05
lee4real ::: Favorites
wt fy mean
07-08-09 17:51:22
sapsbmi07 ::: Favorites
damm dis niggaaz a feend!! lmaooo be safe..
07-07-30 14:17:08
matty2double6 ::: Favorites
he's using a grog marker 25 with grog ink
07-07-26 10:31:24
bl4xxx ::: Favorites
it look like "flowpens"
07-07-24 04:58:34
TheSkateboardP ::: Favorites
water gun wih paint in it
07-07-22 14:55:35

Asbury Park, NJ ~ Rising Up

Duration: 05:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-14 15:34:33
User: IXGertXI
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Asbury Park, NJ is attempting a Renaissance. The city, once a jewel on the Atlantic Ocean, has been in a steady decline since the riots in the 70's and the wide spread corruption of the local government. This is a tribute to the efforts to regain its former glory without forgetting its past. Although he may not have intended the song to mirror the revival, I find it fitting. My City of Ruins Lyrics :There is a blood red circle On the cold dark ground And the rain is falling down The church door's thrown open I can hear the organ's song But the congregation's gone My city of ruins My city of ruins Now the sweet bells of mercy Drift through the evening trees Young men on the corner Like scattered leaves, The boarded up windows, The empty streets While my brother's down on his knees My city of ruins My city of ruins Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up! Come on, rise up! Now's there's tears on the pillow Darlin' where we slept And you took my heart when you left Without your sweet kiss My soul is lost, my friend Tell me how do I begin again? My city's in ruins My city's in ruins Now with these hands, With these hands, With these hands, I pray Lord With these hands, With these hands, I pray for the strength, Lord With these hands, With these hands, I pray for the faith, Lord We pray for your love, Lord We pray for the lost, Lord We pray for this world, Lord We pray for the strength, Lord We pray for the strength, Lord Come on Come on Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up Come on, rise up

IXGertXI ::: Favorites
Thanks Peebsmom2! I'm so glad this vid's gotten such a great respons... still.
07-09-12 06:04:19
peebsmom2 ::: Favorites
I remember as a kid walking to the boardwalk and rides, the Mayfair Theater and the swan boats at Wesley Lake next to the Casino. It was a wonderful town to grow up in and I am so very happy it is finally being restored. I was dead for too long. Great video!
07-09-11 23:36:27
IXGertXI ::: Favorites
I agree. I'm glad they left it standing and repaired the roof. It's not so lonely there anymore, though. On a summer weekend, it's like the "old days" Thanks for stopping by.
07-09-11 06:21:19
hottie91136 ::: Favorites
I always felt ghosts from the past as I skated tru the doors. The surface was smoother than the boards and I loved the lonley feeling of Asbury Park on the boardwalk.
07-09-08 18:18:41
IXGertXI ::: Favorites
I grew up south of Asbury Park and didn't start visiting regularly until 10 years ago or so but my mother always spoke of how it was The place to go to shop when she was a kid. I love that they're cleaning it up so to speak but I hate how they're taking away so much of the character. I'm glad this brought back so many fond memories. Good luck with your films.
07-09-02 03:26:53
PARIVISION ::: Favorites
I spent most of my summers from 1976 until 1987 with my grandmother who lived in Asbury Park. I loved that town. I remember seeing the 1976 version of King Kong at the Paramount inside Convnetion Hall. I have such great memories of that town. I am a filmmaker now and Asbury Park certainly inspired alot of visions for me as a child. My grandfather who is Danny Devito's uncle was a police officer there as well as my uncle Frank. Great town hope it makes it's way back to being what it once was.
07-09-02 02:22:48
IXGertXI ::: Favorites
I drove by last weekend on my way to a vespa rally and yes, the casino is being saved. Looks like they're putting a copper roof on. That much is good news anyway. I have pictures inside the casino's rink with my husband on his rollerblades. great old memories.
07-08-23 14:37:55
afmafmafm ::: Favorites
My old band played the Stone Pony in 2002. A lady there told us there were 'ways' to get into the Palace and the Casino. We managed to get inside the Palace and were up inside the castle when our flashlight died and we had to find our way out of there in the dark! I've never forgotten the place, and have looked at everything I could find online about it. Thanks! Are they going to save the Casino?
07-08-23 12:27:27
sweettooth910 ::: Favorites
my husbend is from asbury park. i was there for 2 weeks in june. i live in nc. i had a great time there, the people are great and so was the food. i went to a bangin ass party in freehold. i love nj, i cant wait to go back!
07-08-20 14:07:29
IXGertXI ::: Favorites
Thank you!
07-08-10 07:49:09

Flatland Manifesto 7 - Red Bull Circle of Balance 2004

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-18 14:50:30
User: shaneneville
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Footage from the unreleased Flatland Manifesto 7. Contest fooage from the Red Bull Circle of Balance 2004 contest in Germany. Filmed by Nev, edited by P

sarahpellot5389 ::: Favorites
Get ringtones at RINGTONESET dot NET
07-09-11 20:29:45
exploreitsgood4u ::: Favorites
07-08-03 17:38:41
THIl2D3Y3 ::: Favorites
I strongly agree
07-07-17 20:17:20
beansprout440 ::: Favorites
dood, marcos pwned that shit
07-06-26 01:38:46
SEMENTE11 ::: Favorites
Love It
07-06-22 17:18:29
Feloniously ::: Favorites
sounds like green day.
07-06-07 01:37:37
Dragonovus ::: Favorites
So do you know that song? I can't find it on google and such.
07-06-05 11:45:48
randallnoblesin ::: Favorites
that song is gay as hell
07-06-04 17:04:28
indelible721 ::: Favorites
07-05-22 00:22:04
Dragonovus ::: Favorites
So does anyone know the name of the song?
07-05-18 16:30:20

Sanremo 72-Delirium

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-12 14:18:30
User: dg290659
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plfj222 ::: Favorites
quanti ricordi .. ho lasciato l`a mia bella italia.ero banbino. grazie
07-09-11 10:00:06
Francesco220 ::: Favorites
Originale,piccante e spirituale.
07-09-10 15:36:10
kingbrian08 ::: Favorites
E a parte gli scherzi, questa canzone arrivò SESTA quell'anno!
07-09-03 21:19:57
kingbrian08 ::: Favorites
Comunque che vuole dire Jesahel?
07-09-03 21:12:28
kingbrian08 ::: Favorites
W la musica italiana! Non serve tanto andare all'estero per trovare buona musica, un po' ne abbiamo fatta anche noi!
07-09-03 21:10:04
kingbrian08 ::: Favorites
Bella canzone, splendido ritmo!
07-09-03 19:24:52
pilligo ::: Favorites
pezzo indimenticabile e grande fossati!
07-08-31 18:13:18
bradymae ::: Favorites
wow, thanks for this. i never heard of delirium....but now i will know.
07-08-29 19:01:22
buriedverydeep ::: Favorites
questa canzone è di una bellezza sconfinata...
07-08-27 03:52:05
Moniarte9 ::: Favorites
Ivano Fossati, che vocione :)) Grande.
07-08-15 11:34:13

Fireman Sam 1987 version

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-19 19:04:21
User: hazzaroo123
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The original intro to Fireman Sam

dreamsofoddity ::: Favorites
Heeeee :D This is basically a number one tune in kid-tv format :P
07-09-11 18:03:42
climb2rig ::: Favorites
my favorit show ever
07-09-09 16:07:18
Tillytails ::: Favorites
lol the lill gnger kid delivering papers is called norman price he was always i trouble
07-09-09 08:43:34
Tillytails ::: Favorites
this is the 90s i think,, i love it =]
07-09-09 08:32:32
george6111 ::: Favorites
Lmaoo ledgend :D
07-09-08 18:25:23
cymrugirl87 ::: Favorites
OMG !!!!! I love the classic Fireman sam. I used to watch this when i was younger the newer ones are so crap compared to these ones
07-09-07 08:40:35
airmaltafan ::: Favorites
r u sure its in the 80s it looks like the 90s
07-09-03 19:27:55
Xegethra ::: Favorites
did i detect a little guitar action in that, never noticed it before. the program was good though
07-09-03 00:22:45
Paulwooding85 ::: Favorites
(Reply) (Spam) Notice how he'd always wear his uniform, even if it was his day off! just like our dear friend JOHN HANDS at the waitrose branch in kingsthorpe Northampton! Frozen all the way !!
07-08-31 19:32:33
KeenyFox ::: Favorites
Notice how he'd always wear his uniform, even if it was his day off!
07-08-28 05:53:52

WWE Draft/Vince McMahon dead?

Duration: 08:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-12 01:20:58
User: TheKidFrom13thStreet
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I forgot to mention RAW "gaining" Snitsky, as if that's much of a gain.

polakbart ::: Favorites
07-09-05 22:37:59
thehuge55 ::: Favorites
geez get the fuck outta your moms basement and get some poontang or something. your a loser
07-08-30 01:29:28
nintendofreak64 ::: Favorites
who do you like john cena and bobby lashley because they are the ones that suck
07-08-22 17:12:29
Fiasco91 ::: Favorites
Lmfao...I lol'd for like 5 minutes after reading that.
07-08-17 21:02:26
mstew1987 ::: Favorites
this guys like 35 living in his grandmas basement jacking off to wwe
07-08-11 19:50:52
eminem4life2008 ::: Favorites
booker and kennedy both suck. they were the ones that brought smackdown to the bottom. john cena is one of the greatest on raw in the past couple of years.
07-08-04 19:15:07
joe541111 ::: Favorites
Edge is now injured and he lost his World Heavy Weight Championship so now The Great Khali is the new World Heavy Weight Champion SmackDown is now fucked up bad
07-07-18 15:39:57
joe541111 ::: Favorites
benoit dead
07-07-18 15:27:29
chismah ::: Favorites
myspaceDOTcom/billthehandyman - check out blog - THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CHRIS BENOIT DEATH --- Updated 7 / 9 / 2007 --- Chris-BenoitDOTeu
07-07-10 04:27:00
gnom3killa ::: Favorites
u like all the faggits egde...HA PLZ mr kenady lol bullshit, booker CAN U SUK MY BALLZ SUKA! dude all these guys suk!
07-07-09 07:53:51

Re: Re-Invention

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-25 15:18:47
User: Forrest40PF
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A video response...obviously!

sophie8187 ::: Favorites
youve had this up forever and i just now comment... but i was bored, and watched your video again, and hey, your funny! so i wanted to tell you that your super funny... sooo... uh, your super funny! okay, im done now..
07-02-27 02:34:21
codemasteres ::: Favorites
youre cool mate , im not getting bored of you youre cool !
07-02-03 10:19:58
wackthedrums ::: Favorites
:-) thats funny. a piece of advice, don't use a swurly chair.
06-11-29 19:49:22
BaconBandit ::: Favorites
no man, you were funny :) keep it up dude!
06-11-17 05:10:57
Annaconda1984 ::: Favorites
(-: great way of presenting. No, it doesn't get boring. You should do more of this kind of videos.
06-10-12 05:52:05
sharay18 ::: Favorites
ur funny
06-08-27 04:42:24
victoriajon ::: Favorites
06-08-26 02:03:51