Thursday, January 10, 2008

Edwin De Larosa

Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-24 15:48:52
User: marvines
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edwin  larosa  breakless  


Edwin De Larosa


walter541 ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 02:11:59

sk8er98567 ::: Favorites  2007-09-22 20:33:22

omfg are you serious
JamesPromIII ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 18:50:40

I suggest you buy get rich or die tryin it's one of 50's best cds
Cyppa90 ::: Favorites  2007-07-15 04:44:44

50 cent - what up gangsta
taco14 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 16:35:11

lol he hit the old woman!!!
celbacol ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 23:38:49

wats the name of the song?
v3n0m0usv183z ::: Favorites  2007-05-28 03:29:00

fit crew and edwin de la rosa still d best in bmx....those guyz suuuuppper!

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Wherever you are, Shigure. -MANGA SPOILERS-

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-01 05:20:19
User: xShigurex
:::: Favorites
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AkitoxShigure-- Too a dear friend that goes by the username of SoumaAkito~! ^^ ...All-nighter... This AMV/MMV was an ALL-NIGHTER. -Falls over- From 10pm to 4am, W00HOOH. X_X I'm so happy I finished it though. I'm quite proud of the outcome, although I got pretty lazy at the end. x.x; Yes, yes it's ShigurexAkito, I LIKE THE PAIRING. (Akito looks/sometimes acts like me. ^^; I'm not overly violent and gouge people's eyes from their sockets though. o.o; ) Anyway-- enjoy, 'tis my first MMV(With a bit of AMV in there)! ^^ Song: "Wherever you are" By Laava


MoonShadowKitty ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 14:01:36

im so used to seeing akito as a this vid (for me to watch) is pretty just weird so dont mind's really cute though!! Akito and Shigure really end up 2gether?? so many thigns i have to find out about Fruits Basket. lol i liked this video!! it's cute!
narume21 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 09:31:57

Akkygure <3 *my fav couple ever*
PokoRocks1234 ::: Favorites  2007-12-09 20:43:44

Da song is scary. T.T
StevieMarie1122 ::: Favorites  2007-10-03 10:21:40

there was going to be a second season of the anime and they were going to tell you that its a shes but theyre not making another season now
happyasaclam ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 22:24:32

Akito and Shigure make a KAWAII couple. I didn't expect it till 17 when Kureno tells Tohru Akito's a girl...then after that it took me a whole couple of days to put everything together...I'm an idiot. Still they're a cute couple. anyways GREAT vid and 5 stars! *adds to favs*
happyasaclam ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 22:22:51

yeah but it's still creepy...but then again Hiroxkisa and haruxrin and all the rest like hatorixkana (That so should of happened one of the few reasons i DON'T like akito) Creepy yet cute.
happyasaclam ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 22:20:20

he's a she. Well in the manga. Akito stay's a guy in the anime...
lolypoppy1909 ::: Favorites  2007-06-02 17:05:09

what volume has most of this?
clongtax ::: Favorites  2007-05-28 23:07:06

this is a really great video and i really like this pairing
DaniJDanJi ::: Favorites  2007-05-02 03:26:15

this is magical
BassBoyLover ::: Favorites  2007-04-13 23:28:56

hey.. love this... they're my top 2 favorite characters!!!!!
Vilde08 ::: Favorites  2007-04-07 10:57:36

I totally LOVE this AMV<3 Its beatifull <3
Vilde08 ::: Favorites  2007-04-07 10:57:14

It isnt incest, beacuse in Japan it's not incest when cousins are together.. Besides I think they are distant realtives..
VietSakura ::: Favorites  2007-04-01 17:21:49

I love this pairing the most...I just like them cuz I don't think they go with anyone else... Fruits Basket is also my favorite manga.
flyingonbrokenwings ::: Favorites  2007-03-26 15:55:42

i love it too even though it's incest.. XDD

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Vecernja Skola: Aljosa as Oliver Dragojevic - Vjeruj u ...

Duration: 00:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-25 03:05:52
User: AljoshaKapulica
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Description: U "Večernjoj školi" sa odličnim uspjehomAnkica BARBIR MLADINOVIĆU popularnoj hrvatskoj satiričko-zabavnoj emisiji Željka Pervana ''Večernja škola'', koja se od ove sezone prikazuje na Drugom programu Hrvatske televizije, gostovao je ovih dana poznati srpski glumac i redatelj Ljubiša Samardžić, a prije njega sarajevski glumac Emir Hadžihafizbegović. Reakcije publike na snimanju emisija, koje će se emitirati idućih tjedana, bile su odlične, no, za razliku od televizije, filma i glazbe, u hrvatskim kazališnim kućama prevladava mišljenje da još nije došlo vrijeme za nastup srpskih glumaca i predstava u hrvatskim kazalištima. Urednica ''Večernje škole'', Ivanka Vilović, ističe da je taj satiričko-zabavni projekt hrvatskog komičara Željka Pervana dobio na vrijednosti upravo pozivanjem zanimljivih gostiju u emisiju: ''Bila je Severina. Sutra dovečer i sljedeći petak idu dvije epizode sa glumcem iz Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Emirom Hadžihafizbegovićem. Treća epizoda bi bila sa Ljubišom Samardžićem. ''Zvijezda brojnih ratnih filmova nekadašnje jugoslavenske kinematografije, proslavljeni glumac i redatelj, Ljubiša Samardžić, gostovao je u Pervanovoj emisiji s temom o velikim bitkama Drugog svjetskog rata:''Kako kaže, 634 puta je umirao, ne zna koliko je puta bio strijeljan. On ih je podučavao o umiranju i u filmu i u kazalištu.''Kako je publika reagirala:''Izvrsno. Tu je bila jedna kompilacija profesionalnog i ljudi koji su polu amateri, polu profesionalci, jedna energija koja je bila izmjenična.''Sarajevski gost Emir Hadžihafizbegović došao je u Večernju školu govoriti na temu ptičje gripe i podijelio je polaznicima banane:''Sami zaključite zašto im je podijelio banane. U Bosnu i Hercegovinu još uvijek nije bilo ptičjeg gripa.''U Hrvatskoj više nije čudo vidjeti na televiziji srpsku sapunicu, glazbu, narodnjaci su hit u mnogim birtijama, ali za nastupe srpskih glumaca u hrvatskim kazalištima mnogi misle da je još uvijek prerano:Hrvatska kazališna redateljica Snježana Banović:''Kolege iz Srbije i Crne Gore, čak i iz Bosne, bi u nekim slučajevima došli u obzir, ako glume u nekim žanrovima koji su para-kazališni. Film i televizija također dolaze u obzir. Tu je puno tolerancija. Što se tiče scene, situacija je malo drugačija. Puno puta sam čula da si ne mogu dopustiti da se ovdje klanjaju, niti da se mi njima klanjamo. Dolazi do apsurdnog otpora. Ne mogu zamisliti situaciju da srpska predstava dođe na gostovanje, osim da to bude po nekim periferijama, ili po festivalima koji imaju reputaciju da su jugoslavenski. Riječki festival malih scena to izvrsno radi, uspijeva u tome i za to im treba čestitati. Mislim da u centralnom mjestu tog nacionalnog, što znači u Zagrebu, još dugo to neće biti moguće.''Osobno je prije dvije-tri godine doživjela skandal kad je kao direktorica Drame u HNK iznijela ideju o o gostovanju u Beogradu, a govori i o sudbini jedne svoje predstave:''Radila sam u Beogradu predstavu zagrebačke autorice. Ta predstava već treću godinu tamo igra pred uvijek prodanom dvoranom, a nemoguće je da dođe u Zagreb, iako joj je tema iz Zagreba. Bila je u Sloveniji, u Bosni i Hercegovini, u Makedoniji i u Bugarskoj, ali nije bila u Zagrebu, u mjestu u kojem se ona događa.''O mogućem nastupu srpskih i bosanskohercegovačkih glumaca pitali smo i direktora zagrebačkog kazališta Gavela, Darka Stazića:''Mislim da repertoarna kazališta, kao što je naše, imaju jednu obvezu, a to je praviti predstave maksimalno sa vlastitim ansamblom. Nisu u pitanju gosti iz Srbije, Slovenije, Makedonije, Bugarske, Rumunjske zato što imamo na plaći glumce. Moramo voditi računa da ih maksimalno zaposlimo, da imamo takav repertoar koji možemo iznijeti vlastitim snagama.''Direktor Komedije, Niko Pavlović:''Oni su tamo, ovi su ovamo. Svi žive za neku koru kruha. Svako ima neki svoj prostor. Niti se ja petljam u njihov, niti očekujem da se oni petljaju u naš. Ako neko ima potrebu za tim glumcem, iz bilo koje strane zemlje, pa tako i iz susjednih zemalja, treba dobiti dozvolu. Mislim da bi sindikat tu trebao imati snagu da to spriječi. Ukoliko takvi ljudi postoje, to nije moja stvar, samo da se nije ogriješio o ovu zemlju, ali za to postoje neke druge službe.''


PhantomOfTheEarWax ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 22:30:13

=D haha
jogurtman ::: Favorites  2007-07-27 03:02:52

lol !!!! :D
tamirko10 ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 06:39:26

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahha
ptuinstra ::: Favorites  2007-07-08 07:51:59

Very interrested (not) !
kikicrolady ::: Favorites  2007-07-04 07:43:11


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Lemonade - Passion [cover.. kind of xD]

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-19 04:08:02
User: SoJimified
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Haha, a bumpy version of Lemonade by Passion. Starts out awkward haha. But it's all right :] Sorry for the bad language in the background haha. Does anyone else miss Ms. Leighty? Lol.


markmata44 ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 18:37:47


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Non fighting ice hockey players

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-09 04:25:48
User: nuttcrushernigel
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During a ice hockey match 2 ice hockey players start a brawl. Well....not really!


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West Branch Story: Cast Party

Duration: 10:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-16 00:14:10
User: Spencetf
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Katie V. - and others could not make it to the cast party. So she represented herself, and all others absent in her Cast Party in less than 10 minutes film. Hope you enjoy!


charlottieh ::: Favorites  2007-04-24 13:34:29

whooaaww this is great..:P You are funny spenc ..;)
jaime717 ::: Favorites  2007-04-17 12:36:03

I was at a wedding, too. But great video! It was nice to see what went on through the eyes of Katie V. Woo go Katie! =)
beefykate ::: Favorites  2007-04-16 15:48:41

Ooooh my god that was amazing. I loved the picture you used of me..haha but now I definately feel like I was at the cast party! woo! haha..okay maybe not but it was still awesome, thanks spence =]
stargatedan ::: Favorites  2007-04-16 14:39:56

Ohh... dear... Katie... what are we gonna do with you?

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Aux portes de l'au-dela [From Beyond](extrait)

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-09 11:45:03
User: Sam6262
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Aux  portes  l'au-dela  From  Beyond  Stuart  Gordon  


Extrait du film Aux portes de l'au-dela [From Beyond]sorti en 1986 et réalisé part Stuart Gordon avec Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken Foree, Ted Sorel, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Bunny Summers


Eggyolkio ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 17:34:54

Somebody please post this in English!
HateMiser ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 22:20:43

I think your right.. regardless, see what happens when ya smoke bud? Gives you a third eye.
Mattteus ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 16:30:44

I think she bites it off... even worse
HateMiser ::: Favorites  2007-11-02 19:12:17

I remember she cuts of that worm thing from his head. Grody to the MAX!
Nachtkommen ::: Favorites  2007-09-25 01:02:09

My thoughts exactly.
graftarian ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 18:12:09

I remember seeing this years ago and really enyoyed it. Seeing it again you realise how poor the effects were. You can blatantly see the real neck of the guy playing the monster. I hear it's comin gout on DVD again soon - could be worth a look to see BC again.
Nixlplix ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 22:47:55

Somehow it loses some of its effect in French, especially with the lack of Jeffrey Combs' voice.
oehlda2000 ::: Favorites  2007-08-31 00:04:11


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Check Out 'Hopelessly Hopeful'!!

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-18 22:43:59
User: PikachuFanatica
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this is just an advertisment i did for a fansite i really like. i am the MySpace Manager of the fansite. the administrator is Leenie. the song used in this video is "The (After) Life of the Party" by Fall Out Boy. the short audio clip is from "I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)", also by Fall Out Boy. link to fansite: NOTE: I AM ONLY A FAN. THIS VIDEO, CREATED BY ME, WAS MEANT AS A FAN VIDEO. I HAVE NO AFFILATIONS WITH ANY ARTISTS INVOLVED IN MY FAN-MADE VIDEO.


PikachuFanatica ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 10:43:22

i love you too. *hugs*
PikachuFanatica ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 10:43:11

thanks. check out Hopelessly Hopeful. the administrator will be happy if you do. ^_^
leenie2316 ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 04:31:15

Stephanie, I love you. <333333333 Hehehe
musicfreakandrocker ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 00:00:41

AWESOME!!! (Y) 2 thumbs up

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