Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hardball: Religion & Politics God/Gods Debate Part 3

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 22:55:43
User: overmind25
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Debate about religion in Hardball Plaza


mturetzky21 ::: Favorites
Hahahahah Zack Sandoval?!?!?!!?! I used to debate that kid in high school. He pretty much made up Supreme Court cases and evidence and never really won anything. Everyone I knew hated him. He asked questions like that in Debate as well. It's nice to see I have something in common with Christopher Hitchens... and that is the answer that I used to give that idiot. I'm glad he finally made an asshole out of himself on National TV. He finally got what was coming to him.
07-09-13 21:11:56
roserake ::: Favorites
hahahahhahahahahhahah owned
07-08-18 06:44:17
julian87mia ::: Favorites
That should teach that little MoFo...jajaja
07-08-15 12:41:52
imranmandani ::: Favorites
haha...jcub is hilarious...and zach is an idiot!
07-08-15 08:46:27
Jcub1988 ::: Favorites
That idiots name is zach sandoval, i went to high school with him and he is the cockiest most fraudulent person to ever go to darmouth, and his question was ridiculous and made no sense
07-08-12 18:06:13
betsywetsy16 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 09:34:28
sLclemens ::: Favorites
what the kid was saying is that Hitch argues against religion to convert people into non-thiests with the idea that it will better their lives and the ones around them, but his ad-hominem attacks, although deliver a point, actually turn people away from the logic of his message.
07-08-11 17:42:30
t0kt0k ::: Favorites
He was saying that Hitchens attacks religion and belittle religious people, and in doing so he delivers his otherwise valid and useful message in such a way that it can never get across to the people who need to hear it. It's something Hitchens is charged with everywhere he goes, and it's one of the problems with his viewpoint that he has never answered.
07-07-27 08:03:04
t0kt0k ::: Favorites
Not at all. Sharpton comes out of this intact while I've never seen old Hitch coming off so weak. He avoids every question and says nothing that isn't a rehash of one of his standard quotes. I guess he was hungover.
07-07-27 08:01:06
colevan ::: Favorites
what crack you smoking dude....jeees..sharpton sounds like a fraud...total fraud...
07-07-18 13:46:07

Warcraft 2 - Orc's Win Dark Portal

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-27 04:15:52
User: David999999
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Orc Victory at Dark Portal.


Hotora86 ::: Favorites
best game EVAH!
07-09-08 13:00:50
Weskerdude666 ::: Favorites
yay, gul'dan!
07-08-02 12:32:34
gehennis ::: Favorites
it´s Ner´zhul
07-08-03 17:59:07
demdem00 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 04:32:39
Turoksar ::: Favorites
ok..so after watching it a couple of times...i noticed something.... watch the ogres eyes carefully and ul not only see they are red but they pop out! ( a bit)
07-05-13 10:22:36
Mykayel ::: Favorites
Me three ^^
07-05-09 07:16:34
Turoksar ::: Favorites
im the only 1 to watch this?
07-04-09 13:12:34
Sephiroth3003 ::: Favorites
no, I watched it too
07-05-09 02:06:08

a little smile with rain

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-21 10:07:32
User: royalsoul
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its funny watch it :)


SHOFEHR ::: Favorites
thats funny:):):):)
07-09-08 02:36:43
isilvalie ::: Favorites
I laughed so hard and I don't even speak Korean! Wish there were subtitles. Did they do this somewhere in Seoul?
07-09-01 23:11:58
yellowladee ::: Favorites
where can i get this doll of rain?? let me know....hahahha
07-08-06 01:14:38
linnytran307 ::: Favorites
OMGGGG they touched "its" boobs D: i guess the old man liked him too ;D LMAO
07-08-01 20:15:21
NilesPrincess ::: Favorites
If you like Rain please go here to support him here "3w" webcloud "dot" co "dot" kr ... This is a petieion for LA Concert Cancellation issue. Thank you! Fighting!!
07-07-06 04:58:35
BelleKuragari ::: Favorites
I would have...man...let's not even discuss it <---shakes head
07-07-04 01:52:42
lulisayiwish ::: Favorites
oh ! I want a model like this la ~~ so lovely ~~
07-06-27 11:12:39
lebyleby ::: Favorites
oh .. thtz amazing .. heh ...
07-06-03 05:59:13
bibigfan ::: Favorites
english sub pls... if i'd meet him in person... i'll hug him!! lol
07-03-11 07:19:59
MzHayz ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH this had me laughin from begining to end latho i don't know what they're saying !! haahh rain soo adorabl;e !!
07-02-16 09:39:58

The Verve - Sonnet Guitar Lesson

Duration: 03:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-31 19:05:20
User: galtesler
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kennyboysee ::: Favorites
very good m8, could u do a lesson for lucky man , go on m8 ,am ready to fling ma guitar oot the window
07-09-24 07:16:54
pijamon2b ::: Favorites
Man, it's a very nice lesson... will be great if you put the note just a second before than it's playin, may be so people can keep the song as their are playing. (sory if my english it's not good)
07-08-23 10:58:20
djgringoboy2003 ::: Favorites
When you play the C, F you hold the first string on the 3rd fret for the last strum down on that cord. You only do this in the intro.
07-08-20 13:52:28
seany22 ::: Favorites
i like your voice mine gets that high when i try to squeeze a super shit out in the mornin
07-06-20 10:10:07
MinorNight ::: Favorites
when you hit C and F, u have to hit first string on the 3rd fret at the end i hope u understand
07-06-17 15:55:11
MinorNight ::: Favorites
i play F but i hit string E1 like C on the 3rd fret
07-06-17 15:52:41
galtesler ::: Favorites
What is wrong with the F please correct me thanks
07-06-13 13:15:54
MinorNight ::: Favorites
you play it wrong on the F
07-06-13 12:57:19
LPmusicLP ::: Favorites
very good!!! xD I like iT. ******
07-05-27 14:05:36
MinorNight ::: Favorites
07-05-14 10:15:24

Randy Rhoads

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-18 14:39:32
User: arnoldjones
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Tribute Randy Rhoads - Dee


GeneralFuzzums ::: Favorites
im obsessed with Randy Rhoads.....he still influences more guitarists than anyone ever will. I mean look at Alexi Laiho, hes amazing, but he would be that good if it wasnt for Randy. i dont even need to talk about how amazing of a player he was.
07-09-18 00:44:17
akira5150 ::: Favorites
secret of genius
07-09-15 10:07:50
firesnake7810 ::: Favorites
Randy Rhoads was the greatest guitarist the world has ever known and without him he would not have inspired some of the other guitarists that came after him. He was a genius, a legend, a son, and most importantly a person.
07-08-29 19:34:43
MetalHeadMat666 ::: Favorites
nice, thats all i gotta say
07-08-07 16:24:32
alkremer ::: Favorites
sonna hayai yanai to omou kedo sa ... ii gitaristo desu..ore ni mo suki na...
07-07-31 01:36:39
smokvica23 ::: Favorites
short and sweet
07-07-26 11:12:29
hikaru39 ::: Favorites
私にとってのNo,1ギタリストでした。 ランディー...早すぎるよ...
07-07-21 11:44:44
matt21randyrhoads ::: Favorites
thank god thank u for blocking him i could choke him if i ever saw him R.I.P Randy
07-07-09 14:50:00
ekinsb ::: Favorites
he meant that in a bad way. A lot of talented guitarists were just a Rhoads clone which he didnt want because he wanted someone with a different playing style because he knows for sure that there will never be another Randy Rhoads.
07-06-27 21:53:18
jasonbecker3000 ::: Favorites
i think is the best guitar player i have never seen in the world. Is better than hendrix and malmsteen etc because he have is passion and he played with finess and dexterity R.I.P
07-06-16 01:12:58

Congres Govt Questions Existence of Lord Ram Ramayan & Sethu

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-13 00:18:43
User: Hinduism111
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Congress Govt Questions the Existence of Lord Ram Ramayan & Ram setu. Karunanidhi of DMK who has covered his eyes with black glasses also has a black hole in his brain. He divides hindus as aryans and dravidians while the fact is Hindus are indigenous people of India. Tamil people need to wake up and throw this fool out for ever.


protestcoin ::: Favorites
07-09-24 19:19:27
EXChristian0 ::: Favorites
mickeyiim, you are an intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded moron. Poor chap, can't really blame you, you're just brainwashed - typical "Christian" behaviour on display!
07-09-24 08:07:32
namonalee ::: Favorites
In India, the Hindus can't even stand up for their own faith EVEN WHEN ATTACKED-- they are immediately called "fundamentalists". FUCK THIS GOVT. Thanks for this eye opening video.
07-09-24 04:16:48
scorpio007 ::: Favorites
A word about CONGRESS "Once Mahatma Gandhi used the Word "WHORE" for this party: and he was not wrong ... They have always HARMED Hiduism and India .. why do hindus even Elect them ???
07-09-24 03:19:42
kumaaras79 ::: Favorites
who fucked virgin mary? to become mother mary and give birth to your father jesus the slave.you converts have no identity you are all a confused lot who are always trying to become a westerner!
07-09-23 14:44:25
amrikane ::: Favorites
You Doing good Job. Karunanidhi is a sucker old man.
07-09-23 14:04:13
amrikane ::: Favorites
You stupid, Have respect to other's religion. When did you sold yourself to Christian Missinary.
07-09-23 14:03:34
mickeyiim ::: Favorites
Loving enemies too is the real love and only through which we can attain salvation..... But no religion other than christianity says like that..... so christianity is the ONLY TRUE RELIGION and the only religion... other religions are only stories.... You wont get any thing through that... I prayed to christ and got all the things i ask..... poor hindus you wont be getting that because its false.... follow christ and be safe..... HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE......
07-09-23 12:37:44
mickeyiim ::: Favorites
But real survey shows that you have no mind nor common sense you ass hole!
07-09-23 12:28:29
mickeyiim ::: Favorites
ha ha ha........ha ha ha........ ram and dasrath are both imaginary.... the father of christ is the real God you mother fucker...!
07-09-23 12:26:22

Ja Rule- Exodus

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-29 22:10:26
User: BIGD06
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Wicked video, Ja Rule!


SouthernG2121 ::: Favorites
U white boyz need to stick to wut u do best, cursing out ur moms. And beating ur women. Mad cause u know u can't compete in between da sheets. See I look at it like this, hate us or love us...Atleast someone is thinkin of me...LOL I mean it must really suck to had some nigga fuck yo bitch, I mean why else wud u be mad at tha race, at tha world now wut I'm sayin. Obviously somebody is having a lil problem if u kno wut I mean.
07-09-25 00:25:46
SouthernG2121 ::: Favorites
"Niggers" are stupid, well how come u have many so many white boyz tryin to imitate.huh, u see 1000's of Eminems, but I don't see no blk ppl doin rock and shit. Honkey. If niggers are so ignorant then u tell me why yall buy more of the music than we do. Thas why 50 lost out to Kanye ol funny ass, cause he was pimpin u lil faggot ass white boyz out ur pockets. Man up cracker and stop talkin shit thru the computer.
07-09-25 00:17:57
letsgojogging ::: Favorites
Niggers only can do rap and sell crack. those are the only things they are any good for. LOL
07-09-24 19:59:52
musikaddict007 ::: Favorites
check out this great mp3 site I found! TWISTEDMP3 . COM You can download all the new hits for Free! TWISTEDMP3 . COM
07-09-24 18:48:17
musikaddict007 ::: Favorites
check out this great mp3 site I found! TWISTEDMP3 . COM You can download all the new hits for Free! TWISTEDMP3 . COM
07-09-24 18:48:13
v0te0rd1e ::: Favorites
WILL MY NIGGER ATTACK ME? Not unless it outnumbers you 20 to 1, and even then, it's not likely. If niggers successfully overthrew their owners, they'd have to sort out their own food. This is probably why nigger uprisings were nonexistent (until some fool gave them rights).
07-09-24 14:34:45
bbchoco1 ::: Favorites
this song is the third best rap song of ja after clapbak and murder reign
07-09-24 08:49:59
murda4life718 ::: Favorites
wat else can i say... Itz Murdaaaaaaaa!!!!1
07-09-22 17:04:56
MurderINC52 ::: Favorites
check out Ja new video.. "Body" on ma profile!!!
07-09-22 13:03:44
MurderINC52 ::: Favorites
check out Ja new video.. "Body" on ma profile!!!
07-09-22 12:58:51

This is Halloween ~ Marilyn Manson version

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-07 17:36:55
User: TaintedxxxLust
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Pretty good if you ask me... No copyright infringment!


IsEsDeAdPpL ::: Favorites
yo my friend let me listen to this on his ipod and i friggen love it
07-09-24 19:21:06
rickjaames ::: Favorites
dude this kicks ass
07-09-17 22:05:02
guitarfairyprincess ::: Favorites
oh my god that was amazing
07-09-16 00:26:53
Yume1993 ::: Favorites
this song is very good....i love jack
07-07-29 05:57:44
Mendez106 ::: Favorites
nice Marilyn Manson is awsome and it goes together dident think they mad it like that
07-06-29 00:26:12
Jess229 ::: Favorites
omfg this is so freaking awsome!!!!!!!!
07-06-02 17:59:41
sloany1572 ::: Favorites
super sexy. i love it
07-06-01 13:20:51
FuzzyWhisper ::: Favorites
I love this.
07-03-31 01:24:22
awaitednightmare ::: Favorites
This is creepy...
07-03-03 10:07:43
majinvlad ::: Favorites
Danny Elfman's was better!
07-02-20 10:28:04

BANKSY has returned, although to tell the truth never it has

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-24 10:29:01
User: Hartumas
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Aqui teneis la magia de BANKSY. Algunas fotos nuevas nuevas, otras simplemente lo mejorcito... BANKSY al poder. Here you have more magic of Banksy. Some photos are new, others simply are the best thing of the best thing... BANKSY to the power! Musica de Suko, Paisajes de Acuarela


Sp4ddel ::: Favorites
Great video ! 5 S
07-09-24 14:59:03
rabbitlegs ::: Favorites
a couple of minor pieces shown are not 'Banksy' as far as Im aware? But great vid all the same....wish I could speak more French
07-09-22 19:25:59
Hartumas ::: Favorites
what pieces are not Banksy? PD: I'm not French, I'm spanish....
07-09-24 10:45:01
rabbitlegs ::: Favorites
sorry about that! 1.14 the guy with his arms out. 2.05 the rocket launcher/Doves
07-09-24 10:54:07
DanReborn ::: Favorites
why is everybody speaking french?? haha
07-09-12 22:53:06
gelsonbr ::: Favorites
Muito bom.
07-07-14 15:29:48
AndresG2006 ::: Favorites
como se llama la cancion
07-07-01 13:11:26
Hartumas ::: Favorites
Si te fijas un poco mas arriba, he puesto que el tema es de "Suko", la maqueta se llama "Paisajes de Acuarela" y la canción se llama "A veces". Saludos!
07-07-01 15:42:43
Freeruninside ::: Favorites
pues no conocia a este mc pero me gusta su estilo. Conoces a DR.hofmann? es del estilo platilleo tb pero vamos lo que es graffiti q interactue con el entorno no abia visto cosa igual a banksy
07-05-30 04:41:53
Hartumas ::: Favorites
Bua.... pues el caso es que habia oido hablar de Dr. Hofmann pero nunca me habia entretenido en buscar cosas sobre él. Hoy he estado buscando y ha sido impresionante... mucho plantilleo.... pero nada como Banksy.... salu2!
07-06-21 17:43:10

Intervista doppia donna Nord e Sud

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-02 12:40:31
User: altromercato
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Intervista doppia a una produttrice della cooperativa Meru Herbs - Kenya (fornitrice di prodotti alimentari per Altromercato) e ad una lavoratrice italiana di un'azienda di trasformazione di prodotti alimentari. Gennaio 2007


ZUTicone ::: Favorites
potrei chiedere a chi ha messo questo video qual'era il messaggio che voleva lasciare per gli utenti?
07-09-24 17:34:34
Nokia6280fromitaly ::: Favorites
Concordo con cadogan12... Anch'io non vedi differenze esagerate...
07-09-24 17:24:29
tlpitalia ::: Favorites
Quindi?! Con 1100€ a Milano non vivi con 900€ al mese di mutuo (minimo). Se aggiungi 200€ di spesa, luce, gas, condominio, ecc. non si arriva a fine mese. In Africa non si vive bene ma la casa ce l'hanno tutti, mentre qui (che siamo "ricchi") abbiamo case di proprietà delle banche. Evitiamo quindi interviste-pacco: un italiano VERO non può permettersi 5 locali con 1100€ al mese nel nord Italia...credete che siamo scemi?!
07-09-23 22:52:07
angeloriviello ::: Favorites
Ci sono cittadini italiani che guadagnono 800 euro al mese e ne pagano 600 per l'affitto di un buco in città..e poi...mangiano pane e cipolla (quando c'è).Mentre in Kenia si può vivere anche in una capanna. Tutto sommato gli stipendi sono molto simili...e forse in Italia si sta anche peggio. Bravi voi dell'altro mercato. Indagate meglio...
07-09-23 13:29:36
puffoclimber ::: Favorites
il campione non è rappresentativo di nulla, tano meno di grandi e supposte differenze...
07-09-23 11:49:01
puffoclimber ::: Favorites
hai ragione-...non si capisce nulla...le condizioni non si diversificano molto...anzi...
07-09-23 11:48:24
cadogan12 ::: Favorites
non vedo grandi differenze
07-09-23 11:34:01
Maurazio ::: Favorites
la donna del sud non è povera come altri, ha perfino il cellulare lol
07-09-23 11:15:04
anatros ::: Favorites
Forse questo propagandato primo mondo in cui gli italiani pensano di abitare non primeggia così tanto
07-09-23 10:58:02
iome87 ::: Favorites
Il video non è del tipo "Oh, poverini quelli del terzo mondo", ma di come altromercato offra condizioni di lavoro eque e che incoraggi l'impresa locale anche in paesi dove la norma è lo sfruttamento da parte di compagnie estere.
07-09-23 09:43:17

Funda Arar Seni Ben Ellerin Olsun Diye Mi Sevdim Sarı Sıcak

Duration: 06:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-25 23:02:56
User: desprite
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Funda Arar Seni Ben Ellerin Olsun Diye Mi Sevdim Sarı Sıcak


berkay1222 ::: Favorites
07-09-17 06:25:01
mehcos123 ::: Favorites
dikat arkadaslar husnu senlendircinin sesi kime benziyo bilin bakalim? )))
07-08-19 00:53:01
obituary999 ::: Favorites
kime benziyo ben çıkartamadım :)
07-09-19 07:57:35
hammettalica ::: Favorites
07-09-22 00:51:39
hasanm1905 ::: Favorites
ben de bu kadına hastayım........
07-08-16 09:00:36
donjuan00123 ::: Favorites
gercekten mükemmmellll harika yaaaaaaaa
07-08-11 18:47:25
tarkanol ::: Favorites
Offf yaaaaa Ne kadar güzel okumuş. Ağzına sağlık....
07-08-06 06:37:47
CaSSiNi1905 ::: Favorites
Mükemmel bi sanat müziği şarkısı ve mükemmel yorum Funda Arar'dan teşekkürler...
07-08-05 18:40:52
bkurekciler ::: Favorites
işte ses işte yorum!!!
07-08-02 15:53:50

Chega de saudade (Guitar & Vocal-Enrique Arnaiz)

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-02 04:34:20
User: ikelandia
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Clases de Guitarra Buenos Aires Argentina profemusica2@hotmail.com


coracorazon ::: Favorites
you are professional! great!! arigatou!
07-09-05 13:46:39
crcluiz ::: Favorites
07-08-26 13:55:02
kaleu84 ::: Favorites
demais cara... parabens...
07-08-05 09:03:33
Pensador ::: Favorites
Muito bem!
07-08-01 21:52:54
sitwmimi ::: Favorites
Vai minha tristeza e diz a ela que sem ela não pode ser,diz-lhe numa prece que ela regresse, porque eu não posso mais sofrer. Chega de saudade a realidade é que sem ela não há paz, não há beleza é só tristeza e a melancolia Que não sai de mim, não sai de mim, não sai
07-07-23 08:55:59
Boulez88 ::: Favorites
Nice Job !!!
07-07-22 19:41:32
Saintmicky ::: Favorites
La linguare de Portegais cest multi romantiques e belo. Um primus-obrarre tutto!
07-07-17 03:47:15
williammjs ::: Favorites
concordo com badeco1234, a note que procede "sem ter fim" é sétima menor, mas de todo, está muito bom
07-07-17 00:27:47
neopandorex ::: Favorites
woah... anybody has the tabs for that.. i think i dont play it the best way possible! i love these chords
07-06-06 19:20:54
rkderj ::: Favorites
Voce eh parecido com o Vinicius!! Legal
07-05-21 05:35:07

Kevin Everett brutal helmet to helmet hit

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-11 18:43:47
User: 8Assassins
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On September 9th, 2007, Buffalo Bills tight end Kevin Everett suffered severe spine injury after a helmet to helmet tackle.


aristocratECUME312 ::: Favorites
WOW! WOW! WOW! Movie Of Celebrity Nastassja Kinski Exposes Tits & Sex Scenes Visit XXX Celebrity Archive : celebSex.ath[dot]cx
07-09-24 16:13:02
kmf1978 ::: Favorites
There is no such thing as a full recovery for an injury like this!!! He is just going to be lucky enough to be able to walk again. As far as the first thing people learn, well let me ask you this.......Didn't your Mom and Dad teach you manners and all the things that go along with growing up? Have you EVER broken any of those rules? Either on purpose or not? Point made!! I love you Kevin and Good luck with recovery!!!
07-09-23 13:58:11
GoJaguars ::: Favorites
It may not have been the most eloquent way to say it but naturedweller is right. First thing you learn (or should I say, SHOULD learn) is to NEVER tackle with the crown of your helmet. My team teaches you that before you are even assigned to a specific position, offense or defense. It's sad it happened to him and I truly hope he'll make a full recovery, but if he does he'll be very lucky.
07-09-23 08:48:29
alscott33 ::: Favorites
Go kevin!
07-09-23 01:34:04
Ba2124xero ::: Favorites
They say he'll walk again soon It's amazing, go Kevin!
07-09-22 20:10:23
spartanwr89 ::: Favorites
good luck kev ev
07-09-21 20:06:39
VDiaz72 ::: Favorites
he's right though. I coach football and we always teach the kids to keep their heads up when they tackle or else something like that could happen. just because hes a professional doesn't mean that he never make mistakes. if its true that he is gonna be able to walk again then he just dodged a major bullet. Im in a wheelchair myself and i know how hard it is to come back from something like that.
07-09-20 20:27:49
ChiDynasty12 ::: Favorites
he's gonna be able to walk soon, thank god. i pray for the best for him, what an unfortunate situation. stay strong kevin
07-09-20 20:13:14
BlazingBeef ::: Favorites
well... so far they said he will walk again. some dude on ESPN said he might make a comeback but i doubt it.
07-09-20 20:00:18
realyboreD ::: Favorites
hope he gets better, what a player.
07-09-20 18:16:28