Monday, August 27, 2007


Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 23:41:05
User: sniperxx22
:::: Favorites

Hurricane Dean hits Cancun, Mexico as a Cat 5 storm wow look at those waves and the wind wow!

Cassidy is singing

Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 20:11:44
User: laurie2606
:::: Favorites


Rockets Vs Wizard 112206 (R2K video)

Duration: 08:33 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-24 19:01:02
User: thetennisyao
:::: Favorites

Rockets Vs Wizard, credit to R2K from

kks5x ::: Favorites
Luther Head == next Robert Horry (except he makes 'em in the regular season too)
06-11-28 02:12:35
marklar20 ::: Favorites
how do you like selfish deshawn stevenson taking it to the hole with 3 on the break. argle
06-11-26 18:06:54
kingkow ::: Favorites
thats why he is a nba scrub
06-11-27 10:17:16
AmelFl ::: Favorites
06-11-25 12:36:55
jon1151 ::: Favorites
wtf are you talking about?
06-11-26 17:43:23
putthekotdown ::: Favorites
go span
06-11-25 10:53:58
ymmseiya ::: Favorites
kill bill rocks
06-11-25 02:26:13
galezhang ::: Favorites
V-Span is the man, man!!!
06-11-24 22:00:31

BB7 Boogie Will Blow up her spot

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-05 00:20:57
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

wants to destroy america's choice image

letsjustdance ::: Favorites
Will is evil, Boogie sucks as a person.
06-09-05 16:24:31

Omarion singing "Ice Box" at Six Flags Fiesta Texas

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 23:41:52
User: cyril2002
:::: Favorites

Omarion singing "Ice Box" at Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, TX on July 26, 2007. Even though it rained super hard before he was suppose to sing he still sang in the rain which is really kool for him to do. Though it was a short concert it was a good one.... Hope whoever likes him gets to watch him in concert cause he is really good.... will post more from the concert later....

antoninabchill ::: Favorites
Hot college babes hangout on cam at >> collegestudentcams DOT com <<
07-08-13 12:29:06
kobebryant33333 ::: Favorites
i was at that when it rained
07-08-11 20:10:36
osqueen ::: Favorites
great footage! now maybe you can answer this one for me....WHY THE HELL IS HE SO SEXY!!!!?
07-08-04 17:46:39
omarisgirl2084 ::: Favorites
I don't know what is soo great about the back of those two niggas heads!!!! Omari been working out. that body is hella sexy!!!! why is he so freaking gorgeous?? And what dumb ass girl would leave omari lol?
07-08-05 00:37:53
123456700miguel ::: Favorites
wat time did he sing wat time did they let yall in and did he get on any rides
07-07-30 02:15:30
cyril2002 ::: Favorites
Well he starting singing at 6 during the rain..... and they lets us in at 5 when u have bleacher seats or 5:30 if u have seats in the grass..... idk if he got on any of the rides though cause it rained....
07-07-30 19:04:08


Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 22:25:08
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

Kickin it old Skool Movie Review. This is my review of the movie Kickin it old Skool. See the trailer of the movie and listen to my review of the movie. Hope this review is helpful. Enjoy the movie Kickin it old Skool

heelsXoverXheadX13 ::: Favorites
this movie was sooo and my friends got soo bored we hung out in the arcade the whole time
07-08-07 21:03:33
9tailkyubi580 ::: Favorites
I had a feeling this would be a bad movie. Now I'm not going to see this on DVD.
07-07-27 09:07:12
JoJoLeeLee1 ::: Favorites
I love Jamie Kennedy (like in love with that guy) and any movie with him in it (any moviee in the world) that he is in I will see just to see him in it. But this movie I liked A LOT (Plus it came out on my B-day!)
07-07-02 20:59:28
chrisairwolf ::: Favorites
hey it's 1 of the best movies because it had the hoff in it anything with david hasselhoff in the movie
07-06-24 07:53:25
itty69 ::: Favorites
it looked cheesy and stupid in the trailer so now the actual movie is cheesy and stupid. very odd indeed.
07-06-23 01:00:41
hahaLOLudumb ::: Favorites
you know im a dancer man...i didnt see the movie yet but what you say is probably accurate ...unforunately all dance movies since breaking dont do justice to bboys lockers or poppers (Like me) but CASPER the one who is the stuntman for jamie kennedy IS A AWESOME !!!! 16 YEARS OLD BBOY!!!! peace
07-06-20 21:11:54
bboyHungjuse ::: Favorites
movies like this are a downer to the bboy culture and communities around the globe ... stop making shit movies that making bboying look ridiculous ...
07-06-19 01:45:31
Drunkenhobo03 ::: Favorites
did it come out yet?
07-06-01 07:28:55
vdloco ::: Favorites
i give it 2 and 1/2
07-05-28 11:50:42
link670 ::: Favorites
the moment I saw the trailer for that movie, I knew it was gonna suck. And I was right :o
07-05-25 19:06:05
schwibz ::: Favorites
theres comedy humour and stupid humour. this is stupid humour, but priceless nonetheless. i recommend you see it with friends cause it will make the experience a hell of a lot more pleasurable
07-05-08 21:35:08
FX111 ::: Favorites
Going drunk works also if your friends won't go.
07-05-14 22:11:55
GetintheBag32 ::: Favorites
I like Jaimme Kennedy, but when I saw the trailer, I knew it was going to be terrible.
07-05-06 00:06:26
xviolentphilx ::: Favorites
i thought it was really funny, but i'm asian. i remember watching it, and only the asians were laughing. the humor was directed towards such a small audience(asian teens born in america..basically).
07-05-05 20:33:58
bboyaddicted ::: Favorites
i was the asian kid that did the robot at the beginning of the movie....LOL he said i did it well...LMAO. well anyway i have to agree with the rating, (although i watched it twice already, just to see myself on the big screen, hehe) but yea the movie was kinda horrible, and if i wasn't in it, i wouldnt really recommend anyone to go see it, but then again it was kinda funny at some points. its worth a chuckle or two i guess
07-05-01 02:37:45
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
Compared to the older asian guy you were a master of the robot. Congrats on the gig. Hope your not pullin my leg about you being in the movie.
07-05-01 03:01:22
RosenbaumGrl ::: Favorites
I havent seen this movie yet, but im planning to JUST b/c of Michael Rosenbaum. B/c he is my FAVORITE actor!! So to me, ANY movie that MR is going to be in, is worth seeing!! Comment me on my channel if u think otherwise, or if ur with me on this one!!
07-04-30 22:24:54
Sakura90638 ::: Favorites
i laughed so hard when I watched this movie. but yes, it's a very stupid movie.
07-04-30 00:55:38
TheMonkeyMan94 ::: Favorites
it looks amazing
07-04-29 12:16:46
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
It had some funny moments. I would not recommend it to complete strangers or anything, but I almost always like Anthony Anderson. He was in the best parts of the film. I own 1,200 DVD's not all of them are 5 star movies. Some are on the lower end of the scale.
07-04-28 21:08:05

Ne-Yo in JAPAN May 23, 2007

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-23 20:19:47
User: himablack
:::: Favorites

Ne-Yo in JAPAN May 23, 2007

yukako0825 ::: Favorites
how kind he is!!
07-08-08 22:34:49
gurlfurlmagirl ::: Favorites
Hell hes sxc
07-08-02 14:26:23
rodog45 ::: Favorites
this is weird
07-08-02 12:01:21
fightfan7 ::: Favorites
07-06-26 21:54:02
christaluvsanime ::: Favorites
Sugoi!!! hehehe
07-06-21 22:16:17


Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-07 03:58:48
User: Ventudius
:::: Favorites


askii3 ::: Favorites
That's a beautiful Nimbus 2.
07-06-29 16:24:22
Puchdriver ::: Favorites
Nice movie. Makes me want to fly again but the season is over :(
07-01-02 10:27:16
Uldemar ::: Favorites
thats asome. p.s he gets pretty low to the hill.
07-01-01 18:14:53
tugtramp ::: Favorites
Thanx Neil. Never forgotten.
06-12-24 02:56:39

Wish I didn't miss you

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-27 17:08:07
User: dragpalace
:::: Favorites

Wish I didn't miss you' at Club Entrance, Apeldoorn. For mor information, take look at my website: (Dutch only). Recorded with one camera in one take. Later I used other shots of the club (dancing crowd and DJ) to mix them with the performance.

nivekboy ::: Favorites
nice video :D
07-07-04 18:24:44
badalfabad ::: Favorites
I love this song :D
07-06-03 06:49:07

Eric Asks Danielle, Why Me, Why Now? (2)

Duration: 07:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 18:48:25
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

he's trying to save face

bigjohnstud29 ::: Favorites
Take your personal beliefs out of this. It is a game and it is within the rules. Under those circumstances I would do the same thing since he is already handcuffed by the viewers who decide for him. REMEMBER THAT!!
07-08-09 02:28:40
GoodnightRaven ::: Favorites
I want Dick and Daniele gone.
07-08-09 01:02:39
wickawickasaywhat ::: Favorites
IT IS A GAME! I love the people who say "it's scary how easily he lies..." uh... Have you ever watched this show? It's about strategy, game face, playing other people. This is not freakin Big Integrity's a freakin game about people playing other people. Holy crap. Also, he didn't cast the votes...WE did. He had no choice. Jeebus.
07-08-08 23:57:29
Syther79 ::: Favorites
Dani can't even come up with a REAL reason she put him up on the block...she is STUPIDLY and STRICTLY basing this on the damn banner...I can NOT beleive that this little girl THINKS she is so smart. She WAS my fav to win at the I think she needs to go HOME NOW!!!! Send her home BEFORE sequester so that she would have to go home to her (probably-no-longer) boyfriend.
07-08-08 22:28:12
danibird207 ::: Favorites
Well obviously that won't happen. This is the last eviction before sequester...Daniele was and still is one of my favorites though, and she is very smart to get Eric out now. He is the best player in this game, would convince people to keep him if he stays longer (when there are less people voting and therefore less people to convince) and would absolutely win in the final 2.
07-08-09 13:23:44
CHEMICALx006 ::: Favorites
yea n dick did the samething to him.hes wouldve made it to the end if he wasnt AP
07-08-08 19:05:45
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 00:42:07
eustacebagg72 ::: Favorites
Those two votes were his (even if you want to argue that America cast them they were still his votes) and he did put mustard on Jen's pillow. The thing I never understood was why they never realized it was him. Remember when Dick was in the HOH shower and he tried to throw flour on him? It's not like he never did anything like that before. He is a liar and I am glad he is gone.
07-08-08 19:03:10
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
eric doesn't get to vote, so therefore it wasn't his votes....anyways, eric has openly admitted to lying before, therefore everyone expects it from him, but dick says he never lies (which is a complete lie) as we saw in last nights episode he has no problem lying either.
07-08-09 00:41:55
monsterB52 ::: Favorites
It's scary how easily he lies. It's downright frightening.
07-08-08 18:58:59


Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-10 04:28:06
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

This is my personal footage of the bellagio fountain show - The song is Con Te Partiro / Time to say Goodbye Performed by Sarah Brightman and Andrea Boccelli Bellagio fountain show

zoinomiko ::: Favorites
This video is amazing~! Brings back beautiful memories for me, and you did an awesome job of filming it. Thank you very much for this.
07-08-24 21:47:23
Frogmjf ::: Favorites
I was there when they did this song for the fountains :D Brilliant
07-08-03 16:33:46
frente ::: Favorites
Oh my! brilliant! My favorite place on earth....Las Vegas. I love u las Vegas, see yah when i see yah.
07-08-04 13:08:34
martyxcallsiefer ::: Favorites
Imagine Bellagio is next to be imploded 0.o That could be in about 100 years maybe?
07-07-30 15:35:19
shineworld ::: Favorites
I live near bellagio, exately in COMO...just amazing;)
07-07-27 15:05:32
Japnoyboi3 ::: Favorites
Just Wonderful....:)
07-07-17 23:28:17
cgmd75 ::: Favorites
This is one of my favorite songs and listening to it standing in front of the Bellagio gave me chills. Thanks for the great video
07-07-01 17:20:40
triplexxxsatyr ::: Favorites
I live here in Las Vegas and it never ceases to amaze.
07-06-28 17:42:39
Spartanz1170 ::: Favorites
well las veags is still growing
07-07-15 01:41:39
FerretLoverrr ::: Favorites
i just went to vegas for the first time and i just saw this show about 3 days ago..i loved it so much! i want to go back and watch this show again..its beautiful
07-06-26 00:54:49
jaypiscopo ::: Favorites
Wow! Thanks!
07-06-23 14:28:54
djklink20009 ::: Favorites
oh enjoy it sir! :) one of my main fav music genres is classical music ^_^!
07-06-22 07:07:50
djklink20009 ::: Favorites
ummm mr black i never knew you was so soft?? XD
07-06-22 06:05:51
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
heh, yeah it is funny watching all the people that watch the fountain shows. You see everyone watching it. Almost everyone enjoys that show. How can you not.
07-06-22 06:21:04
triplexxxsatyr ::: Favorites
Yeah, the fact that you got this particular shot from what appears to be from the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel is a truly great video.
07-07-04 19:33:08
Spartanz1170 ::: Favorites
07-07-15 01:44:02
pointblank3000 ::: Favorites
ya kno its wierd i dont know anything about opera and i never listen to it but this 1 song is awesome
07-06-20 21:38:23
DJG03 ::: Favorites
Listen to this song, but the origional version by andrea Bocelli. its beautiful.
07-06-20 12:09:28
Hunterchuck ::: Favorites
Hella cool for the people living in those houses neer by.
07-06-20 12:08:04
veedub87 ::: Favorites
Houses? I take it you have no idea where this is...
07-06-27 21:24:31

Ultras Roma

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-13 17:17:05
User: zsozsi80
:::: Favorites

Milan - Roma 1-2

Ultimate Mortal Kombat (DS)

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 11:23:22
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

Midway's Ultimate Mortal Kombat (DS)

BL00DC0RE ::: Favorites
No BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!! FUCK! Even the razor hat throw has not blood when it hits jax! I SWEAR THEY BETTER NOT MESS THIS UP!!!
07-08-18 21:08:09
EddISD619 ::: Favorites
im definetly getting this
07-08-04 02:16:36
3francis ::: Favorites
If its Ultimate MK why is Rain in it???
07-07-15 13:19:59
Pac413 ::: Favorites
Good point. Midway said that this was going to be a remake of UMK3 on arcade; not SNES, and Rain only appeared in the SNES version. I'm glad though, because the SNES version sucked, and too much stuff was removed from the original MK3.
07-07-20 14:29:05
Jordan178 ::: Favorites
Its a trailer guys, I'm sure that they'll put blood in the next trailer (whats Mortal Kombat without blood)
07-07-12 14:35:16
CWinchester ::: Favorites
The SNES version of MK3... lol
07-07-14 00:37:05
Hereforyou4 ::: Favorites
(continued) Just to say That MKUnC on PSP was fine but we all know that the 2D Ages kicked ass so why not bring it out for both Handhelds? Its unfair guys, like why would someone do that?
07-07-10 13:46:10
Hereforyou4 ::: Favorites
Dear Midway, What is with the whole DS Kombat do you prefer them more then the a PSP? When you released other mortal kombat games you realeased for at least three systems or more. Like in MKA or MKD but how about now what happend? I and other PSP owners dont find that fair.
07-07-10 13:44:07
Jordan178 ::: Favorites
Dude... there hasn't been a mortal Kombat game for the DS (until now after I watched the trailer) And its "Ultimate Mortal Kombat" which is part of the MK3 series.
07-07-12 14:34:39
Hereforyou4 ::: Favorites
Well not for the DS, but Gameboy games which are playable on the DS but those sucked. Well it doesnt matter thats not bugging me anymore its the 3 new DDR games. SN2 U2 and HP. They apperantly all going to have arcade orignals and like 70's 80's and 90's music. I own the 360 so Im trying to find out more about U2.
07-07-12 14:38:07
zimdudealchemist ::: Favorites
Dude, send that to the Midway site, NOT HERE!
07-07-13 15:54:45
cheappop ::: Favorites
LOL. You OWN a psp. HAHA. Seriously. That console will have only 3 good games by the end of the year. And the reason for the descision is because the DS actually SELLS. What a concept!!! That gives the game a larger audience than the psp. And just download a MAME emu for christ sakes. The psp is powerful enough to run it on MAME for PSP.
07-07-22 23:06:39
hotsause123234 ::: Favorites
i kick ass in that game
07-07-09 14:11:22
Mutcholoko ::: Favorites
i wonder if the controls will use the touch screen or will be tha same as always puzzle??oh kiss my ass...
07-07-08 09:06:43
hybridfury ::: Favorites
I REALLY WANT THIS GAME PPL!!!1!!one!!Shift+1!!
07-07-07 05:24:17
Dh200617 ::: Favorites
Does ninento have online voice chat on the ds or Wii.....
07-07-06 16:18:50
Dragonslayer9 ::: Favorites
DS, don't know about the wii.
07-07-08 23:31:24
Dh200617 ::: Favorites
I'm startin to have regrets about buying the wii, b/c of online and them takin a long of time to release good games
07-07-10 14:19:18
sai356 ::: Favorites
there in progress idiot
07-07-06 15:19:38
reneecmc ::: Favorites
I just found that out.
07-07-06 17:45:51

Thierry Henry's Presentation to F.C. Barcelona (Part 2)

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 06:57:16
User: Polcius
:::: Favorites

Thierry Henry was presented yesterday to the F.C. Barcelona fans. The "Camp Nou" stadium was loaded with 30.000 fans who where there just to see him. Part 2

angelagrltightbabe ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-18 17:02:29
RBN609 ::: Favorites
ke bueno el perro al final xD
07-07-25 16:49:51
juanjosebuc ::: Favorites
campeones este año visca barca madrid cabron saluda al campeon zorras
07-07-21 18:05:29
eunaputtanata ::: Favorites
Ronaldinho - Messi - Eto'o - Henry That's Football!!!
07-07-20 20:40:27
nlknnjkjkbkbvhvg ::: Favorites
lol at the dog. Visca el Barca!
07-07-05 19:05:13
holapoto ::: Favorites
Le gritan a los seguratas porque un chaval fue a abrazar a Henry y ellos se le tiraron encima.
07-07-04 18:22:42
VirusA423 ::: Favorites
¿A quien gritan al final "Hijo de puta"?
07-07-03 20:32:09
kiratai7772000 ::: Favorites
Arsene Wenger is wiseman!!!he can find make magic in transfer!!!Van Piersie also is Goal scorer!!!Walcott is hot prospect by the future!Here...i wan to let all the Arsenal fans know,just BELIVE Arsene Wenger!!!He can make a lot of magic in football fields!!!
07-06-30 13:00:40
Titi14Zizou10 ::: Favorites
Did Chelsea beat Arsenal home and away last season...No they didn't and that was without Henry or RVP.
07-06-29 14:48:16
kiroyue ::: Favorites
que pinta el perro al final del video??? xDDDDDDDDDDD
07-06-28 10:32:50
kaiserjay ::: Favorites
La perra es Calderon JAJAJAJAJAAAAA
07-06-28 12:40:52
Polcius ::: Favorites
Dice: "Estic molt content d'estar aquí" (Estoy muy contento de estar aquí).
07-06-27 20:03:32
sheyiadebayor ::: Favorites
jaaawollll beste stürmer auf der welt is endlich in mein lieblingsteam FC BARCELONA!!!!
07-06-27 18:37:02
pmkdk ::: Favorites
LOOOOOOOOOOL whats the dog doing there at last second? ahahah
07-06-27 16:20:52
amramr11 ::: Favorites
Henry, Samuel Eto'o, Ronaldinho and Messi in the same team. Wow!
07-06-27 16:20:20
koolluismagic69 ::: Favorites
Does anyone one how to change the commentaries in Fifa 06 to Spanish in the Xbox?
07-06-27 15:40:49
Polcius ::: Favorites
To MonoPuyana: Gritan "Hijos de Puta" porque un tío sale a abrazar a Henry y luego los seguratas se le tiran encima. About the dog at the ending, obviously I made a mistake, this dog is from another recording of my camcorder.
07-06-27 13:45:23
jovi75 ::: Favorites
With Henry departs from Arsenal I think Chelsea will beat Arsenal both home and away game.Long live Chelsea!!!!
07-06-27 09:03:37
JoeJ74 ::: Favorites
Chelsea will not beat Arsenal home and Away. We arent a one man team, but you are, Roman Abromovich!
07-06-28 16:16:03
superscouse ::: Favorites
why was there a random dog at the end? RBF
07-06-27 07:59:34

Przed meczem Milan - Juventus

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 06:22:51
User: SoloJuveCOM
:::: Favorites

Hymn Milanu "zmodyfikowany" przez kibiców Juventusu.

Joystiq @ EA/MTV's Rock Band Party

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 05:30:18
User: joystiq
:::: Favorites

At LA's Troubadour bar. Featuring Eagles of Heavy metal and Queens of the Stone Age. Oh, and Rock Band, the game

lilscooter11 ::: Favorites
Wish Josh did the drums for the Eagles of DEATH Metal too, and Burn the Witch FTW. Thank God you didnt get Go With the Flow Rock Band footage, I would have cried if the woman failed to meet Homme's vocals :P
07-08-03 21:01:42
friedgoatjr ::: Favorites
Joystiq is your cam bad quality or was it just that it was really loud?
07-08-02 17:27:14
duskbringer7 ::: Favorites
07-07-14 10:28:08
kdorff ::: Favorites
Good old Pedro Moore. He needs some GH2 practice :)
07-07-12 13:15:53
plumpspork ::: Favorites
07-07-12 12:37:07

Top 10 Blocks 03-04

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-29 14:24:41
User: thetennisyao
:::: Favorites

Top 10 Blocks 03-04

SkylineGTR69 ::: Favorites
Ron Artest huge block
06-09-18 18:40:27


Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-12 03:12:23
User: sylvialm
:::: Favorites


kthycute ::: Favorites
hermosos jejejeje
07-08-14 11:55:34
marbeyvince ::: Favorites
07-08-13 15:01:20
mariadulce ::: Favorites
el ultimo estuvo increible mucgas gracias
07-08-13 13:27:19
michrbd ::: Favorites
el ulyimo q chistoso
07-08-13 12:38:49
MichUcker ::: Favorites
jajajajaja me nkanta el ultimooooo grax
07-08-12 23:46:17
Ardillitax ::: Favorites
JAJAJA lo ultimo es lo mejor...!!! que chistosos jaja xD
07-08-12 20:23:02
camilore1 ::: Favorites
07-08-12 18:39:01
poncho4ever1 ::: Favorites
jaja lo ultimoo!.. es lo meejoor! gracias!
07-08-12 15:49:30
mireRBD ::: Favorites
07-08-12 05:40:39
divanahi ::: Favorites
gracias sylvia
07-08-12 05:34:55
andalola ::: Favorites
creo q esos eran poncho y ucker super
07-08-20 19:00:09