Thursday, November 1, 2007


Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-27 09:36:42
User: TheCiphaSoundsEffect
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60lox ::: Favorites
07-10-31 14:16:21
authentic3000 ::: Favorites
are you dumd tick tock
07-10-02 13:36:10
jenkeara ::: Favorites
Cham is sooooooooooo hot
07-09-23 00:38:10
LEACOOKIE ::: Favorites
anyone kno wat that tic toc song is called?
07-09-07 15:41:37
ColombianAngel ::: Favorites
y r ppl h8ting on baby cham? bun h8ters dey cn go suck out. pussyclat
07-08-17 13:18:44
FrEsHtOdEaTh745 ::: Favorites
myspace,com/therealcuttyranks (replace comma with dot) Cutty has a new single posted!!!!
07-08-16 16:36:26
NicoGee667 ::: Favorites
That's no freestyle.
07-08-14 10:42:17
yardjam3000 ::: Favorites
07-08-13 12:30:59
ste8300 ::: Favorites
here can see he worked very support
07-08-12 01:51:05
adnanuhhm ::: Favorites
good performance yo yo
07-08-08 16:39:01

Shrek: Deleted Scenes

Duration: 02:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-02 19:44:41
User: McGuyver
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Ever wondered what an R-rated version of Shrek would be like? Well, it might go something like this...


OatersRule ::: Favorites
LOL! It sounded so real? Is that real?!?! 5/5
07-10-28 20:46:09
Qwerty9990 ::: Favorites
that was awesome
07-09-19 08:05:08
exahtahtor ::: Favorites
i did enjoy it so shut the fuck up dick cock
07-08-15 22:13:21
jsmrshn ::: Favorites
My first comment I left was replying to exahtahtor's negative comment.
07-08-14 23:28:55
jsmrshn ::: Favorites
Awesome. Great job and keep up the good work. Have it saved in my favs. ;)
07-08-14 23:27:34
jsmrshn ::: Favorites
Um that isn't nice. Haven't you been taught "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I mean damn if you're not enjoying it, then why are you wasting your time watching it? Don't mind the negative feed back. It was awesome and well put together. Kick ass. ;) Kudos to ya. :)
07-08-14 23:26:55
bigsam656 ::: Favorites
that was amazingly funny
07-07-30 08:12:54
exahtahtor ::: Favorites
07-07-06 23:26:25
jenguifer ::: Favorites
this is rubbish you're making up your own stories and it's not even funny.. you just wasted your time
07-06-24 05:06:38
darketousa ::: Favorites
me cago en la ostia que arruinada lan dao joer jajaja pero esta gracioso jojooj
07-06-16 16:25:24

Reaction to Joe Biden's Message to President Bush on Iraq

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-15 09:35:39
User: JoeBidendotcom
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The Hill's A.B. Stoddard calls Senator Joe Biden a leader on Iraq in the field of Democratic candidates for the 2008 presidential election. 3/14/2007


megido45 ::: Favorites
ralph what is your grandsons name? ill keep him in my prayers. God Bless you and yours as well. If he gets deployed and there is anything you need to know just give me a yell, Ill be around.
07-04-26 23:29:02
ralphdjeeper ::: Favorites
megido45,Thank you,I dont realy hate anyone,i just get realy upset when i read and here all the hateful comments made here and in the media from the leftist liberals, they like to say anything they want but dont expect us to be able to say things like that back to them,without them comeing unglued. p.s. yes i pray i dont experience that eather. God Bless You and Yours.
07-04-26 10:47:42
megido45 ::: Favorites
lets hope not america was formed under the constitutional claim that all men are equal even the leftists.
07-04-25 21:44:15
megido45 ::: Favorites
your right and we are rapidly loosing our democracy. Were a capitalist society where the poor grow in numbers. If the rich are as vocal as you then i recommend the sign up their kids and send them over. News flash none of Bushs administration have ever been to war i find that interesting. combat soldier of 26 years
07-04-25 21:43:07
megido45 ::: Favorites
(here is the rest of my story) you are describing a hatred for people who have a different belief which is their constitutional right. I watched a lot of young people loose their lives and for what. How would you feel if your grandson lost his life and Bush's explanation just wasn't enough to justify it. I pray you never experience that.
07-04-25 21:40:14
megido45 ::: Favorites
ralph, I served in the army 26 years and was deployed to the 1st Gulf War in 1990-1991 as well as Iraqi Freedom. I agree we need a strong military but we should only use them when the purpose is honorable. There is enough doubt out there to question why we are there now. We as soldiers fight to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States against both foriegn and domestic enemies.
07-04-25 21:38:52
ralphdjeeper ::: Favorites
Americas on the RIGHT,where its always belonged and will always be.
07-04-25 09:31:53
ralphdjeeper ::: Favorites
I'm fedup with the fucking leftist,like Harry Reid,Traitors to America,and a fucking COWARD,if i was younger i would sign up,my Grandson is in the military now,thank God for him and those like him,God bless them all.
07-04-25 09:29:40
ralphdjeeper ::: Favorites
I wish your brother a safe return,after we WIN,I have always hatted the liberal left for what it has done to our Country,always will,my advice to you is to check out what lies your own liberal media and leaders are saying ,just because they repeat it a thousand times does not make it true.America will never be socialist.
07-04-25 09:25:09
ralphdjeeper ::: Favorites
How right you are,and thanks,fucking Harry Reid should be impeached,tried for TREASON,then HUNG,He lied when he said he supports the troops,he supports nothing but the leftist,socialist,Democratic,cowards,they are.
07-04-25 09:18:35

Biden on earmarks

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-04 00:28:35
User: JoeBidendotcom
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Want to get rid of earmarks? Go to public financing of elections.


DanTheModerator ::: Favorites
This guy makes too much sense to win.
07-06-18 19:19:24
presidentialpolls ::: Favorites
biden's favorite word = mallarky
07-06-05 23:03:27
kkslider2130 ::: Favorites
ps joe biden is hot
07-06-05 17:38:12
kkslider2130 ::: Favorites
i like to have joe make a massive contribution into my system.
07-06-05 17:37:51
k2dart ::: Favorites
Public campaign financing is absolutely necessary. Legal bribery is wrong. Money does not equal speech. We can either let private profit seeking interests own our government, or we can allow the taxpayers to own government. This legislation needs to get passed as soon as Bush is gone so it can be signed into law.
07-06-05 13:45:46
foxfingers ::: Favorites
Biden... he BEST be somewhere on the ticket.
07-06-05 00:20:01
PlanXfromMars ::: Favorites
the whole Israel vs. Palestinian thing is a cover, a distraction from the real problem that transdimensional beings, tri-gendered / three-headed / four-armed / slimy gobs are using artificial sweeteners (subtle psychoactives) to invade our minds and reprogram them during sleep so that they (the aliens) look like people.
07-06-04 23:42:43
AussiePoliticsReport ::: Favorites
Each candidate should have funds allocated to them to start with. So they all start on an even footing. As it is Kucinich for example hasn't got a hope. Not because he is a bad candidate but because he has no funds. Truly unfair.
07-06-04 03:19:07
THELionFish ::: Favorites
its one thing to say it, and I agree to an extent. But how is that ever going to get passed into law? If he really feels that way, write up the bill, get support for it and actually do it, I just dont think a bill saying that will ever get passed. I do like Senator Biden best of the Democrats, but still... Thats an unlikely yet needed reform.
07-06-04 02:49:34

what becomes of the broken hearted

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-24 15:20:56
User: ElyeG
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What becomes of the broken hearted - by DJ CHUCKSTER


74byrne ::: Favorites
i'm a mechanic -sounds like i have got the wrong spanner on my nuts!! or was this track recorded by some deepsea divers two days into pressurisation
07-10-18 20:56:59
Lala12hottie ::: Favorites
it sounds wierd but it sounds good who sings this song??
07-10-17 13:21:10
Lala12hottie ::: Favorites
i feel tha pain my heart got broken plenty of times and im still hurt
07-10-17 11:09:49
emogirldepressed01 ::: Favorites
i even like the speed of it...its a very jumpy song...and i love the origanle too...LOVE IT MUCHLY!!!!!
07-10-16 23:25:25
sansom1995 ::: Favorites
i lovee thiz song x
07-10-14 06:43:29
SHAAAAARK2000 ::: Favorites
Well... (I'm gonna hate myself for this!) That was very good!
07-10-09 12:02:12
gorgeusgal ::: Favorites
i agree with u
07-10-09 06:25:57
rajmcmo135 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the site FUNDATERS DOT COM
07-10-08 22:47:53
AnimeEyes143 ::: Favorites
Whtas with the hamster voice??
07-10-03 21:36:15
daaaas770 ::: Favorites
Nice video. This site is pretty neat for pretty webcam girls - TIME4CAMZ DOT COM
07-09-29 18:17:47

One Tree Hill Promo

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-17 20:28:16
User: x3nerd
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I tried to pull off a promo of one tree hill like how the CW did, but it didn't come any close to it. but I was satisfied, so enjoy my promo of season 4 (a compilation of season 3).


clarksonroxs ::: Favorites
07-05-04 19:19:13
lucas4brooke ::: Favorites
OTH just isn't the same w/o Brucas!
07-02-14 14:46:01
othfan45 ::: Favorites
07-02-01 17:37:49
AxidntProne ::: Favorites
wow, this is really good.
06-12-12 22:04:53
jakgotbak ::: Favorites
As someone who knows how hard it is to make a good promo... I can say this is pretty darn good. Keep it up.
06-12-08 02:24:51
TashPillay ::: Favorites
great stuff, any idea where i can download season4
06-12-03 15:45:06
Pragmo ::: Favorites
Great work! :)
06-12-03 12:56:13
sasusaku13 ::: Favorites
this is actually really good... actually its GREAT!!!
06-12-02 14:42:31
beckyann ::: Favorites
omg that was awesome well done katie
06-11-25 17:47:37
o2c4luver ::: Favorites
loved it.. lucas and peyton better not be together... go brucas!!
06-11-25 10:29:51

Lucas & Brooke - Okay; Swirl 360

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-31 01:07:46
User: x3nerd
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Just another of my Brooke & Lucas music videos. This one came out pretty good. It's actually my current favorite music video. So comment and enjoy! :) This one is dedicated to all the Brooke & Lucas fans, especially the fans in (the BL club) keeping the faith! + +


DistopianDreamGirl ::: Favorites
what season is the first clip from?
07-08-21 20:50:18
x3nerd ::: Favorites
season 3 :)
07-08-22 00:39:33
x3nerd ::: Favorites
thank you everyone!
07-05-09 00:31:19
M00M00sayss ::: Favorites
yourrr great !
07-04-12 18:13:00
GossipGirl84 ::: Favorites
CUTE! I love the song! =]
07-04-09 19:28:42
dreamz2k7 ::: Favorites
loved the video sooooooo cute
07-03-22 15:08:35
ZXtreem ::: Favorites
i though i was the only one that knew about this song HAHAHAH
07-02-14 03:39:59
jamievandalen ::: Favorites
you and everyone else who watched VanWilder :)
07-06-04 23:32:41
finallyfound1 ::: Favorites
Lawl, This is true.
07-09-10 18:12:29
icklebabi ::: Favorites
So cute! I loved it!
07-01-31 09:23:12


Duration: 17:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-14 00:41:02
User: tlandry24
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NOTE/THIS IS A FAN FILM AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WARNER BROS. OR DC COMICS After a new gang calling themselves the "Elite" attack New Gotham, The New Dark Knight must stop them, until Bruce Wayne finds out that the leader of the gang's father was a criminal as well, then it all breaks loose when the gang realizes that Terry is Batman, now Wayne Manor is in for it. Written and Directed by Travis Landry Edited and Produced By William Phelps Starring Andrew Harvell Travis Landry Brock Reindl Michael Walsh William Phelps and Reece Stevens SEQUEL:;8038359;;/fileinfo.html © 2007 - All rights reserved.-We do not own the rights of the character, but we do own the rights of the film, we will not sell this in any way, but, if someone would like to upload this to something else, please ask our permission first


Galea007 ::: Favorites
The Costumes Suck! But other Than That Good Effort
07-06-30 12:19:13
tlandry24 ::: Favorites
hah thanks, yeah we fixed that
07-07-13 01:07:09
Xfredrik6556 ::: Favorites
Great great manifico i lovde it
07-04-10 12:14:00
tlandry24 ::: Favorites
07-04-10 17:26:46
ArtemiyMJ ::: Favorites
ROFL nice =)
07-02-23 16:17:04
tlandry24 ::: Favorites
07-02-23 17:27:35
johhnnystorrmm ::: Favorites
Great! i loved both versions, pat yourself on the back!
07-02-09 22:42:36
tlandry24 ::: Favorites
haha Thanks Dude
07-02-10 10:43:17
BigBoi4564 ::: Favorites
07-01-30 19:26:06
tlandry24 ::: Favorites
LOL thanks man
07-01-30 21:05:50


Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-30 20:55:55
User: drioder
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kien pompo dde chicoche en sus años mosos


Luizito26 ::: Favorites
Con respecto a ese "pepeeltoro2007" si dice eso es por no sabe de Chico Che el gay ese!! si supiera q chico che tambien aporto a la cultura mexicana y ademas es un orgullo para la gente choca (Tabasqueños) que diga lo que kiera el pendejo o pendeja ese chicho es la ley awebo0..!! como de quen chon!!!!
07-10-25 09:32:08
Luizito26 ::: Favorites
chido chido!!
07-10-25 09:29:44
indoctrinado ::: Favorites
jajajaj toda una alegoría al kistch, felicidades!!
07-10-23 14:28:02
xrulasekisx ::: Favorites
chido !
07-10-22 08:02:46
pepeeltoro2007 ::: Favorites
Si, ojala imitaran a Pedro Infante o a Jaime Nuno,el compositor de el himno nacional,Jose Alfredo Gimenez,o ya de perdida a Cepillin,YA QUE ESTOS APORTARON MUCHO A nuestra cultura nacional,si de basca se habla aqui esta cicharron o como se llame, maldito corriente hijo de su puta madre, q bueno q se fue,
07-10-08 02:40:28
Jadluna ::: Favorites
jaja no manchen les kedo chingon y la chava guapisimaaa chavos gracias por el video jaja como me divertia las canciones de este guey cuando niño aguanteeee chico che!!
07-10-06 15:52:24
Luizito26 ::: Favorites
azu! q video la verdad mis repetos para ese video y q bueno pues que se akuerden de el gran Chico Che la verdad felicidadez!!! Chico Che Vive!!!!
07-09-26 15:27:50
flyby7a ::: Favorites
Mis respetos pero la chava esta guapetona he..
07-09-21 00:35:34
purotequila ::: Favorites
jajaja, no mamen, les quedó chingón!! jaja
07-09-11 00:36:57
mastequila8090 ::: Favorites
Cada que lo veo me duele el estómago de tanto reirme. Y sobre todo porque les encontré parecido a mis tíos que les gusta arreglar coches, y parece que los estoy viendo.
07-09-08 15:05:26

Biden on Real Time with Bill Maher

Duration: 08:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-27 18:09:50
User: JoeBidendotcom
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Senator Biden discusses Iraq and the 2008 Presidential election on Real Time with Bill Maher. Aired 2/23/2007.


mwcowboy ::: Favorites
Biden is the right person for the job. The other Dem candidates are great - they'd make an excellent cabinet. But Joe is the smartest as well as the most capable of actually getting something done. The best!
07-08-21 21:06:39
Frenchborn ::: Favorites
Sorry, but what mystic or angel told you he was evil? Isn't it time you quit reading fairy tales?
07-07-02 01:59:49
Frenchborn ::: Favorites
Gosh, is your caregiver with you only twice a week?
07-07-02 01:55:36
Frenchborn ::: Favorites
Well only if the Republicans, especially the Bushies, acknowledge they have destabilized not only a country but the whole Middle East.
07-07-02 01:52:19
Frenchborn ::: Favorites
What the heck are you saying? Is this a response to what Senator Biden said? If so,Uh?
07-07-02 01:48:55
malrenalds ::: Favorites
wow another dude who saw loose change and thinks he has it all figured out. thoose theorys while raising alot of good questions about how our government works. answer very few. i dont belive that a huge secret soc. runs the world. People are far to self centered to keep that seceret at mass
07-05-14 00:51:59
malrenalds ::: Favorites
joe biden has been saying this for a long time. so yes its not a new idea.
07-05-14 00:47:30
malrenalds ::: Favorites
Joe biden is a very smart and real guy and he has my vote.
07-05-14 00:42:18
ilekngo ::: Favorites
Joe is very funny.
07-05-07 00:48:53
fldz ::: Favorites
naaah, Biden just knows that his suggestion is exactly what's going to happen. It's not a new idea, it's just the fallback position of Bush's over-optimistic ideal. Either way, if we pull it off, the dems will as usual, take credit for the republicans doing the unpopular dirty-work of stabilizing the region.
07-04-08 10:53:41

RacinJason 91 Mustang BBC Wheelstand

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-18 23:30:21
User: racinjason1991
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This was at the Clash of the Titans on 9-3-06. Alittle to much bottle pressure.


easylovin00 ::: Favorites
that is the car i dream about wow had a camaro but did not do that winning is great moneywise but with that u dont have to win to put on a great show and become a crowd favorite real fast.For some of us the love of the cars and the fan are most important, the money is a bonus
07-08-19 13:36:10
jllightfoot ::: Favorites
07-07-30 21:40:38
badazbowtie ::: Favorites
thats what you call real power....
07-07-24 02:21:29
cmccarthy ::: Favorites
Awesome. For those of you not well versed in drag racing, that car is designed to compete in a class that is limited to small tires and no wheelie bars. In order to hook on small tires, the cars must be setup with a rearward weight bias, which lends itself to the occasional bumper dragging wheelstand. So in reality the car isn't set up wrong at all, it's just "too right" for lack of a better term.
07-07-19 13:17:26
mandimeeko ::: Favorites
that was f**king awesome
07-07-15 10:07:17
saw426 ::: Favorites
Hell yea 5 stars!!
07-07-10 10:49:33
dragracer89 ::: Favorites
im not sure but i think he did have wheelie bars on it until this happened lol
07-07-07 16:12:20
LS1ChevyTruck ::: Favorites
07-07-05 17:57:03
tokdl ::: Favorites
Hehe... must go through bumper covers by the gross, awesome wheel stands!
07-06-29 19:26:52
dccrownvic ::: Favorites
That's cool as shit, but he needs some wheelie bars in the rear BAD. lol
07-02-06 18:20:19

A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Dinner with Digby/Marks & Spencer

Duration: 08:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-07 13:05:56
User: heartandhumour
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"The" From the second series of A Bit of Fry & Laurie. (View on the smallest screen option for sharper picture).


LuckyPagoda ::: Favorites
"Ah yes -- the Queen of the Adriatic!" "...which is one of the things you've been called." Genius.
07-09-29 14:37:23
GBCOne ::: Favorites
One of my favourite Fry & Laurie lines :-)
07-10-09 00:43:04
Silnorda ::: Favorites
Bloody women! They always want to change you. xD
07-09-21 16:03:00
CuriousChia ::: Favorites
oh the lady returning the suit is from the Vicar of Dilbey. She was always making the most horrible dishes with the most ghastly food combinations.
07-08-22 16:06:12
sinnik1 ::: Favorites
That was awesome
07-07-29 06:11:42
MontyDave ::: Favorites
What's the name of the classy music used to introduce this sketch? It sounds like it should be by Vivaldi, but I may be mistaken.
07-05-09 15:45:36
heartandhumour ::: Favorites
Sorry MontyDave, I'd just be guessing, you might be right with Vivaldi...someone else 'll probably know. Thanks for commenting.
07-05-09 16:45:05
puffingpod ::: Favorites
yes, it sounds like Vivaldi, although I don't know it's name.
07-06-15 05:57:13
Bandy500 ::: Favorites
sounds like a sound-a-like of the four seasons by vivaldi, assuming they didn't want to pay for the original - its probably library music..
07-07-11 09:26:43

Gundam Seed Astray Red Frame

Duration: 06:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-28 20:18:40
User: Revan117
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A short OVA depicting the best gundam of all: Red Frame!


Nick3889 ::: Favorites
Your right I love this manga
07-10-22 14:12:20
gundamnduke0 ::: Favorites
wat is dis abbout? the animation image seems... "old" anyway Astray Red Frame is always a fun MS 2 play in GS battle assult
07-06-19 05:14:28
alien921 ::: Favorites
yo...what EXACTLY dpes ova stand for? i know what it is...but what does it STAND for...?
07-03-25 20:19:50
NoobToTheSecondPower ::: Favorites
XD I wish I had a hot teacher that didn't wear a bra.
06-12-23 10:33:11
jamauln1 ::: Favorites
Yeah. She would always bend over to help someone with classwork and I'd get a great view of her cleavage^^
06-12-23 03:44:44
NoobToTheSecondPower ::: Favorites
O_O That's....awesome...
06-12-22 22:01:40
jamauln1 ::: Favorites
Oh hell. I wish I knew. She moved somewhere my senior year. She never wore a bra either.
06-07-22 15:36:53
Revan117 ::: Favorites
Dude, I'd give you my left pinky if you told me where that teacher is....
06-07-22 15:05:04
jamauln1 ::: Favorites
That professor looks like a teacher I had in high school.
06-07-22 13:54:58
1230567 ::: Favorites
hungover? not hang over?
06-06-24 08:32:10