Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cudowny swiat

Duration: 139 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-05 10:00:10
User: gagastudio
:::: Favorites

Ktos mi kiedys przeslal. Rewelacja.

Storm The Castle

Duration: 101 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-08 01:45:17
User: jonastko
:::: Favorites

I don't understand why Bree is being so passive. I think we should go to the police or something!

monkey5050 ::: Favorites
what order???
07-07-05 23:11:49
SerialSniper14 ::: Favorites
if they were smart they would figure out the meeting place then call the cops and send them there
07-07-08 20:54:09
laurenlollie ::: Favorites
Order of the Pheonix dumbass.
07-08-02 10:22:29
mcroxmyworld ::: Favorites
of the phenix?
07-08-04 07:37:52
Bluesnoopy24 ::: Favorites
sorry but if u dont like it why watch it takeyour stupid insulting comments somewhere else because your boring me with your stupidity.
07-08-04 10:06:29
somewhatdarling ::: Favorites
if you dont like it dont watch it
07-08-04 16:59:39
my4chemical1romance3 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 17:43:08
Nixonboy06 ::: Favorites
xD Sorry. Didn't mean the Dumbass bit. Just seemed so right.
07-08-05 06:38:14
daisyescute ::: Favorites
but the goverment is part of the order!!!! thats why they can get outside help!!!
07-08-06 01:08:07
rahims951 ::: Favorites
Cute clip. There are a lot of delicious camgirls at <B> _CAMZHOME.COM_ </B> -rahims951
07-08-07 17:23:44

Big wreck at '96 Bristol CTS race

Duration: 7 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-01 21:57:33
User: SKracing
:::: Favorites

Jack Sprague, Jimmy Hensley and numerous others are collected in a crash during the 1996 Coca-Cola 200 at Bristol.

Steve Bond 2: Downpour Featurette "From the Inside Out"

Duration: 266 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-05 14:08:48
User: stanleynickel
:::: Favorites

Steven takes you on a tour of the Aruba set.

A Spotlight on DocRusty

Duration: 164 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-27 08:22:36
User: ChannelReviews
:::: Favorites

A video spotlight on the channel DocRusty.

DocRusty ::: Favorites
I don't know why, but I'm giving this 5 stars and favouriting it's ass off! Your loyalty to Wigwam Industries will not go unrewarded and if you ever need anyone tortured/exterminated, please don't hesitate to call. Thanks for Keeping It Wigwam!
07-02-27 10:40:21
LuizPrower ::: Favorites
wow...see this is why i suck at searching. well, i can thank you for showing me an awesome channel. now to...*is shot*
07-02-27 10:46:54
v6tempest ::: Favorites
interesting I'm going to have to check this channel out
07-02-27 14:11:58
welcomestranger ::: Favorites
I'm sorry, did I hear you say it was just your EARLY videos that were crap? Ahhh... nice spotlight... consider me subscribed!
07-02-28 07:12:48
ChannelReviews ::: Favorites
Oh, how dare you. Remember, you're also on the radar for a spotlight and any more of this sass, and I'll turn on you in a heartbeat buster!!
07-02-28 07:18:23
TheJoyofSOF ::: Favorites
A good review, and just in time. Your life will now be spared.
07-02-28 21:43:22
bobkarla ::: Favorites
so you watch him too... Livewire-
07-03-04 02:57:29
latequartet ::: Favorites
Appreciate your reviews, many thanks.
07-03-12 18:46:46
UtubiaPresident ::: Favorites
Very interesting.
07-03-21 12:52:12
missuscake ::: Favorites
Sometime I feel like an idiot for not being able to find tons of cool videos on here but you help alot
07-05-31 10:39:20

Robby Gordon hits the wall at Charlotte, '97

Duration: 3 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-17 21:14:02
User: SKracing
:::: Favorites

After rain postponed the 1997 Indy 500, double-dipper Robby Gordon was able to start that evening's Coca-Cola 600, only to crash midway through the race. (His Indy 500 would also end prematurely due to a fire only a handful of laps into the resumption of action the next day.)

Drawings and Randomness

Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-14 04:32:43
User: biostudentgirl
:::: Favorites

Drawing a random sketch with extra randomness.. lol =) Imagination is a great thing isn't it? =) Song Title - Cartoon Heroes - Aqua

d4rki3 ::: Favorites
nice sketch... geez that's nawt a sketch @ all 2 meh it's an actual... good drawin! props
07-02-05 02:44:49
FatBoySlim ::: Favorites
Nice sketch & nice girl :)
07-02-19 05:20:41
DUSKANGEL03 ::: Favorites
that so cool you should post more video's with you drawing other stuff
07-03-03 12:44:23
TheReverendGT ::: Favorites
That was really talented, plus randomness was funny. Keep it up. :D
07-03-30 08:46:51
Dknangel ::: Favorites
wait.. who was this too?
07-04-01 02:41:30
alanakay ::: Favorites
in ur video on myspace, you have a video blog called randomness, and i really liked the song that was in it...could you tell me what it was. i'll leave u a comment ask you as well on myspace.
07-04-11 08:43:46
quyenthanhphan ::: Favorites
4/15/07Sun 11:51pm...after viewing tons of your video clip...i think...i fall in S2 with you hehehe
07-04-16 02:46:20
vietshortykid ::: Favorites
lolz we are so alike hehe :P maybe we are cuzins who knows O.o
07-04-29 18:41:36
meg3mukka ::: Favorites
lol kawaii!
07-05-10 22:33:19
lababo ::: Favorites
i miss that song..
07-05-26 00:48:10


Duration: 276 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-15 17:42:17
User: mrpregnant
:::: Favorites

This is the funniest jamaican i've ever seen, is he really jamaican? i heard mr pregnant is from african or nigeria, i've even heard he's from the dominican republic.. check out and send your comments to

aleeexbaby001 ::: Favorites
07-06-12 22:00:26
infintytru ::: Favorites
Mr. Pregonant is some kind of big sexyness. Mr. Pregonant is a big breasted sweet mansexy wonderful bomba. I wish to making the manly enjoyableness of man on man bloodclot loving with him. Bomba Bomba fantasticness.
07-06-13 22:54:50
NINIP00H ::: Favorites
07-06-30 15:40:16
Darkdd ::: Favorites
He may not be jamaican but he uses jamaican slang and plays reggae and conscious music in his videos. He also talks with a caribbean accent that sounds like mix of jamaican and trinidadian...
07-07-01 04:33:44
bigguard01 ::: Favorites
ur a great person even if every video aint funny u still try and that real!1!!!!
07-07-06 23:56:46
gracebelieverz ::: Favorites
THIS UNCLE TOM NEGRO!- Must be made aware that our Black family structure was destroyed and we are just learning to regain our humanity. Black mothers arent teaching unity among their own children and putting emphasis on nurture and education. Black men have been discouraged by so many lynchings and American whites act a lot like their racist murdering forefathers the only difference is they don't kill you and me without a badge!!!!
07-07-12 09:55:15
wizmiz ::: Favorites
true man...damn ugly fuck
07-07-20 01:27:56
wizmiz ::: Favorites
07-07-20 01:36:26
wizmiz ::: Favorites
he aint jamaican..he said "she" we say "her"
07-07-20 01:39:39
mkarpll823 ::: Favorites
Try _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ for nekkid cam girls
07-08-04 04:45:18

A Spotlight on KittyCaht

Duration: 330 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-11 05:44:26
User: ChannelReviews
:::: Favorites
Description: There's basically three kinds of female YouTuber's. There's the Brilliant ones, which are rare. Then there are the interesting ones, which are a little more common but still not that numerous. Then there are chicks who are just hot. Which is KittyCaht? You might be surprised. I was. EDIT: Examples of Interesting Female Vloggers: A Brilliant Vlogger: And finally, the Best of the Best: EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention in the video was she seemed sweet. Then the way she handled the "aftermath" of this video confirms my ultimate conclusion of her....and I have subscribed to her.

ChannelReviews ::: Favorites
I am serious. She wrote that on her blog and her blog is better written than her vids. She dropped out of college at 15 to go into business for herself. She is a mass of contradictions, but a friend met her in San Fransisco when she was there and he was impressed by more than just her looks.
07-06-28 20:20:13
amyeditor ::: Favorites
I can't help but notice that your friend was male, and of course he's going to say good things about her...but whatever. So, do you think her vlogs are just an act? Even if that's true, who would want to appear that vapid and useless?
07-06-29 19:45:17
xlorstar ::: Favorites
What? She went to college? Mabybe blondie college lol. Don't believe everything you read! Boobs will make a man say anything.
07-07-08 17:43:07
aoiahiru ::: Favorites
I beg to differ on account of the boys. I, though completely female, most certainly do not want an "asshole." And that's the truth. You can take it, or you can leave it. But still, you know there are girls out there who THINK that they like "assholes"-- that is until their either cheated on, beaten, or worse... But I, I say nay.
07-07-10 11:01:41
jaychins ::: Favorites
lol i like ur response on her "fall asleep" part~
07-07-16 02:45:44
88hawaii ::: Favorites
I think a lot of pretty girls get lots of subscribers, simply because of their looks. It takes a lot more effort/wit/intelligence for someone not photogenic on camera to succeed with many subscribers on YouTube.
07-07-21 20:07:51
prestonflame12 ::: Favorites
i love what you said about old boys i agree with you old boys is an awesome movie and is a little underrated
07-07-25 03:24:38
melchiahus ::: Favorites
kittycaht goes to strip clubs, so she is like perfect
07-07-25 11:46:04
DjPat6 ::: Favorites
Your an idiot u should get a life. At least she doesnt go and watch youtube all fuckin gay to find some thing they dont like wow u r a...faggot
07-08-05 17:38:12
amyeditor ::: Favorites
agreed! this theory carries over into real life, too. it sucks but its the way it is.
07-08-07 15:19:10

Happy Birthday Jim Norton

Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 06-05-20 22:45:53
User: SilentNick
:::: Favorites

Bryan Johnson & Mick Foley wish Jim Norton a happy birthday

zerox654 ::: Favorites
whos jim norton?
06-07-06 22:17:45
Arrowdodger ::: Favorites
kickass. Happy Jimday!
06-07-20 02:57:52

模范棒棒堂2007-08-01天后過境棒棒堂(上) Part1

Duration: 554 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 10:19:01
User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE
:::: Favorites


ming8989 ::: Favorites
actually in my opinion....ahben should wear other colour like blue...cos to me pink is for lollipop...its beter to wear other colour
07-08-03 11:39:23
zuttoaiba ::: Favorites
i miss momo. wad happened to him? havent seen him in a while...
07-08-03 12:19:36
cheeseisgood998 ::: Favorites
Yea i agree aben shouldn't be pink what a bad choice they made
07-08-03 12:34:57
dumbdumbray ::: Favorites
agree.. cuz i was lyk.. why da hell is aben wearin pink.. ppl will mistaken dat aben join lollipop..
07-08-03 13:12:07
lemonspices ::: Favorites
thats because he is different from other didi... if fans really know lollipop they wont think he is with them x)
07-08-03 22:52:00
squigglyswirls ::: Favorites
he is not in lollipop but the thing is he already is an actor. because he is the main actor of one show. called 18jing bu jing and he also sang in the Vpower concert in taiwan. so he is already considered somehow the same status as those in lollipop
07-08-03 23:04:11
sittivat26 ::: Favorites
a ben should wear something different from other didi, maybe pink just means he is an actor already, it doesnt means he join lollipop
07-08-04 03:59:48
silentwj ::: Favorites
ah ben is signed by channel v as a artiste le... thats why hes wearing pink...
07-08-04 05:40:05

okan tapan yakalandı1

Duration: 37 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 13:37:55
User: ucankusmedya
:::: Favorites

okan tapar yeni

Gore Vidal on the Democrats and religion

Duration: 239 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 06:45:24
User: TheRealNews
:::: Favorites

How different would a Democratic Party administration be? "The Democratic Party is a machine to get votes for its people. None of whom should probably be elected to the high offices of state. The Republican Party is fundamentally crooked."

RattyRatman ::: Favorites
IMPEACH:... Usalone. Com Impeachbush. Org Pledgetoimpeach. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 15th:... Sept15. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 29th:... Troopsoutnow. Org YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Congress. Org Senate. Gov MEDIA: Fair. Org TROOP RESISTANCE:... Sirnosir. Com Ivaw. Org Couragetoresist. Org
07-08-07 03:30:24
openbrains ::: Favorites
Evangelical fundamentalist Christians had their day in the sun in 2004, when they sold people , me among them, that the Democrats as anti-God, and we should watch the gays and the abortion rate. In the meantime, the Reupublcans sneaked thru a war with a country whose crime was we did not like their regime, , and also were weak enough to defeat.
07-08-07 04:09:28
GlobalHuntMan ::: Favorites
Bush could probably care less about the quality of the Iraqi regime or how easy it was to fight them; what he does care about is all their oil. Just follow the money.
07-08-07 13:07:40
Braindamage351 ::: Favorites
The oil theory would make a lot more sense if we got any oil from Iraq.
07-08-07 15:58:49
exelsior ::: Favorites
Yep, it's other vested interests, and trust me none of these interests are aligned with those of America. In fact, there are theories that the Iraq war was purposefully caused to bring America further down in the eyes of the rest of the world, and to deepen the economic crisis and debt.
07-08-07 19:08:22
sptdonkey ::: Favorites
It is more than money--it is creating the new Rome. It is imperialism.
07-08-07 20:06:18
johninjersey ::: Favorites
Gore Vidal is still as wacky as ever LOL This is funny stuff! Is this from a comedy central tv series ???
07-08-07 18:30:07
frubatye ::: Favorites
True, true! Did u hear the one about America being a democracy...:}!!lol
07-08-07 22:52:31
glenn101 ::: Favorites
Abe Lincoln was Republican
07-08-07 20:35:57
ssprokofiev ::: Favorites
I never realized the left was so loony. Gore Vidal spoke nonsense decades ago and still does. Worse, fools listen to him.
07-08-07 21:33:34
openbrains ::: Favorites
Notice that the war is not paid by the Iraqis and their oil profits.If so, the war would be self-financed.We already own the oil. We are there for the 600 billion taht has been spent bu US. Notice: In Iraq There are few hospitals , schools or infrastructure.Refrigeration is from ice. The pay raise for the military was turned down. Humvees are under-armourmed. So we are there because of the $600 billion spent, $540 was spent on 100% owned Cheney/Bush accounts.
07-08-07 23:43:02
Farooq87 ::: Favorites
Not only has the "far right" fucked up America, I think they have fucked up the world (and will continue to do so, primarly because they think there going to be on this for a relatively short period of time.)
07-08-08 00:18:00

4.5 Stars

Duration: 102 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-22 08:08:35
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Oh I'm not talking about YouTube stars. I'm talking about something WAY more important. Thanks to Sophia for melting Grant's heart. He got 4.5 stars at school, and Sophia sent him a video

inabobina29 ::: Favorites
i love this song. this just made my day :)
07-04-29 20:43:13
designermom3boys ::: Favorites
That song could pull a tear out of the hardest heart....and the kids pull the heart-strings even tighter. Love your kids Nalts! (still love mine more)
07-04-29 23:23:23
stormsinateacup ::: Favorites
Most adorable thing I've ever seen, brought tears to my eyes! lol.
07-05-03 12:51:44
heather0585 ::: Favorites
i really hope you were kidding about being a teacher because if you type like that i really dont want to know what those poor kids are learning.
07-05-14 21:16:48
mamamialove ::: Favorites
Love that Sophia...more more more... So what time do you start your movie making Hee Hee
07-06-02 13:06:44
NaltsNalts ::: Favorites
Aww, I love it that Grant(Spiderman?) has your lisp Nalts! Oh, and Charlie is at his absolute cutest here too!
07-06-16 17:53:18
MisterKill666 ::: Favorites
i love kids theyre so adorable.. i really want to have kids lol too bad im only 18 and have to wait quite a while tell i could get married
07-06-22 03:19:03
Mom2AJ ::: Favorites
This is a sweet video! 5 stars
07-06-27 15:07:01
paintthesky128 ::: Favorites
grant sounds just like the voice of babe in the babe movies. adorable! also charlie's hello at the end is the best part of the video in my opinion :)
07-07-11 17:06:24
berylsexywifep ::: Favorites
Find cheap college textbooks just visit CHEAPCOLLEGETEXTS dot NET
07-07-23 03:02:53

Bush in Albania, the truth about his watch

Duration: 44 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-13 05:42:27
User: tuklani
:::: Favorites

Was his wristwatch really stolen? See for yourself.

AlbanianGirl28 ::: Favorites
haha u bastards !no one stole his watch happy now thats the proof!so stop talkin rubish
07-06-28 11:26:12
ARHANGEL75 ::: Favorites
Yes USA love moslem,they first love AVganistan,after that Iran and you know how finish Avganistan,Albanian is next
07-06-30 12:20:04
unclemitso ::: Favorites
stolen or taken off so as not to be stolen. same shit. either way he knows hes surrounded by theives
07-07-07 13:10:30
UnBorN91 ::: Favorites
You mother fucker you can see now the proof so shut your fucking mouth up!!!Proud To be an Albanian!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-08 11:36:30
nesti89 ::: Favorites
there you have it u fuckin bitches, shut ur fuckin mouth now ALBOZ 4 LIFE =]
07-07-09 21:59:32
burrelsiii ::: Favorites
FUCK greeks FUCK serbs  FUCK rusians FUCK all of you haters ALBANIANS FOREVER We dont rob our friends we rob motherfuckers like sllavs and greeks FUCK YOU JEALOUS CUNTS
07-07-10 10:03:34
Grosste ::: Favorites
did you see mother fucker,that watch was not stolen!we would do that never,because he was gut respected by us albaniens..and you serb mother fuckers dont by upsed that the biggest president and strongest state in world is our biggest frend,and he will help us to do our state.also passt auf ihr vlahen von uns weil in nachsten jahren wir werden sogar bei euch kommen wo damals unsere land war...ihr wisst schon dass ihr unsere land okupiert habt im 6jahr hundert wo von karpaten gekommen seit..
07-07-16 15:01:41
doonvito ::: Favorites
@holySErbia Pa ti pitaj narod na Bosnu sto ste pravele da ti jebam sve spisok na svadu tebe pa vie masakrirate deca da vi jebam ebanata naciju pravite vojna protiv deca i zeni UNITED STATES OF ALBANIA
07-07-18 14:20:54
detectosoretes ::: Favorites
Even if someone stole de watch, we should take it with humor. The Albanian people showed friendship for the USA, in this case represented by it's President. I respect the Albanian people because of that. Their friendship with the USA will be more advantageous that a frienship with some Muslim loser state or some retrograd uncivilized Balkan state.
07-07-18 14:26:20
livsmallchicksg ::: Favorites
CAMAZONDATING dot COM for the hottest adult webcam dating site!
07-08-04 03:34:15

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-12棒棒堂淘汰 赛(中)Part5

Duration: 492 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-15 00:51:11
User: LuvLolliPoPBlackiE
:::: Favorites

模范棒棒堂 2007-07-12

Hagi, in Benfica-Steaua (1988), by Cristi Otopeanu

Duration: 57 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-07 02:24:47
User: cristiotopeanu
:::: Favorites

Hagi, in Benfica-Steaua 2-0 (1988), by Cristi Otopeanu,

Haircut Lady

Duration: 106 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-03 06:41:17
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Vietnamese lady who cuts my hair. I think she needs her own YouTube account.

congestacongeela ::: Favorites
Yeah, she's good. (the hairdresser) You might want to consider making her a regular. I liked "Wife Of Nalt's" (aka WON) reaction. Great.
07-01-25 20:03:42
cherryNerds ::: Favorites
they love to talk
07-03-12 18:05:35
christina0117 ::: Favorites
yeah wifeofnalts gave the "what are you on???" look lol
07-03-22 12:24:22
treehamallama ::: Favorites
soooooooooooo hilarious! i love all your videos! your just great
07-04-05 23:04:03
jaslynntay ::: Favorites
YAY more Nalty makes the world go round
07-04-16 07:38:57
Woss42 ::: Favorites
you stopped lactating!? omg, you should see a doctor or something!
07-04-30 21:18:17
Lauracavers ::: Favorites
Haha!! I think you still got lucky the first time you met Jo
07-05-13 22:51:36
Clodhopper432 ::: Favorites
haha her reaction to your get lucky comment was priceless!
07-05-17 00:48:36
xjdano ::: Favorites
good stuff nalts, but save yourself the $12 invest in home hair clippers and you can have Jo do your own hair, I mean renetto shaved it, so your wife can't hack it up too bad...
07-05-28 00:33:23
XxcherrychicxX ::: Favorites
lol xp
07-07-17 15:28:06

Starbucks Sellout

Duration: 95 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-27 10:29:08
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Proof that Starbucks is NOT sponsoring Nalts.

FightTheGooTube ::: Favorites
1. what the hell is starbucks?. 2. when it saiddeepe in debt, were you wearing make up?. and 3. i think that the guy is gay, he looks a bit...naltsey, lol only joking, he looks more elton johney than nalstey.
07-05-01 13:37:44
FightTheGooTube ::: Favorites
one more thing, is the woman at the window the bird woman out of home alone 2?
07-05-01 13:40:08
BellyButton3004 ::: Favorites
Ha ha - the Starbucks 'Guy with the White Teeth' is so camp!!!
07-05-07 15:39:27
choudboard ::: Favorites
07-05-09 07:29:04
ufo77777 ::: Favorites
gaynetto you suck and your stupid poor looser family too specialty your transexual wife with her big addam apple of hers and her drug problem she is a fucking addict and your poor stupid kids they are pick at school thank's to you for been a fucking stupid morron on you tube poor kids they are pick on daily at school where is child services to take away this ass hole
07-05-09 15:44:02
Jessiebessie93 ::: Favorites
you are a sad pathetic loser who is JELOUS of nalts AWSOME skills on Youtubee!! go get a LIFE
07-06-02 00:52:18
shojoe99 ::: Favorites
Yes the starbucks guy dates white guys cause I date him : ) and yes he is as nice as he is cute
07-06-24 15:36:36
jewels728 ::: Favorites
aww.we luv to hang out the window and talk the customers.its kinda fun
07-07-13 04:49:45
twinkart ::: Favorites
What's WRONG with you ufo77777?
07-07-28 21:09:09
danilabignymphax ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-04 00:58:46

Real Australians on why they're voting Rudd + Labor

Duration: 40 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 19:11:16
User: australianlabor
:::: Favorites

Vox pops! How will you vote? Visit for more information and to have your say.

Elean00r ::: Favorites
Well, i agree with what they are saying, but if they just said "kevin rudd" it would sound alot more....feasible, kevin07 sounds far too tacked on and not serious enough
07-08-07 05:01:55
Switchoffnow ::: Favorites
even though i've seen this footage under another thread i want to comment on the title (real australians)...want to ad bias pro-labor real australians. If this was a pro liberal video i'd say the same..not cool to try and suggest that these people are straight off the street.
07-08-07 05:34:18
pikendunny ::: Favorites
I will vote for kevin07 , because i think he stand for fairness for all Australians .
07-08-07 13:02:39