Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Britney Performance VMA 2007 Preview

Duration: 00:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-09 20:33:23
User: robertoenlima2
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Britney Performance VMA 2007 Preview

DeveloperGuy7104 ::: Favorites
I absolutely love this video! But I know of something else that everyone would love. It is kinda creepy, because it actually works, but awesome. I found a way to figure out your crush. Try it for yourself at crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .) before you say it's impossible. Don't break this or you will have bad luck! Go find your crush out now! crush.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .)
07-09-11 01:07:10
dotdothaha ::: Favorites
Unlike what people may say, sometimes a nearly nude Britney Spears just won't always make the cut. This is a perfect example. She's in long jeans and a short white tank, yet is definitely more energtic here than in the live one.
07-09-10 23:13:05
SaBrYxD ::: Favorites
Woww!..If it had appeared dressed like in that video.. and a little but relaxed.. had been better.. I am sure.. but in any case britney continues being the best.. and I know that she is going to return to be the same one of before.. and better.. they are going to see.. luck for britney! Sabrii!! XD
07-09-10 21:06:54
SaBrYxD ::: Favorites
Si se hubiera presentado asi vestida.. y un poco mas relajada.. hubiera sido mucho mejor.. te lo aseguro!..igual britney sigue siendo la mejor!.. y se ke va a volver a ser la misma de antes.. y mejor!!.. van a ver!!.. suerte para britney!! Sabrii.. (Ahora lo paso en ingles)
07-09-10 21:06:09
babykittywe ::: Favorites
Thats just gross but i guess she thinks she looks good i really don't think she should have went up there she just wasn't ready sorry to say
07-09-10 20:57:15
Tiggeric ::: Favorites
I like the song..I expect to hear it in the dance clubs in Montreal. She looked more into here than the live performance.
07-09-10 20:16:21
Xpliter ::: Favorites
Best than the Live one
07-09-10 17:45:27
airwolfman ::: Favorites
To be honest, this one was sliiiiiiiiiighty more dynamic than the actual live performance imo ^^ She was sluggy in the live one
07-09-10 11:58:02
GlossyShoes ::: Favorites
she shouldve worn jeans.
07-09-10 11:49:24
iZeuz ::: Favorites
it was embarrassing to watch... sorry brit, youre done with music
07-09-10 02:13:01

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