Monday, August 20, 2007

Incident Report: June 26, 2007

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 01:47:46
User: acrowleyorder
:::: Favorites

A morning meeting was scheduled at the Place des Vosges in Paris. Papess Erica the First was to be in attendance at this meeting along with other ranking members of the Order of Denderah. At approximately 5:00am (Paris Time), the motorcade carrying Papess Erica was traveling through the 3rd Arrondissement when it was attacked by unknown suspects. It is believed that one or more rocket propelled grenades were utilized in the attack. Details are unclear at this time but fatalities have been reported. The condition of Papess Erica is unknown. Victor, O.o.D.

AmirN86 ::: Favorites
oh snap Tachyon perhaps?
07-06-26 02:18:57
ha1968 ::: Favorites
Has Erica been killed?
07-06-26 02:20:17
tennis88888 ::: Favorites
uhhh this might seem stupid but whose Erica?! xD
07-06-26 15:29:02
acrowleyorder ::: Favorites
At approximately 5:00am (Paris Time), the motorcade carrying Papess Erica was traveling through the 3rd Arrondissement when it was attacked by unknown suspects. It is believed that one or more rocket propelled grenades were utilized in the attack. Details are unclear at this time but fatalities have been reported. The condition of Papess Erica is unknown.
07-06-27 04:19:57
morlonelycatofflippy ::: Favorites
wow...shiny fire. j/k
07-06-26 02:26:10
uncledave10 ::: Favorites
THe Order has struck again.Muhaha
07-06-26 05:43:56
mugglemags ::: Favorites
Maybe Tachyon ISN'T dead after all then Gemma?
07-06-26 06:20:27
betz28 ::: Favorites
hmmmmmmm......gemma is trying to tell us something!!
07-06-26 16:26:07
EchelonGrl ::: Favorites
I hope Tachyon isn't dead....sorry for your loss? Possible loss? lol Crystal
07-06-26 17:46:15
tonytwister18 ::: Favorites
holy shit. why doesnt her veh have armor to protect from RPG and IED"S??
07-06-26 18:13:18
FFX2KH2Master ::: Favorites
uh-oh, hmmmm could have been a resistance member trying to finsh things
07-06-26 18:30:23

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