Saturday, October 20, 2007


Duration: 05:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-24 00:07:24
User: heynimrod888
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This is my little sing-a-long video for the song Blurry by Puddle of Mudd. It might be a little off key sometimes, so bear with me! Disclaimer: I did not make the song, do not own it, nor do I own or have anything to do with Puddle of Mudd.


finalfanthero ::: Favorites
this song is the soundtrack of ace combat 5 squadron leader(pal version)and its one of the best songs i have ever heard....i L.O.V.E this son and these guys are awsome
07-09-22 18:49:15
3dayzgracefreek ::: Favorites
this song.... i cant believe it. amazing. its.... just too good.
07-09-21 21:04:56
rauul4200 ::: Favorites
Great song, thank you for the lyric upload.
07-06-23 20:00:46
urnotjerick ::: Favorites
teenage angst! yeah!
07-05-22 03:37:10
heynimrod888 ::: Favorites
Be nice to Shara or I'll eat you.
07-04-22 13:56:26
CornishPixieChick ::: Favorites
07-05-05 20:43:13
ufninja ::: Favorites
Der. Its Puddle o' Mudd
07-01-04 17:39:09
x0KagomeHigurashi0x ::: Favorites
Oh. Sorree. Dumb bitch.
07-03-04 21:24:00
ACinfiltrator ::: Favorites
horse cum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!joking!
07-04-17 22:54:16
x0KagomeHigurashi0x ::: Favorites
Is this Switchfoot? cool
06-10-25 12:09:33

07 NFC East predictions: Giants

Duration: 07:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-15 02:36:02
User: HomegrownCowboy
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My take on the Giants.


HomegrownCowboy ::: Favorites
honestly, i am more worried about the Giants than the Eagles. The Giants will be on a mission this year. In fact i'm gonna post a video on my thoughts soon.
07-08-20 21:06:05
Methos1966 ::: Favorites
Looking forward to our first match up! I like our draft. Our number one pick is looking great in camp and our new TE is surprising everyone with how good he's looking. Should be interesting...
07-08-12 17:18:45
redmustang03 ::: Favorites
If the Giants do get Simeon Rice of course they still won't have the punch that Strahan provided but it is still better than having some unknown on their team other than Umi.
07-08-04 00:39:33
nym685 ::: Favorites
No. If Strahan retires and we fail to sign Simeon Rice to replace him, then we are doomed. Otherwise, we will be ok.
07-08-02 23:49:28
redmustang03 ::: Favorites
If Michael Strahan retires the Giants are doomed on defense. He was their leader and provided a lot of the pash rush for years. They got rid of a good lb, but injured Arrington. You better hope that Umi at that defensive end is the next Strahan or better.
07-08-01 02:56:09
mcfrs ::: Favorites
don't sleep on the Skins. They have the best running game in the division. Just ask the Eagles. If the defense can return to form, they will be scary. The running game is key. They were 4th in the league, last season. And the Giants will not make the playoffs.
07-07-26 11:41:26
47kaos ::: Favorites
I'm digging the drumline candence. I'm a drummer myself.
07-07-23 02:01:40
HomegrownCowboy ::: Favorites
ok , you go ahead and fall asleep on thier running game and defense. haha i'm not!!!
07-07-20 20:22:20
crazyoldtom ::: Favorites
the giants have gone down hill, they will be 3rd in nfc east, fortunately for the giants last place looks to be reserved for the skins
07-07-20 01:55:10
Phillyballer767 ::: Favorites
Fall asleep on what ? Their lack of running game and no Defence. They will be the worst team in the NFC E.
07-07-19 21:49:57

chikku bukku

Duration: 05:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-03-22 10:37:09
User: umarakesh
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prabhu deva


suthy06 ::: Favorites
i love this song!!!
07-10-12 12:16:34
siddhu085 ::: Favorites
yaa..roja was arr's debut... this was shankar's debut
07-10-04 09:13:59
kutty1994 ::: Favorites
07-09-28 12:06:23
chellam05 ::: Favorites
prbu deva awsome .he rox.
07-09-25 04:47:42
balls055 ::: Favorites
lol its not bollywood bollywood = hindi movies [ hindi = north india ] kollywood = tamil movies [ tamil = south india ] this is a tamil movie =D from the 90s
07-09-05 01:47:26
DraikRoan ::: Favorites
Im american and I LOVE this song!
07-08-29 20:18:30
finalfan321 ::: Favorites
woat special effects xD
07-08-12 13:21:17
Dellinius ::: Favorites
huauhauha =) =) =) =)
07-08-11 16:17:37
noellestin ::: Favorites
ya the railway coolie guy is his bro raju sundaram
07-08-05 02:59:51
sasa110 ::: Favorites
classic song...bloody brilliant
07-08-05 00:52:00


Duration: 04:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-12 20:13:16
User: xomouxo
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A short video of my Eclipse Turbo. I've spent alot of time editing it. Please Rate Video, Thanks.


ladiegreen01 ::: Favorites
does anyone know the name of that song at the very endd ????
07-10-19 23:55:53
InitialDLover ::: Favorites
nice 5 stars
07-10-17 23:30:17
99suchy ::: Favorites
07-10-16 16:49:46
channidai ::: Favorites
Altezza tail lights must go.
07-10-14 01:37:51
XIOUH ::: Favorites
any1 know wht song this is???? its awsome
07-10-12 17:13:57
garych803 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for adult stuff. I like the site _FUNDATERS.COM_
07-10-08 23:41:17
FAIZANu453 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try _TIME4CAMZ.COM_ for amazing camgirls
07-10-06 20:30:00
hdshsd714 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty cool for naked girls - _FUNDATERS.COM_
07-10-05 21:47:20
Memphis35 ::: Favorites
Let's see some drivig!!! Still pictures are boring!
07-10-05 08:09:24
Memphis35 ::: Favorites
07-10-05 08:08:38

Hellsing OVA 3 unnamed

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-14 05:47:22
User: DragonCurse
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2nd place on 'Top AMV's Contest' for the theme of 'Death'. For better quality: -------------------------------------------------------- Here is my most recent AMV! I used lot of time to this and this time I also had Hellsing OVA 3! Watch it!


MRDERKA ::: Favorites
Wow. I tried a trial version of this. Its one crazily complicated program.
07-08-13 19:43:06
MRDERKA ::: Favorites
Ah ok thank you.
07-08-13 17:29:23
DragonCurse ::: Favorites
Vegas 7.
07-08-11 18:11:17
MRDERKA ::: Favorites
What program did you use to make this? Very well done.
07-08-11 15:52:48
svartebert ::: Favorites
this is one of the half life theme songs XD love the games. but love this anime more :P
07-06-29 11:51:44
DragonCurse ::: Favorites
Ok I send the link for you in a message.
07-06-18 05:31:44
590275502 ::: Favorites
Yes but... I dont take other AMVS and take creadit for them... I just put them on DVDS and watch them in the comfort of my own room... nothing big.
07-06-17 20:27:00
DragonCurse ::: Favorites
I know that this is stupid. xD
07-06-12 15:35:04
DragonCurse ::: Favorites
Try to learn what AMV creators mean by org. The only hint I give to you because I don't like to have this video downloaded by every possible "AMV thief" who upload AMV's and take credit of them.
07-06-12 15:33:52
590275502 ::: Favorites
Org what now? I am in love with this AMV I need it... Please remember for me!
07-06-12 14:44:41

March to the Pentagon

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-21 16:16:27
User: corneliusdean
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Compilation of photos from the March 17 2007 march to the Pentagon.


RedswordReborn ::: Favorites
Vietnam's over. Put down the old baggage and focus on the mess we've got now.
07-07-04 01:14:12
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
What you heard was bullshit ! Just like Kerry's lies.Did you ever hear of the VC beheading village chiefs,killing their families and conscripting all the young men ? Every war has it's atrocities on both sides.There was very few incidents on our side. But, weasels like Kerry and the press painted every one who served as a baby killer.You weren't there and you don't know jack !
07-05-31 19:07:50
corneliusdean ::: Favorites
I've heard of atrocities from three different Vietnam vets, in three different situations. The atrocities in Vietnam didn't need to be "concocted." What a bunch of bullshit.
07-05-31 16:39:19
repsac3 ::: Favorites
No, I'm pretty certain its not what you (or much of anyone in your situation) had in your mind, but I do think the rights of those asshats to do those things is among the values for which your government sent you to fight.
07-05-31 10:27:43
repsac3 ::: Favorites
Perhaps there are phony Afghanistan/Iraq vets making the rounds. (I recall one story, for sure.) Finding & pointing them out is fine. Assuming that those who disagree are phony without further proof, isn't. I think it's as shitty a thing to do as questioning a guy's medals, especially when done for political gain. When the same folks question the service history of Kerry, Murtha, & Clelland, it's political, not a righting of their service records.
07-05-31 10:19:18
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
Yes,we disagree.But, not on your right to dissent.Only on how to support the troops. It's a known fact that in the 70's, the anti-war movement had numerous phony vets who concocted fake war atrocity stories. There was also a lot 10 %'s who couldn't abide a military life style. You have the same thing going on now.
07-05-31 08:50:45
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
You really think that when I was getting my ass shot at, that in my mind I was fighting for some asshat holding up a Che Gueverra sign ? Or some SDS punk burning a soldier in effigy ? We fought to make it back alive and we didn't need someone encouraging the enemy to kill more of us ! Especially one of our own !
07-05-31 08:39:22
repsac3 ::: Favorites
So go ahead & disagree... Call folks names, if it gets you off. I'll still thank you for your service (& also still think less of you for disparaging some of your fellow vets over politics.) That's a part of the country & values for which all of you vets fought, and under which we all live.
07-05-31 00:07:27
repsac3 ::: Favorites
I don't think one needs to've served to recognise disrespect for the folks who have. No vet fought for one political party and not the other. No vet fought for freedom for some Americans, but not the rest. Dissent is what America's all about, from it's inception till today...
07-05-31 00:05:20
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
You're so full of it, it's coming out of your ears. I am a vet. Are you ? Those guys are stabbing their own brothers in the back while they are putting their lives on the line. They don't deserve any respect.
07-05-30 17:38:17

Naruto Fobalicious

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-15 18:55:53
User: TryIslam
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A Pakistani Twist of a Naruto AMV. Its filled with surprises. An AMV of the best fight in the entire naruto series. By Usman Ather


amanx5 ::: Favorites
this is a awsome punjabi video yar kee hall aah
07-08-17 22:25:23
liquidfaction ::: Favorites
trunks man ur stupid this is a good video make something better then talk
07-07-03 11:31:24
bhangraninjaman ::: Favorites
dude punjabi mc is punjabi not pakisani
07-07-01 14:09:42
TryIslam ::: Favorites
Check out my latest AMV Shinobi Walou
07-06-09 21:32:12
Trunkscrazy ::: Favorites
I dunno... I didn't like it. I mean, the Code Lyoko part was probably the best. But this is serious crap. And you know I HATE "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", ne? I can understand humor, but this wasn't funny. Sorry, I probably sound mean. I just haven't been in a good mood lately. I'm just angry at everything right now, so don't take any of this personally.
07-06-09 18:22:54
OnLy1SiN ::: Favorites
that was hilarious eapacially the twinkile twinkle part!! lol
07-06-09 17:46:54
cobrazero1 ::: Favorites
this was great stuff
07-05-12 21:53:37
ItachiMoon17 ::: Favorites
Oh ya, I've heard that tvinkle little star thing before somewhere (I think It sounds better than the normal American version XD)...Beyta...LOL
07-05-08 21:06:56
lamborghiniboy10 ::: Favorites
HAHA, ilike the tvinke tvinkle little star song ...haha cracked me up
07-05-06 17:14:56
TryIslam ::: Favorites
Mohammad Rafi and Asha Bohsle (check the spelling)
07-04-25 18:56:14

Raindrops - Stunt (DJ Diamond remix)

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-14 23:16:20
User: mezacoo
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A hardcore remix of raindrops that I kind of like. I like the original more though :P


IcePrincess500 ::: Favorites
Good song!!! superman is good to but i think this one is so much better!!! DJ Diamond knoe's how to make songs. =]]] TECHNO!!!!
07-10-19 10:50:47
flawns ::: Favorites
this song is a work of art. its amazing!
07-10-18 16:47:11
knightrrider ::: Favorites
Best song ever !!!
07-10-17 09:38:23
0wn3rrrrr ::: Favorites
07-10-17 05:10:32
J45MiiN33 ::: Favorites
F**KiiN MiiNT3D!! L0V3 iiT! Xo
07-10-13 18:29:32
chuckboston617 ::: Favorites
wo wwhat a great song its better all the rest of them
07-10-13 02:56:59
wreckage7 ::: Favorites
07-10-01 18:53:15
beso2700 ::: Favorites
love this song fuckin sexyy
07-09-30 18:15:59
Tillsgurl ::: Favorites
i love this song!
07-09-30 14:03:25
hinata8888 ::: Favorites
awsome song
07-09-29 11:02:57

Bulls @ Cavs, 1993 Playoffs, Gm 4: "The Shot" II

Duration: 06:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-10 15:39:52
User: kOrOne79
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The Cavaliers had a lot to swallow from the media and fans for their play against the Bulls and they made sure that wouldn't happen again. It was a vastly different approach from the other games, Cavs showed pride and played hard to avoid a sweep at all costs. Particulary Wilkins showed aggressiveness for the first time in this series and attacked the basket like a madman. Cleveland would not go down without a hard fight. The Bulls on the other had a slow start. Jordan needed some time to get his wrist loose and Pippen, aside from a great play in the second quarter, struggled from the field too. But the Bulls' defense was just as good as Clevelands and the Cavs led only by a margin at half. After halftime Jordan took over like he did in Game 3. He hit some tough shots and scored 23 of his 31 points in the second half. When it came down to the last seconds of the game with the score tied at 101-101, everyone knew who would take the last shot for Chicago and one couldn't help but remember Jordan's buzzerbeater against the very same franchise four years ago. And just like the last time Jordan destroyed the hopes of Cleveland and their fans. A tough fadeaway over Wilkins ended the game and the Bulls went on to the Conference Finals.


zodiiak ::: Favorites
Just look at the way he plays man. He took shots, yes, but he averaged 50% shooting, something Kobe has never done in ANY of his seasons
07-10-19 15:55:55
kmart111 ::: Favorites
when i saw this bulls shots i thought they were up by 20
07-08-28 05:10:49
pinchej ::: Favorites
Jordan is sexy in this one! Yum!
07-08-21 00:37:37
eurologic ::: Favorites
and it's because jordan was never lazy player. he wanted to excel in all areas and it paid off.
07-08-20 06:23:26
bobo0383 ::: Favorites
I hate it when youngsters say players now are bigger, faster, stronger. They may be faster and bigger, but I don't think any of the guys playing now are any stronger than they were back in the 80s. Defense is all about positioning, and being aware of where you're teammates are. Anybody with basketball IQ can tell you that.
07-08-19 03:33:39
bobo0383 ::: Favorites
You do not need to be athletic to be a great defender. That's the kind of overly simplistic thinking that plague youngsters today. It's why they can't appreciate teams like the Spurs. Are you telling me guys like Bowen, Prince, Artest, etc. are known for their athleticism? No, and the truth is players today are not stronger.
07-08-19 03:30:45
bobo0383 ::: Favorites
I think someone's jealous.
07-08-19 03:21:40
jaboo82681 ::: Favorites
He was along with Jack "Goose" Givens
07-08-08 19:27:36
jaboo82681 ::: Favorites
This was the end of the Cavaliers untile LeBron came along in 2003
07-08-08 19:27:10
dominicanair23 ::: Favorites
''Michael Jordan He is michelangelo in baggy shorts, a player with such a rich imagination he has transformed the game into a work of art.''he played defense the same way he played offense. No one could match his intensity
07-07-31 00:58:35

Hinata - Cinderella

Duration: 04:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-26 18:31:44
User: TTplusBatman
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I don't really like the song "Cinderella" but I think it fits Hinata! I know it's fuzzy. (I used Animated GIFS.) Enjoy! ^_^


TTplusBatman ::: Favorites
Ya, I know that now. Back then I had no idea!
07-09-22 20:08:01
TTplusBatman ::: Favorites
Thank you so much!!!!!
07-09-22 20:07:18
lizelle12becool ::: Favorites
well its not by the cheetah girls you can tell cause plays says read(hard) and the cheetah girls say read(soft) but still great job
07-07-22 10:24:33
lizelle12becool ::: Favorites
you rock
07-07-22 10:15:57
TTplusBatman ::: Favorites
Thanks! I think so too! (Don't meen to be selfish or a bragger!)
07-04-17 21:29:57
starsmore ::: Favorites
Nice. I think that song is perfect for Hinata.
07-04-13 23:59:42
TTplusBatman ::: Favorites
Thanks! Please check out my new vids!
07-03-27 13:14:16
heartofanime ::: Favorites
Sw33t K33p it up and mak3 Mor3
07-02-11 22:43:13
TTplusBatman ::: Favorites
triple thank-you!
07-02-05 19:02:11
angelchick56 ::: Favorites
i like this song and video
07-01-07 02:41:02

Naruto (Gaara) AMV - show me the meaning of being lonely

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-30 15:57:10
User: MizzUniQue101
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To me this song really does go of how Gaara feels of being lonely and how he misses his mom, and I hope you'll like this one too! Any comments, good or bad or ugly, are greatly appreciated. Another million thanks in advance, and enjoy! ^_^ (more)


XxXxSakuraUchihaXxXx ::: Favorites
Awesome vid and its on my favs!! This so goood!
07-10-18 13:58:19
imlonelyboy ::: Favorites
wow awsome! i want to gaara so badly! atleast i get to kill some ppl for fun instead of feeling so lonely all the time
07-09-10 17:34:22
scryed17 ::: Favorites
i made an amv with gaara too check it out if u can ^_^
07-08-30 23:59:58
luvcutebirds ::: Favorites
poor garra! thuis video make me cry T.T
07-08-05 11:32:22
skateboardluver911 ::: Favorites
Gah! This video is so saaaad! *sniffles*
07-07-03 16:03:33
aqua2ice ::: Favorites
umm wow u made this a long time ago lol but i just wanted to point out to you that your description says he missed his mom..tht would be wrong he never new his mom his mom died after she gave birth to him
07-07-02 00:24:55
annaroseg ::: Favorites
great amv. simple but effective, and very touching. nice choice of pics too!
07-05-28 21:08:00
apk000 ::: Favorites
guys, this vid really gets me sad
07-05-23 18:32:38
Kinochi4gaara ::: Favorites
Geez, what's your problem?
07-05-23 11:04:08
DeathByNightX ::: Favorites
that was such a sad amv! gaara really was lonely...its so sad
07-05-21 02:08:28

Spiderman cartoon intro

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-07 00:41:33
User: digitalwarriorx
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Spiderman cartoon that started on Fox Kids. Ahh, the glory days.


StarWarsDude123 ::: Favorites
download limewire and look up spiderman 90's theme and it'll be there!
07-09-23 09:24:39
DimebagVision ::: Favorites
This one is awesome. Fuck the new spiderman song. This one kicks ass
07-08-16 14:30:46
sidargunes ::: Favorites
this is my favorite S-M can i find the full version??help please...
07-08-11 03:02:21
Confederali ::: Favorites
Best cartoon ever, IMO.
07-08-09 23:56:40
theamazingspideremil ::: Favorites
I dont know. The other one is the original and has always been in all seasons. Except Season 1 which had many different openings.
07-07-19 14:29:54
forever77 ::: Favorites
Never seen this version. In which season was it used?
07-01-08 15:01:55
devilmaycare34 ::: Favorites
also the channel it aired on in the uk- Jetix formerly known as fox kids
06-12-11 16:06:14
digitalwarriorx ::: Favorites
I never said it started on Fox Family. I am talking about Fox Kids. Channel 5 in NY and NJ.
06-11-27 16:03:10
mattamus858 ::: Favorites
It deffinetly didnt start on fox family.
06-11-27 15:58:37
slycooper135 ::: Favorites
awesome video i used to watch is show when i was 6 its awesome espically teh lizard man
06-11-20 18:44:53

can't take that away

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-25 21:36:34
User: sunbeakatishamylou
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one of my favorite among mariah's hits


JonaSoleil ::: Favorites
love the song and LOVE Mariah. I'm a huge fan, but damn she needs some fashion sense. This video is almost as embarrising, as the Butterfly video. But don't be mad, I love her. But she makes, in my opinion, some bad choices fashion and video vice..
07-10-03 18:39:19
dazedandconfusedella ::: Favorites
07-09-30 16:07:13
rljames54 ::: Favorites
This is a Beautiful song!! It does touch the heart! There is a powerful message here in her words.
07-09-29 17:32:17
Jonas914 ::: Favorites
great MARIAH..
07-09-24 09:31:57
coDiix ::: Favorites
OMG!!! THE BOX!!! i miss that channel!
07-09-24 01:15:45
Rocadoc ::: Favorites
Such a beautiful song..such crappy artist..
07-09-11 15:59:35
Tenacity39 ::: Favorites
if ur gunna say negative stuff, then why come here. this is a positive soong that saved, no dobt many lives, we're not talking about sony or whatever, in fact we don't even care, its all about the song, thats it
07-08-29 03:00:43
bybysha ::: Favorites
this is the best song ever!!!!!!
07-08-26 10:59:33
MIMIvision ::: Favorites
this song makes me feel better about myself maks me cry... mariah4ever!!
07-08-05 04:00:20
jasmineej ::: Favorites
i love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-02 21:21:31