Friday, August 3, 2007

Ted Kennedy Barak Obama Bin Laden

Duration: 16 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-31 10:39:08
User: atlasshrugs2000
:::: Favorites
Description: Lay off the sauce Splash

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RestoreAmerica2008 ::: Favorites
The Kennedy History - They got rich by being drug dealers (bootleggers). They became Ultra rich via insider trading. JFK wrote a letter pledging loyalty to Israel which helped him get support to become President (along with his charm). Financial elites engineered the Cuban missile crisis at which point JFK said, "These people have a death-wish for this country" and stopped taking their lead and began to help the USA. This is when he was shot.
07-07-15 23:59:11
RestoreAmerica2008 ::: Favorites
ITALIAN: The Kennedy History - They got rich by being drug dealers (bootleggers). They became Ultra rich via insider trading. JFK wrote a letter pledging loyalty to Israel which helped him get support to become President (along with his charm). Financial elites engineered the Cuban missile crisis at which point JFK said, "These people have a death-wish for this country" and stopped taking their lead and began to help the USA. This is when he was shot.
07-07-16 00:00:12
RestoreAmerica2008 ::: Favorites
America and the world are in big trouble. RON PAUL IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO IS NOT THE PUPPET OF FINANCIAL ELITES who are successfully creating a one world government ruled by today's financial elites with absolute power. The Financial Elites are into eugenics and want to see 80% of the population die. Ron Paul is the only candidate that is NOT helping them to make it happen.
07-07-16 00:05:10
DemolitionWWF ::: Favorites
Vote Ron Paul 2008!
07-07-16 16:40:34
willact723 ::: Favorites
Could you please cite a specific example of how big business has more power because of a Republican president? Also could you explain how there will be no more middle class? ANd please don't say the "minimum wage increase" because any beginner econ class will tell you that that whole battle is just a show. ONce the minimum wage rises it is only a temporary fix until the economy realizes the change and adjusts the cost of living.
07-07-18 02:10:07
jsxdude ::: Favorites
typical ignorant loudmouth liberal
07-07-19 10:15:58
Undead295 ::: Favorites
I have no idea what the hell is gonna go on for the elections because I'm not of age to vote yet, but all I know is that, that was funny! So are all of the next leaders of our country just gonna be old people that take cheap shots at competition through the news? Seriously, this country hasn't had a real leader since Reagan. RIP. STAR WARS!!! w00t!!
07-07-21 03:08:09
seanandjoi ::: Favorites
07-07-27 17:26:50
seanandjoi ::: Favorites
Very well said HankeePankeeYankee!!LOL
07-07-27 17:32:57
beatnutone ::: Favorites
hope ur never allowed to vote lol. reagan one of the worst, right before bush ?
07-07-31 15:46:30

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