Friday, February 22, 2008

飆汗 (容祖兒x小豬-羅志祥 對唱)

Duration: 04:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-08 14:51:36
User: starsea97

飆汗 (容祖兒x小豬-羅志祥 對唱)


XxselinaxX  2007-03-16 04:15:47

OMG!!! realli make ppl dizzy
xiaopinkkiie  2007-03-13 03:00:20

fainted lei dizzy..l0ls..
Mongolianchicken  2006-08-11 00:33:18

lol i got dizzy from this video

Things that irritate me

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 16:43:11
User: RipleyisBA

ripleyisba | show | annoying | things | hillary 


A list of things that annoy me


RipleyisBA  2008-02-18 22:37:30

Haha thanks dude.
smoothassilkandazn  2008-02-18 22:28:12

i totally agree with you. excellent points my man
smoothassilkandazn  2008-02-18 20:29:28

i agree with you. excellent points

Spiony - rulim рулим

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-30 15:52:43
User: Ghn9Rs2q

быдло | spiony | ruli | russak | musik 


Spiony - rulim


The New Macbook Air

Duration: 07:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-17 14:51:00
User: DarkYenOfPie

Macbook | Mac | Air | Computer | New 


This is the apple add for the new macbook air.


matsmi532  2008-01-24 21:48:19

rent movies from itunes instead of watching the ones you allready have??? thats really really gay!
matsmi532  2008-01-24 21:41:30


Mika on BBC Radio 2 Music Club - Part 1

Duration: 09:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-27 08:25:08
User: babspanky

mika | mica | penniman | music | club 


Relax and LT recorded at Maida Vale studios 31.01.07


rachfatcat  2008-02-09 13:44:53

Thanks for putting this up, it's exactly a year ago since they showed it, such Mikastalgia. Babs you are kind and fine indeed.
didis89  2008-01-31 01:52:21

i would love him today, tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that, etc, etc...beautiful. love his laughter.incredibly talented!! thank for uploading this :)
rvleevee  2008-01-30 10:39:21

Indeed: cool :-D I was too lazy to re-play.
babspanky  2008-01-28 17:52:05

Actually, this is where I first saw Sara! On the telly!
babspanky  2008-01-28 17:51:23

Didn't she say, he looks cool? lol

Uh? hahaa.

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-13 20:19:13
User: MadisonElaineChertow

Dylan | madison | fall | haha | cute 


This is like a random blooperish clip Its really old. haha. I dont even know why im uploading it. haha.


BlindDude1234  2008-02-16 14:17:14

wow....just when i thought i couldnt get any stupider! but your hot i would love to meet you haha
Punktrick  2008-02-13 23:04:36

uhh sorry for the spam, guess I had problems cause the comments, never showed up thats why I wrote again xD (lol my 4th comment now) sry about that and thanks for responding to my comment =D
Punktrick  2008-02-13 22:54:53

haha funny^^, is that your room? ^^ nice, you uploaded a new vid =D even if its short^^ pAtRiCk
MadisonElaineChertow  2008-02-13 21:33:42

hahahah thank you :D yea it is but its changed alot since then this is kinda really old. haha I dn why i uploaded it. Ill upload a real video soon
Punktrick  2008-02-13 21:01:36

haha is this your room?^^ dylan laugh is funny xD

VIB Le destin de lisa 357 David

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-25 05:42:19
User: LostGirl78

VIB | destin | lisa | 357 | David 


VIB Le destin de lisa 357 David is sad. ** Ceci n'est pas un montage. Mais simplement deux scènes qui sont à la base séparés par une scène de Lisa & Rocco au restaurant. Les scènes entre David & Lisa sont uniquement des flashbacks.** **This is not an fanvid. But simply two scenes which are basically separated by Lisa with Rocco at the restaurant. Scenes between David and Lisa are only flashbacks.** I don't own this video. Credit to Sat1. #40 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Film & Animation - France #51 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Film & Animation - France #52 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Film & Animation - France


LostGirl78  2008-01-24 11:06:27

De rien ;)
laurrrre  2008-01-24 10:18:47

merci super video domm elle et courte!!!
LostGirl78  2007-12-12 06:19:24

Thank for commenting - Merci pour les commentaires ^^
dams4657  2007-12-12 06:10:52

serieux a la place de lisa je prendre david que renaud !!!!! il es trop beau david
mamarie141  2007-10-18 10:18:35

c tro minions méme en allmand


Duration: 10:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-11 15:19:54
User: tfcdeedcft

Tibia | Freak | Mine 


It's Good:P


laugerb939  2007-10-09 05:24:33

There are a ton of hot webcam girls at _SWEETDATEZ.COM_
Rafasplace  2007-07-24 12:25:22

lol if you wanted to look like rl tibia at least put the tibia exp noob..
TheMasterMage3000  2007-07-17 00:10:46

boring z z z
blackosmosis  2007-04-01 14:02:18

i dont think anybody continued all the 10 mins without closing the video so boring u r hunting in ot so what?
blackosmosis  2007-04-01 13:57:58

u dont have to say it's ot....IT IS SOO OVIOUS and the exp is 5000x

浅田真央(Mao Asada) フィギュア 4大陸選手権 フリー

Duration: 08:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-16 13:38:19
User: joemoriyama

浅田真央 | Mao | Asada | figure | skating 


浅田真央(Mao Asada) フィギュア 4大陸選手権 フリー 演技~採点


rwz7  2008-02-17 23:42:41

wow, beautiful performance. thank you for uploading it.
Kdolfizzle  2008-02-17 11:18:49

wow she's amazing!
shionnomama  2008-02-16 23:29:47

eugene5255  2008-02-16 22:04:01

yuna got hut huh?

Re: Ben's Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

Duration: 06:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-20 16:43:08
User: betz28

ben | benyamin | grey | anatomy | betz28 


I have the honor to sing with a good friend of mine here on youtube, Ben ~(dabiribd). Thank you Ben for playing such a beautiful song. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.


betz28  2007-07-15 22:07:12

biddymagee  2007-07-15 21:20:50

that was very nice dear.
dabiribd  2007-07-14 08:10:00

That would be awesome. Love to listen to it
betz28  2007-07-14 01:25:25

Thanks Ben!!! you are the best....I may take a stab at Mad World...what ya think??
dabiribd  2007-07-12 09:09:55

Hi betz, You're the best Thank you Your fan, Ben