Saturday, September 8, 2007

Last Gasp Cafe 78

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-29 20:12:04
User: PeterCleave
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Song for the Stairways. Colin McCahon composed and performed by Peter Cleave

Cool Drift by wWw.Fan-Video.Com

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-24 13:54:24
User: pitbulache
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better than tokyo drift :D

Chaser's War on Everything SEASON 2 Episode 5 Part 2

Duration: 10:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-16 04:58:16
User: waterproject123
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I have created a Chaser's fans Youtube Group called "chasersbiggestfans". If you love the Chaser, please do not hesitate to join freely. Type in the domain: Australia's favourite primetime satirical comedy team is back for a whole new season of laughs - watch them mock our political leaders (and America's), attack the mass media and target absolutely anyone and everyone. WARNING: FOR MATURE AUDIENCES OVER 15 ONLY.

Rosie attacked as Far-Left American Enemy & General 9/11 Nut

Duration: 09:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-03 00:01:44
User: urWURLDnow
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Rosie attacked as Far-Left American Enemy & General 9/11 Nut

PowerAndPerception ::: Favorites
He's a lying scumbag. Most people around the world are now aware of the reality of the situation. What was the name of Iraq's former defence minister, who said when they were being invaded: "We are killing them all." and "Iraq is winning the war!" O'Reilly must have loved that guy...
07-09-07 04:12:57
PowerAndPerception ::: Favorites
Erm... they're right Billy boy! Is O'Reilly an ex-Nazi propaganda expert?
07-09-07 03:59:09
kingpoe1 ::: Favorites
this o'reilly guy sux a lot
07-09-07 02:24:00
Heathen531 ::: Favorites
"not smart, hater, anti-American, radical left, demeaning her country, garbage, hate Bush, far left, doing damage, radicals, extremists, running wild, far out, irresponsible, dangerous, Americans always turn away from haters, you start to sympathize with the enemy, you can't come back" Is this Bill O' Reilly talking or Joseph Goebbels?
07-09-07 00:11:07
Heathen531 ::: Favorites
One of the towers had already been bombed once but Condoleezza Rice and other officials stated that they had no way of knowing that anyone would try and fly planes into the buildings, yet FEMA's own manual had a depiction of a passenger jet being flown into the WTC towers and NORAD had trained for this very scenario. Their words betray them.
07-09-06 23:38:42
Heathen531 ::: Favorites
I actually voted for Bush because I actually believed Mr. "I don't believe in nation building", so I'm a right-wing guy that now believes that some in the Bush administration had prior knowledge of the attacks and or conspired to create 9/11.
07-09-06 23:16:27
begotka2007 ::: Favorites
timeforchange2007.blogspot I will change things! THEY HAVE GONE TOO FAR!!!
07-08-27 23:10:53
atlibent ::: Favorites
typical stupid american
07-08-24 10:11:27
atlibent ::: Favorites
users who believe the official story of 9/11 or other people to be aware of: ghk13287 pssartre amustad skyking757 theRealKG Yeseniiiiia aussiestormer Cecil811 keep adding to this list and help repost this on other 9/11 related videos
07-08-24 10:09:30
amustad ::: Favorites
Excuse me Atibent, shove your BS back up your arse
07-08-23 22:51:20

Cindy Sheehan Calls for Impeachment of George W. Bush

Duration: 08:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-11 23:21:06
User: liamh2
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Cindy Sheehan, Co-Founder of the Gold Star Families for Peace, at a forum in Philadelphia, PA, at the National Constitution Center, calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and V.P Dick Cheney.

sanannmay ::: Favorites
ONLY 48 American soldiers have died so far this month! And Dow Jones and corporate America is just booming,,thanks junior bush.
07-07-19 23:00:58
c1magr8 ::: Favorites
Thank Goodness for Cindy! She and Michael Moore are TRUE PATRIOTS!!! All you so-called-conservative MORONS who support this idiot president need to get your heads out of your ass and wake the hell up! Bush is the ABSOLUTE WORST PRESIDENT in US history!
07-07-08 22:29:31
sanannmay ::: Favorites
Wrong,NoMOBrains, I obviously don't stand for Junior's crap and I damn sure never failed for his lies and always knew he was an idiot,like the rest of the world. Maybe one day,before the "terrorists" come and get you, you might figure that out for yourself.
07-06-20 20:25:06
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
Liberals like you and your idol Cindy stand for nothing, which is why you fall for anything. The world knows how well the yellow-belly liberals like you and Cindy stand up when the terrorists whom you so readily mollify, placate, and appease are here to cut your neck off. Then we will see who the real cowards are.
07-06-20 17:20:06
sanannmay ::: Favorites
I like Cindy because she has the gall to stand up and see the reality of a situation and not stand behind a President or his war mongering policy and she isn't full of "FEAR" of Junior's fantasy "axis of evil" or WMD or "the buggie man is going to come and get ya unless you let me "pertek" you". It is COWARDS like YOU that are hiding behind a madman skirt, because he has instilled FEAR into you..COWARD.
07-06-20 10:39:29
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
You like Cindy because you are a flamboyant flaming Liberal. You are the cause of the "big spenders" in DC because liberals like you are reactive and not proactive. So, it is idiots like YOU who keep your assholes going.
07-06-20 03:35:33
sanannmay ::: Favorites
And speaking out against an idiot and a corrupt government is not aiding and conforting your so called "enemy". It's idiots like you that keep these assholes going.
07-06-18 19:07:59
sanannmay ::: Favorites
I don't have a liberal "attitued". And I assure you I detest Reid,Pelosi more than you Repubs.I rather like Cindy. Unfortunately,I am not in control of the "aid and comfort" to aid anyone. You have me confused with Junior and his bunch. They are the big spenders. I never was for sending kids to their deaths over there. So,wrong again NoMoBrain.
07-06-18 19:06:44
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
It's your liberal attitude running the country to the ground. You and your friends Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Cindy Sheehan are too busy providing aid & comfort to the very terrorists who want to cut your neck off. It is YOU who is prolonging and escalating the war and the death of soldiers.
07-06-18 15:55:21
sanannmay ::: Favorites
You got it wrong NOMOBrains,,it's your frickin Pres and Congress running this country to the ground. The few nuts like you that are supporting them will go down with them. You are an I-D-I-O=T.
07-06-17 11:03:55

Dj Miau by wWw.Fan-Video.Com

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-05 19:24:35
User: pitbulache
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ce dragalasa e misica... si remixul... nu e rau :D

Cindy Farguhar at the Baltimore Speak-Out on Iraq

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-26 18:33:55
User: liamh2
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Cindy Farguhar shares her views at the "Baltimore Speak-Out for Peace in Iraq" event. It was sponsored by the local United for Peace and Justice group. Virginia Rodino served as the Moderator. The affair, on March 19, 2007, was held at St. Vincent de Paul's RC Church.

baltimoreravensfc ::: Favorites
What a shame having an abortionist speak in a Roman Catholic church! Oh no...
07-03-27 21:37:04


Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-29 10:18:54
User: skyhighdogs
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T-rex450SEV2 ナイトブレード装着で決死のホバリングです。締め切った部屋の中で渦巻く乱気流と闘ってます。暗いし狭いし怖いです。胴体にも電飾して夜飛ばしてみたいですね。明るいうちに外でも飛ばしてみましたが、なかなかこのカーボンローター性能よい感じです。結構回転出ます。もったいなくて落とせない。。。といいつつさっき低空で背面ホバリングとかやってました。普段のローターに付け替えますw

Can you Always Trust the Gov't? Alex Jones is far-right

Duration: 06:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-25 23:36:18
User: urWURLDnow
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Can you Always Trust the Gov't? Alex Jones is far-right-- this is not a left right debate

BeerBottleSlide ::: Favorites
The "DIM-WHIT" personal attack by Fox just gives more credibilty to Sheen. Way to go Fox!
07-08-26 22:20:56
amajetich ::: Favorites
The IDIOTS in this world are the ones that have no sense of reasoning. Ron Paul 2008. Hannity is a whining little baby, can't handle a bit of truth when threatens his thought process.
07-08-13 04:22:11
amajetich ::: Favorites
Conspiracy is not fact. Fact is truth.
07-08-13 04:17:22
amajetich ::: Favorites
Hannity is weak. I am Conservative but that does not mean I don't have a brain. Ron Paul is the only true Republican Running. I don't think I have ever seen one since I was born.
07-08-13 04:15:43
rOaCh2000 ::: Favorites
it doesn't matter how much shit you talk about alex jones mr. hannity. he knows and you know that you're satanic and full of shit
07-07-18 02:17:26
punjabisikhwarrior ::: Favorites
Fuck you hannity go fuck your mom...
07-07-11 14:51:29
Bigdruck1985 ::: Favorites
None of these people have anything good to say. All I got out of this was IDIOT, ORGASM, IDIOT. Thanks for disussing the issues media, No wonder no one watchs you anymore. It's all about TALK RADIO. I can't wait till Hannity and Colmes and Bill Oreily and Larry King are Jobless and Homeless
07-07-09 21:24:34
Bigdruck1985 ::: Favorites
The media tries to have us fight each other LEFT vs. RIGHT. CONSERVATIVE vs. LIBERAL. REPUBLICAN vs DEMOCRAT. If your not for us you are an idiot. Guess what I'm as far right as you can get but I have questions about 9/11. The reality is it's the CFR vs. the rest of us.
07-07-09 21:22:01
keithpaz ::: Favorites
its funny just call someone crazy and you are right! lol thats why the world is so fucked up.
07-07-05 03:41:11
proudredhead ::: Favorites
Hannity is a talking head who talks out of his ass 99% of the time.
07-07-02 11:28:49

Chloe O'Gara on the Children of Iraq

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-28 18:33:40
User: liamh2
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Ms. Chloe O'Gara discusses the plight of the children of Iraq. She is the Dir. of Education Programs at "Save The Chilcren." On 09/26/06, she was part of panel of witnesses that appeared before the "Iraq Forum," chaired by the Hon. Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), in the U.S. Capitol, Room HC-6.

antimasonic ::: Favorites
fuck america i cant belive what they have done to the world.
06-12-17 00:14:26
liamh2 ::: Favorites
Thanks so much for this response.
06-09-30 20:13:27
liberalelite ::: Favorites
This is the most important video about Iraq that I've seen since 1988
06-09-29 15:06:55

Imitazioni nell'olimpo

Duration: 00:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-15 12:41:06
User: milanchannel
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i grandi giocatori

juancarlosluis ::: Favorites
2 grandi uomini, 2 immensi capitani, 2 fenomeni 2 bandierie Grazie Franco!!! Grazie Paolo!!!! estaran siempre en el Milan xq uds son el MILAN!!!
07-06-06 01:28:28
WhiteSkinBlackSoul ::: Favorites
2 grandi uomini, due immensi capitani. Grazie Franco. Grazie Paolo.
07-03-31 10:42:59

大型電動ラジコンヘリT-rex600 3Dフライト

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-31 13:21:55
User: skyhighdogs
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すでにT-rex600を飛ばし込んでいるえーじさんに調整具合をみていただくために軽く3Dフライトでグリグリとやっていただきました。 パイロットのえーじさんのブログはこちら↓ ---- 機体仕様 ---- moter:ALIGN 600L battery:Hyperion Lipo 6S1P 4800mAh roter:FUNTECH CARBON 600mm ESC:ALIGN 75A Gyro:FutabaGY601 Gear:10T/170T

I tifosi

Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-18 14:08:05
User: milanchannel
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Milan e i suoi tifosi....

PiotrACM ::: Favorites
Tylko MILAN , na zawsze MIlan !!!!! Milan w moim sercu !!!!!!! Polscy kibice łączcie sie !!!!! FORZA MILANISTI !!!!!
07-07-23 11:38:51
rossonero89 ::: Favorites
lol carlo can sing pretty well :)) forza lotta vincerai non ti lasceremo mai !!! FORZA MILAN
07-07-22 10:44:25
rossonero89 ::: Favorites
date ma draq de ratat, unde gasesti la noi in tara asa ceva? Invidiosul pwlii mele, ce cauti aici atunci? GRANDE MILAN !!!!
07-07-22 10:41:05
milandiavolo100 ::: Favorites
Forza Milan!!!!!
07-07-09 11:50:15
Teo81 ::: Favorites
Questi giocatori hanno fatto una cosa incredibile quest'anno...mi vien quasi da dire che non ho piu' nulla da chiedere al calcio dopo un trionfo cosi emozionante e imprevedibile solo pochi mesi fa.
07-07-08 21:16:15
LIRIO67 ::: Favorites
grazie milan per le gioie che ci regali....
07-06-30 22:09:17
SagaFabio ::: Favorites
Alè Milan alè! Forza,lotta e vincerai! Non ti lasceremo mai!
07-06-30 18:01:48
mediolanum ::: Favorites
Grande!!! Queste cose le MERDE nerazzurre se le sognano!!!
07-06-29 15:36:02
aleqwerty ::: Favorites
ma hobbyone stai zitto la prossimavolta comprati un pò di vasellina così ti brucia di meno il culo.. NIENTE PUò CAMBIARE KE NOI SIAMO I CAMPIONI D'EUROPA E L'EUROPA è PIù IMPORANTE DELL'ITALIA.stop. (ah e l'inter nn vince una champions da 40 anni..)
07-06-28 06:20:02
rkhobo ::: Favorites
I'm a tifosi at heart right here in the USA cheering for Milan and the Azzurri all the way and defending their honor on various footballer sites! So I liked this video.
07-06-27 17:12:37

Best of the Chasers SEASON 2 - McDonalds Make Up Ur Own Mind

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-10 04:01:56
User: waterproject123
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I have created a Chaser's fans Youtube Group called "chasersbiggestfans". If you love the Chaser, please do not hesitate to join freely. Type in the domain: Watch the Chasers mock McDonald's ad campaign "Make Up Your Own Mind". Australia's favourite primetime satirical comedy team is back for a whole new season of laughs - watch them mock our political leaders (and America's), attack the mass media and target absolutely anyone and everyone. WARNING: FOR MATURE AUDIENCES OVER 15 ONLY.

morphix007 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 06:23:58
ammiella ::: Favorites
07-07-02 23:58:48
quincy211188 ::: Favorites
omg funny
07-07-02 22:10:48

Patti Labelle Interview 1997 Part 2

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 10:11:28
User: 1988CityRhythm
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Why is the ANSWER Coalition being Targeted, Now?

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 16:56:17
User: liamh2
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The ANSWER Coalition held a press conference on Aug. 20, 2007, in Washington, D.C., at the law office of the Partnership for Civil Justice. It announced its filing of a Federal lawsuit against the District of Columbia government, which is attempting to impose a draconian $10,000 fine on the organization for placing posters around the District to promote its Sept. 15, 2007 antiwar rally. Sarah Sloan, National Staff Coordinator of ANSWER, and Tina Richards, CEO of Grassroots America, responded to this question: "Why is the ANSWER Coalition being targeted, now, in the fifth year of the Iraq conflict?" For more background on this matter, See: To view the entire Press Conference, 32 minutes and 28 seconds, please go to:

RattyRatman ::: Favorites
IMPEACH:... Usalone. Com Impeachbush. Org Pledgetoimpeach. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 15th:... Sept15. Org MARCH ON WASHINGTON SEPT 29th:... Troopsoutnow. Org YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: Congress. Org Senate. Gov MEDIA: Fair. Org TROOP RESISTANCE:... Sirnosir. Com Ivaw. Org Couragetoresist. Org
07-08-22 04:50:33
lonelygirlI5 ::: Favorites
He follows multiple generals who have been fired for saying the truth. He must figure out how to tell the same truth as he sees it without being summarily fired. Expect much doublespeak.
07-08-21 11:24:52
WHYNotNews ::: Favorites
Whynotnews will be there....
07-08-20 23:13:17
hewlee ::: Favorites
Petrius is an idiot he cant even write his own report.. hes a drone
07-08-20 17:44:42

Joan Sutherland Richard Bonynge Interview Part 3

Duration: 10:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-12 04:08:08
User: 1988CityRhythm
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3/10 parts.

gabaritono ::: Favorites
she is THE MASTERRRRR!!!!!
07-08-15 17:18:47
nilsuthor ::: Favorites
This is absolutely fantastic. Sutherland is absolutely fantastic!
07-08-13 10:41:49

Kengur - aaa1

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 02:04:51
User: TheZlobo
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tanypteryks ::: Favorites
One of the most clever films and script in the history of world cinema. You can laugh almost every minute, even also if a scene is not funny. Three stories happening in one afternoon, connected with a unique way.
07-08-24 19:39:38
kurtpg ::: Favorites
sta sta je sulja bre probaj je zabarijana bre nemoj da si klosar...
07-07-28 09:37:19
djole357 ::: Favorites
Najzesci film.Mogu da ga gledam svaki dan!I uvek se cepam!hahaha
07-07-26 17:57:25
makedonce1986 ::: Favorites
Ej, TheZlobo, najdobri filmovi stavas na youtube. Pozdrav od Makedonija!
07-07-15 14:43:17

Rane (The Wounds) - part RZTWG574

Duration: 09:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 09:59:56
User: TheZlobo
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fulsomstryk more movie with a lots bad slavic words for you

majsanilaki ::: Favorites
Deri Pinki Babuskaru.Duuuule Saaaavic. Ovo je film u klasi Scarface.Najbolji Srpski film svih vremena,normalno sa Lepa sela lepo gore.
07-08-14 07:58:34
AjsNigrutin17 ::: Favorites
Evo ga ko lutkica.. Opa!!! Šiškebab!!
07-07-11 08:05:01

Bloopers For Kids - Amazing

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 17:27:40
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Bloopers For Kids - Amazing

bethany3vermont ::: Favorites
have a fun fling anytime of day at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-22 18:03:12

Teen Striptease Porn Hot

Duration: 02:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-26 19:41:07
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Teen Striptease Porn Hot

bobdingJR ::: Favorites
fit as fuk
07-09-01 14:12:31

Rino Gattuso

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-25 12:21:50
User: milanchannel
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sacattack69 ::: Favorites
fantastic. whats the song name?!?!?!?!
07-07-31 08:08:28
acmlover ::: Favorites
where exactly is this located? does any body know? i would love to visit
07-07-11 19:40:28
mousolino22 ::: Favorites
Interisti ma perchè li venite a vedere allora?? Ah forse perchè scrivendo in cerca video la parola "champions" pensate di trovare qualcosa dell' è tutta roba nostra ahuauhauuahuha
07-07-08 10:13:43
DerAdler82 ::: Favorites
07-07-04 19:54:09
Euridicae ::: Favorites
nessuno come rino
07-07-04 11:27:03
Gava84 ::: Favorites
Uno di noi, Gattuso uno di noi, uno di noooooooooooooiiiiii
07-07-03 14:58:56
tatakaka23 ::: Favorites
Gattuso sindaco!
07-07-02 13:38:23
Chva81 ::: Favorites
Grande Rino
07-06-30 11:03:05
tHiSisSoCCeR10 ::: Favorites
11 Rino in squadra :)
07-06-28 16:33:18
nucciahm ::: Favorites
Per il Gatto, tutto questo ed altro. Forza Milan !!!
07-06-27 11:07:27