Thursday, August 16, 2007

Blame Society PSA

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 11:02:52
User: mealiffmedia
:::: Favorites

Aaron Yonda and Matt Sloan of "Chad Vader" fame demonstrate the vital roll public access stations play in the development of the Chad Vader series and Blame Society Productions. Call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-362-9472 and register AGAINST the Video "Competition" Act (Assembly Bill 207/Senate Bill 107). Tell them you support PEG access. (Wisconsin residents only.)

gilfred2007 ::: Favorites
Hey love your shows. Chad is great, Mc Court is outrageous, so realistic, and me and my kids die laughing at fun rangers. We are waiting to see what happens next to Cody and Hal
07-07-22 19:56:56
flameon213 ::: Favorites
the music at the end was just wrong....
07-07-26 15:27:21
Tellmeimaninja ::: Favorites
Something Other than cheese That I like Came from Wisconsin!
07-08-13 23:58:35

Super Shooter 1 "Vigilante For Hire" (remastered)

Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-19 14:02:59
User: blamesocietyfilms
:::: Favorites

A vigilante with the power to shoot people, using only his gun. Recut and revamped. Episode 5 is out!

mayapat11 ::: Favorites
more chad vader
07-07-31 00:14:17
cuzberx ::: Favorites
awsome series
07-07-31 11:42:21
smorguss ::: Favorites
Chad Vader rocks - but this just plain sux
07-08-04 18:31:27
masada811 ::: Favorites
this is much more genius than chad vader on so many levels. recognize
07-08-06 11:17:11
Scarx2gt ::: Favorites
lol y isnt there any other extras like chad vader.
07-08-07 05:22:53
darthcaedous ::: Favorites
07-08-07 10:51:31
PinkZombieStudios ::: Favorites
well that was weird its like something from SNL
07-08-08 01:27:10
postmodernist5 ::: Favorites
They switched the ringtone on his cell this time-much better.
07-08-08 13:18:49
milkyoreo27 ::: Favorites
no, chad vader is much better i dont see any difference in this and the original but still, all youre movies rock, i like fun rangers a lot too.
07-08-12 22:32:34
tinkerbell1000000000 ::: Favorites
this is fuck--ing amazing. i like it better than chad, good call masada. 'i will fuck--ing murder you with my gun' lmoa
07-08-14 15:22:37

John McCain - Envisioning a New U.S. Foreign Policy

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 13:04:36
User: ForaTv
:::: Favorites

Complete video at: Arizona Senator and Republican Presidential candidate John McCain discusses his plans for an overhaul of U.S. foreign policy and defense. ----- "An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom" with John McCain. In the first week of his official presidential campaign, Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain paid a visit to the Hoover Institution at Stanford University to talk about America's suffering international image, his proposal for a "League of Democracies" and his support for pressing on with additional troops in Iraq. -- Hoover Institution John Sidney McCain III, is the Republican senior U.S. Senator from Arizona. He is currently the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and serves on the Armed Services, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees. He was a presidential candidate in the 2000 election, but was defeated by George W. Bush for the Republican nomination. McCain formally announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election on April 25, 2007.

BenFranklinFan ::: Favorites
Holy crap if fell asleep...
07-06-25 14:19:05
wisechemicals ::: Favorites
they do not basically believe the same thing, they have similarities but are far from the same thing
07-07-17 17:04:38

American Gangster Trailer

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 19:02:33
User: trailerspy
:::: Favorites

Trailer for the new Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe movie.

HOH Chatter

Duration: 06:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 21:50:29
User: BB8house
:::: Favorites

same ole same ole, right now Dustin's saying he's doing this for every christian out there, he's doing this for Jameka's family, blah blah blah (he's referring to going on the block). Chaos has died down. Dani eating slop in Hookah (round) rm talking to Jen, others in hoh still being stupid.. I've got stuff to do, will only post something if there's utter drama..

zeebeeweee ::: Favorites
Eric is such a lying asshole. Each one of these sitting in the HOH has lied or backstabbed EXCEPT Dani and Dick. It's always like this with BB. The a-holes stick together in their self righteousness. These guys are bullies.
07-08-11 22:10:18
damonnsteph ::: Favorites
I am with the erik haters! Get that bitch out!!!!
07-08-11 22:25:50
i8thelastcookie ::: Favorites
your delusional
07-08-11 22:34:41
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
he's america's player, shouldn't we be supporting him? that's like having the summer olympics playing and all of america is hoping that their athletes screw up.
07-08-11 22:36:48
missmess ::: Favorites
if you can't smell you can't taste *LOL*
07-08-11 23:01:12
georgioremy ::: Favorites
if her dad forced himself on her then how was it her choice?
07-08-11 23:22:54
Monkeyfac ::: Favorites
OMGGGGG Dustin does an amazing Dani impression LOL
07-08-11 23:44:27
sevenx1211 ::: Favorites
These houseguests are dumb as a Zach! Didn't they see BB6! Who was supposedly the underdog? Hmm. Let's see Janelle becuase they thought she was stupid and she shined out the most. They should be targeting Jen! Poor Dani! I still love you but these "Nerd Herds" need to shut up! No one likes them either way. (If you still support Dustin then you've got to be kidding me!)
07-08-12 00:07:38
alavie ::: Favorites
D&D have lied. Dick even admitted that alot of the stuff he tried to pin on Eric was actually done by himself (Dick).
07-08-12 01:00:59
demonica4 ::: Favorites
GOD damn! I am in love with Dustin. He is sooo correct. And Eric isn't lying for himself. AMERICA is doing this to him!!!! THank you. Go Dick. Go Dustin.
07-08-13 01:40:02

Thank you, Dennis, for offering REAL health care reform

Duration: 03:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 17:03:26
User: Kucinich2008
:::: Favorites

Thank you, Dennis, for offering REAL health care reform

lc0149 ::: Favorites
Where does it say in the Constitution that the federal government has the authority to regulate and or fund how state and local governments operate their educational systems? Where does it say in the Constitution that you are entitled to travel on safe bridges and highways? Do you know where it says any of these things in the Constitution? Nowhere!
07-08-15 14:18:47
lc0149 ::: Favorites
Do you know why we still have all of these public services? We have them because we recognize that they are essential to a CIVILIZED Democratic society. It's the same thing with healthcare. Healthcare is a human right it every CIVILIZED industrialized nation has caught on to that.
07-08-15 14:19:36
lc0149 ::: Favorites
Every other industrialized nation has understood that, except the US. All of these services are not just funded by state and local governments, and in fact some of them are not funded at all by such governments! But yet it doesn't say in the Constitution that you are entitled to such things.
07-08-15 14:20:17
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (General Welfare clause). Also firefighters and police are more of a state issue. But you knew that already.
07-08-15 20:25:06
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
Preamble (general welfare for your last set of questions). Article II for your war issue: Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices,
07-08-15 20:27:36
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
Also, taxes for wars:Article 1, Section 8: Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
07-08-15 20:30:20
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
The 10th Amendment allows for states to determine what they wish to do. However the state may request for federal assistance at anytime. All the state has to say is no.
07-08-15 20:33:32
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
I recognize the need of the services. However, health care is your responsibility. It is your right to seek out care and it is your responsibility to pay for that care. Sticking me with your bill is not part of the social contract. But then again, you know that.
07-08-15 20:35:35
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
Just because you "read" the Constitution does not mean you "understand" what it says. You are reaching in order to justify why you should not be permitted to pay for health care and why it is my responsibility to be taxes further for your non-compliance of paying your debts. My Constitution does include bankruptcy requirements. So they already knew it was coming.
07-08-15 20:37:42
dragonlord10 ::: Favorites
Before I forget, Article 1, section 8 clearly defines the role of the government in terms of regulation of commerce. Which establishes the basis for roads, bridges, etc. Try again.
07-08-15 20:39:39


Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-14 01:42:44
User: ijustine
:::: Favorites

A random man on the streets of Canada wanted to be friends. First.. a few questions.

carfan2k2 ::: Favorites
"" < hahahaha
06-09-14 16:09:52
tls502 ::: Favorites
haha. I want more interviews!
06-09-17 22:23:46
FmanFORPS3 ::: Favorites
lmao! "what century is this?" "...I don't know..." lol
06-11-20 12:48:10
thev01ce ::: Favorites
nice on lol
07-08-15 09:13:19

070717  (Part 4 of 14)

Duration: 09:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 12:40:48
User: ogatan9
:::: Favorites


Raid on Rep Jefferson's Office Violated Constitution

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 15:41:43
User: cuzimjustabill
:::: Favorites

Fed Appeals Court ruling on the Rep facing 16 charges after getting caught with $90k in his freezer. More at

Gone Baby Gone Trailer

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-07 22:05:03
User: trailerspy
:::: Favorites

Trailer for Ben Affleck's directorial debut, staring Casey Affleck. Watch more trailers at

dawiidoo ::: Favorites
looks awesome!
07-07-20 15:59:06
TonyDee149 ::: Favorites
i only like this trailer for the music towards the end.
07-07-25 15:49:26
curtvdl ::: Favorites
Looks good!
07-08-14 08:08:14

Pooh Crew

Duration: 08:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 13:59:18
User: all4bb8
:::: Favorites

7 more to go!

Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr

Duration: 05:31 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-01 17:26:39
User: roadrunnerrecords
:::: Favorites

from the Ascendancy release

jakealine ::: Favorites
absolutely legendary! even though i can't understand most of it lol :)
07-08-14 07:26:35
sircamermo ::: Favorites
it's our curse that makes this world so hopeless. great!
07-08-14 09:49:16
littlechikouk ::: Favorites
Check out my bands cover of pull harder on the strings: myspace dot com/sixpounderuk
07-08-14 11:20:48
JENoooOOO ::: Favorites
I like the chorus
07-08-14 17:01:28
xslipx135 ::: Favorites
Their sound, style, guitars, they were all perfect. Nothing needed changing...sad they did. I miss these days of trivium, they were original. I'm not a fan of the new stuff very much. Reminds me of a band I dislike very much. :(
07-08-14 20:40:45
insultoinjury11 ::: Favorites
no one can beat as i lay dying but these guys come pretty close awesome song awesome music awesome video
07-08-14 21:39:37
cocacola191 ::: Favorites
07-08-14 22:09:03
JENoooOOO ::: Favorites
I love the guitars in this song
07-08-15 11:50:44
volcomsc20 ::: Favorites
fuck talk about blow my speakers...i forgot my volume was all the way up from the last video i watched cause it was low and damn. That double bass and shit from that little beginning drum solo fucked them up. =/
07-08-15 12:47:22
warlockbronze ::: Favorites
this band is the best!
07-08-15 20:53:30

Hot Girls Kiss

Duration: 00:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 20:46:37
User: kuku553
:::: Favorites
Description: of panty butt bra boob in at on booty beach nude naked sex porn sexy celeb hollywood bollywood japanese russian american asian chinese lollywood punjab hindi indian ebony blond white evory video movie celeb star suprstar salsa money youtube news love k tease ass رقص شرقى رقص سكس جنس بنت طيز نهد اثارة اغراء فضائح عرب مصر لبنان سوريا نانسى هيفاء روبى مى علا منى الهام دينا نوال معلاية دبكة من اغراء فضائح سكس عرب نانسى هيفاء روبى مصر سوريا لبنان خليجى معلاية دبكة webcam girl sex nude strip teasing web cam sexy hot latina lips girls gone two girls kissing lesbian hot wild chicks erotic sexy dikes lesbo adult lips sex tongues make out adult cute blindfolded chick sexy striptease hot lesbian girls kissing naked girl hottie naughty boobs thong nude bikini webcam blonde love lick porn kiss cute boob exposed two girls kissing kiss hot wild chicks cute lingerie lips dikes cute panties kissing lesbian wild chiks erotic sex vivthomas dikes tongues make out lezbo striptease nude babe naked sexy girl lingerie girls hot strip stripping jenna sexyjenna79 butt thong booty boobs sexy young girl strip tease web cam thongs school dancein underwear funny bra Porn Adult Nude oral breasts naked erotica xxx shaved hooters, thong, girls, ass, swimsuit, hot, sexy thong x hot sexy thong girls calendar thong ass hot girl girls sexy bikini las vegas x awesome sexy hot Bikini thong hot sexy club clubbing cardio streetparade girls sexy jessica funny girl lady hot babe av Bikini swimsuit mediapactor inspyro street parade girls hot dance sexy girl party girls hot dance sexy girl party pink blue cool SGAE GANGSTER damn sex chicas pibas guapa humor chanante sexo underdog girl striptease sexy bra strip nude dance webcam horny ass erotic sex boobs babe tits thong naked streetparade girls chicks chix sexy sluts paris hilton jessica alba britney spears Bikini Hooter bitter girl sex fuck dance player play boy super hotpink blue cool SGAE GANGSTER damn sex chicas pibas guapa humor chanante sexo underdog girl striptease sexy bra strip nude dance webcam horny ass erotic sex boobs babe tits thong naked streetparade girls chicks chix sexy sluts paris hilton jessica alba britney spears Bikini Hooter bitter girl sex fuck dance player play boy super hotthong Bikinione night in playboy webcam girl sex nude strip teasing web cam sexy hot latina beautiful girls dance webcam hot web cam chicas cute lovely women females britney spears chest boobs pussy cunt drunk club arabic arab egyptian song music sex dance bellydance Stella loves Nfl, ncaa, baseball, soccer, futbol, football, Nba, basketball, mlb, hockey, nhl, paris fifa, poker, golf, world cup, pussycat dolls scherzinger Nicole paris Hilton nascrar, formula one, snooker, pool, tennis

livegirlbabe ::: Favorites
- -- --- ----Free Amateur webcam sex!  livegirlbabe.com_- -- --- ----Free Amateur webcam sex!  livegirlbabe.com_
07-08-15 06:54:03
shandiesmallgirlzw ::: Favorites
YOURCAMSINGLES dot COM for adult webcam dating
07-08-15 16:01:19

Suburbanites Sans Bookends

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-13 16:16:48
User: BaratsAndBereta
:::: Favorites

Just White Rap

xxAinsiiieeeeBoo ::: Favorites
Me and mi friend always rap wit this!! we knoe like everyword WE LOVE BARATS AND BERETA!!
07-08-13 17:20:09
redlight59 ::: Favorites
yall guys suck at rapping, but thats ok. you're amazing anyways.
07-08-14 00:46:27
Jrockloverqueen12 ::: Favorites
07-08-14 20:12:14
omnifarious001 ::: Favorites
A couple black families moved into our neighborhood, my parents and I went over to greet them and help them move in and told them if they needed anything we were just a couple houses down... My family is pure white. Not all whites are like that.
07-08-15 01:44:45
omnifarious001 ::: Favorites
actually most "white" people are closer to a tan/pink color. And its not like black is an insulting word.
07-08-15 01:48:36
Ashuku ::: Favorites
I'm glad you felt the need to reassure yourself.
07-08-15 11:34:02
Ditch24 ::: Favorites
It's a joke you freaking spazzes. You know they don't mean to be racist, so shut up.
07-08-15 14:45:19
KuragariFire ::: Favorites
the vid is makein fun of racist white/stuck up people its not like they mean it
07-08-15 21:44:26
yoyokidrinku ::: Favorites
lol seriously! We get in trouble just like everyone else. There are bad whites and good whites just like there are bad blacks and good blacks. Lumping people together by color is how racism starts.
07-08-15 22:30:54
AllayPlusFergo ::: Favorites
yo ur name sounds asian tho are u sure ur white lol not tryna be racist it just does
07-08-16 00:21:34

Irwin Redlener - Are We Ready for Another Disaster?

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 18:25:17
User: ForaTv
:::: Favorites

Complete program at: Dr. Irwin Redlener, Director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, speaks on continuing issues for firefighters and other first responders in reacting to disasters such as 9/11. ----- Irwin Redlener talks about "Americans At Risk: Why We Are Not Prepared for Megadisasters and What We Need to Do Now." June's Homeland Security report declared the US unprepared for catastrophes. Five years after 9/11 and one year after Katrina, we continue to hit what Dr. Irwin Redlener calls the "snooze alarm": rather than treating these disasters as true wake-up calls, our government has done little to prepare our nation for natural and man-made acts that are all but inevitable. What OHS's report shows is that the government in not prepared to protect its citizens. Redlener, co-founder of The Children's Health Fund and head of Columbia's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, states that individuals must be their own first responders. Redlener details five megadisaster scenarios, underscoring our vulnerability and clarifying what will happen during every stage of an earthquake, chemical spill, nuclear terrorist attack, pandemic, and a terror attack on a school. He demonstrates that knowledge, some supplies, and a state of mental readiness can make a difference in surviving a disaster. In short, "Americans At Risk" provides a blueprint for survival. It is a call to arms from the world's leading disaster-response expert, a physician and Washington insider with extensive on-the-ground experience. Don't miss either talk or book. - Cody's Books

Chad Vader Season 2 Update

Duration: 04:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-07 17:34:24
User: blamesocietyfilms
:::: Favorites

We give you the news on Season 2 and read some Chad Vader fan fiction.

Marthix ::: Favorites
I didn't even know there was a fourth..... 0_o
07-08-13 22:29:53
AnimeFan041 ::: Favorites
U guyz look sun tanned. Been to the Beach lately?
07-08-14 07:28:05
crazydude4 ::: Favorites
super deluxe, huh? i hope you guys are making some commericials that can be used during the [adult swim] block!
07-08-15 05:07:48
davecoyle1 ::: Favorites
i sent them a message about fun rangers 5 they said oops we meant fun rangers 4
07-08-15 11:06:11
GreatDane201 ::: Favorites
How do they do darth vader voice so well?
07-08-15 15:55:15
ezdove777 ::: Favorites
You guys are the BEST Five stars ***** !!! Can't wait for season 2 . Is season 1 all episode on one dvd disk. Will it be available to purchase ? Aloha , ezdove
07-08-15 16:04:59
RainDark ::: Favorites
it's a kitty
07-08-15 16:49:59
dot1wang ::: Favorites
super busy!
07-08-15 19:45:28
mistressofmagik ::: Favorites
"...and i think our turkey had a know one of those.." "gizzards?" ", one of those, dangley.." "a waddle?" "yeah" lol BEST fanfic that is ever...yeah...>.< anyway can't wait for Season two. WHOOT!
07-08-15 21:21:57
bomblover66 ::: Favorites
awsem cant wait for season 2 of chad vader good series!
07-08-15 22:36:48

Bathroom Chatter

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 17:01:38
User: all4bb8
:::: Favorites

Getting ready for veto ceremony. Jen talks about the gap in her teeth forming

3 people can keep a secret

Duration: 04:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 15:24:25
User: BB8house
:::: Favorites

If 2 of them are dead! these aren't necessarily in order..i was trying to record from all angles

steph455 ::: Favorites
07-08-15 15:34:32
steph455 ::: Favorites
07-08-15 15:37:17
BB8house ::: Favorites
no one will come back,, this is all part of a comp quiz.. hg that leave must be kept in sequester if there's any chance of coming bk in..
07-08-15 15:45:06
steph455 ::: Favorites
we don't know that the house guests that have left like nick are in or out of sequester have you heard anything to say that they are or aren't? hmmm
07-08-15 15:52:37
amyzann ::: Favorites
Nick and Mike are back at home, because both had parties last weekend!
07-08-15 17:51:04
slw182 ::: Favorites
No one is coming back because it's too late they don't have enough time.
07-08-15 15:56:06
steph455 ::: Favorites
Who said they would be playing...
07-08-15 16:07:03
lynnbbfan ::: Favorites
Hey Eric and Jesica never saw them
07-08-15 16:07:48
steph455 ::: Favorites
Plus there is always double eviction weeks to catch up ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED heh this is weird!
07-08-15 16:07:53
yhewaangel ::: Favorites
A midget on drugs!
07-08-15 17:42:35
Meg2oo9 ::: Favorites
I think this is hilarious!! lol I don't have a clue what any of it means, but it's funny.
07-08-15 23:47:22

NOTHING going on

Duration: 06:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 01:04:16
User: BB8house
:::: Favorites

SEE? !! After I stop recording, Zack, Jessica, Eric, and Dani go in to play beer pong. Dick goes in to watch, Dustin's there too. Camera's show Jen all alone laying on the sofa on the balcony and laying over the edge quietly watching them play beer pong. I can't think of anyone in this game who's had a harder time in the house than she has, on all levels. I'll check on them later b4 I tune out for good.

3:20AM BBT: Random chatter

Duration: 06:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 06:51:01
User: all4bb8
:::: Favorites

LNC random early am chatter

070505 (Part 3 of 3)

Duration: 09:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 09:05:11
User: ogatan9
:::: Favorites

C2-0T 佐々岡ヒロイン

clarinet1978 ::: Favorites
thanks a lot, ogatan9! I look forward to your new movies.
07-05-05 20:08:19

circus play

Duration: 00:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-01 07:15:37
User: ogatan9
:::: Favorites

higashide kimura