Wednesday, August 22, 2007

康熙来了 男明星最火辣的红粉知己 170707 Part 5

Duration: 09:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 23:27:01
User: hito103
:::: Favorites

男明星最火辣的红粉知己 Join my group 康熙来了(第二季)here!

mrschrisc ::: Favorites
Somebody translate this into English?!
07-07-18 16:46:12
ligyro ::: Favorites
07-07-18 17:16:25
Bambinax3Mack ::: Favorites
jaja unas palabras que dicen me suenan a español (:
07-07-18 20:41:35
gracemaxin ::: Favorites
topics about just just friends
07-07-19 07:33:04
MoneylateM ::: Favorites
hot good girl friends of some famous actors
07-07-19 09:59:17
GameFreakOfTheYear ::: Favorites
It's from Taiwan.
07-07-19 10:45:08
NewAgeIrish ::: Favorites
Doesnt answer my question though does it?
07-07-19 12:53:11
syzonin ::: Favorites
it corrects ur question.
07-07-19 18:36:39
NewAgeIrish ::: Favorites
Well done. 10 points. So, care to enlighten me?
07-07-19 19:25:20
syzonin ::: Favorites
this show interviews various stars~ the 3 sets of friends are sometimes mistaken as couples. so they're talking about their relationships with each other and w/ their actual gf/bf
07-07-20 23:34:46

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