Thursday, August 16, 2007

HOH Chatter

Duration: 06:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 21:50:29
User: BB8house
:::: Favorites

same ole same ole, right now Dustin's saying he's doing this for every christian out there, he's doing this for Jameka's family, blah blah blah (he's referring to going on the block). Chaos has died down. Dani eating slop in Hookah (round) rm talking to Jen, others in hoh still being stupid.. I've got stuff to do, will only post something if there's utter drama..

zeebeeweee ::: Favorites
Eric is such a lying asshole. Each one of these sitting in the HOH has lied or backstabbed EXCEPT Dani and Dick. It's always like this with BB. The a-holes stick together in their self righteousness. These guys are bullies.
07-08-11 22:10:18
damonnsteph ::: Favorites
I am with the erik haters! Get that bitch out!!!!
07-08-11 22:25:50
i8thelastcookie ::: Favorites
your delusional
07-08-11 22:34:41
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
he's america's player, shouldn't we be supporting him? that's like having the summer olympics playing and all of america is hoping that their athletes screw up.
07-08-11 22:36:48
missmess ::: Favorites
if you can't smell you can't taste *LOL*
07-08-11 23:01:12
georgioremy ::: Favorites
if her dad forced himself on her then how was it her choice?
07-08-11 23:22:54
Monkeyfac ::: Favorites
OMGGGGG Dustin does an amazing Dani impression LOL
07-08-11 23:44:27
sevenx1211 ::: Favorites
These houseguests are dumb as a Zach! Didn't they see BB6! Who was supposedly the underdog? Hmm. Let's see Janelle becuase they thought she was stupid and she shined out the most. They should be targeting Jen! Poor Dani! I still love you but these "Nerd Herds" need to shut up! No one likes them either way. (If you still support Dustin then you've got to be kidding me!)
07-08-12 00:07:38
alavie ::: Favorites
D&D have lied. Dick even admitted that alot of the stuff he tried to pin on Eric was actually done by himself (Dick).
07-08-12 01:00:59
demonica4 ::: Favorites
GOD damn! I am in love with Dustin. He is sooo correct. And Eric isn't lying for himself. AMERICA is doing this to him!!!! THank you. Go Dick. Go Dustin.
07-08-13 01:40:02

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