Thursday, August 23, 2007

Re: Of Boyfriends, Birthdays, and Steaks

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-15 17:36:47
User: FastFoodTV
:::: Favorites

Emily's father warns you.

darksidehax0rd ::: Favorites
You are retarded . just like that girl ..So Both go fuck a goat and fall down to a manhole and strangle in shit from humans
07-07-28 15:11:52
saillerose ::: Favorites
Hear hear! Emily's awesome and doesn't need crap from those assholes. I don't know what the hell is so damn offensive about a girl who taught herself Japanese. You're an awesome dad. :D
07-07-30 01:51:52
RumbleHD ::: Favorites
^was that even english?
07-08-03 16:45:14
gobii81 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 17:17:33
gobii81 ::: Favorites
For info on what happened to Emily, here's a useful link provided by her best friend Nick. Read his blog entries and be informed, applemilk fans. raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com raspberrysyrup[dot]livejournal[dot]com
07-08-05 21:55:40
DeMaximo ::: Favorites
I agree, the comments on your daughters internet video page have been awful. But what are you going to do about the fact that she fucks random japanese men and now has an STD? raspberrysyrup dot livejournal dot com
07-08-06 17:58:59
qwerty4197 ::: Favorites
not her real dad genius
07-08-06 18:40:18
DeMaximo ::: Favorites
i know ;]
07-08-07 17:18:59
dophler ::: Favorites
Nice YouTube
07-08-17 19:16:44
sagatyba ::: Favorites
funny haha! sperm detecting microchip heheh.‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭ you captured her android ways so nicely, preety intense!
07-08-21 13:41:46

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