Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cindy Sheehan Calls for Impeachment of George W. Bush

Duration: 08:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-11 23:21:06
User: liamh2
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Cindy Sheehan, Co-Founder of the Gold Star Families for Peace, at a forum in Philadelphia, PA, at the National Constitution Center, calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and V.P Dick Cheney.

sanannmay ::: Favorites
ONLY 48 American soldiers have died so far this month! And Dow Jones and corporate America is just booming,,thanks junior bush.
07-07-19 23:00:58
c1magr8 ::: Favorites
Thank Goodness for Cindy! She and Michael Moore are TRUE PATRIOTS!!! All you so-called-conservative MORONS who support this idiot president need to get your heads out of your ass and wake the hell up! Bush is the ABSOLUTE WORST PRESIDENT in US history!
07-07-08 22:29:31
sanannmay ::: Favorites
Wrong,NoMOBrains, I obviously don't stand for Junior's crap and I damn sure never failed for his lies and always knew he was an idiot,like the rest of the world. Maybe one day,before the "terrorists" come and get you, you might figure that out for yourself.
07-06-20 20:25:06
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
Liberals like you and your idol Cindy stand for nothing, which is why you fall for anything. The world knows how well the yellow-belly liberals like you and Cindy stand up when the terrorists whom you so readily mollify, placate, and appease are here to cut your neck off. Then we will see who the real cowards are.
07-06-20 17:20:06
sanannmay ::: Favorites
I like Cindy because she has the gall to stand up and see the reality of a situation and not stand behind a President or his war mongering policy and she isn't full of "FEAR" of Junior's fantasy "axis of evil" or WMD or "the buggie man is going to come and get ya unless you let me "pertek" you". It is COWARDS like YOU that are hiding behind a madman skirt, because he has instilled FEAR into you..COWARD.
07-06-20 10:39:29
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
You like Cindy because you are a flamboyant flaming Liberal. You are the cause of the "big spenders" in DC because liberals like you are reactive and not proactive. So, it is idiots like YOU who keep your assholes going.
07-06-20 03:35:33
sanannmay ::: Favorites
And speaking out against an idiot and a corrupt government is not aiding and conforting your so called "enemy". It's idiots like you that keep these assholes going.
07-06-18 19:07:59
sanannmay ::: Favorites
I don't have a liberal "attitued". And I assure you I detest Reid,Pelosi more than you Repubs.I rather like Cindy. Unfortunately,I am not in control of the "aid and comfort" to aid anyone. You have me confused with Junior and his bunch. They are the big spenders. I never was for sending kids to their deaths over there. So,wrong again NoMoBrain.
07-06-18 19:06:44
NoMoSpam ::: Favorites
It's your liberal attitude running the country to the ground. You and your friends Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Cindy Sheehan are too busy providing aid & comfort to the very terrorists who want to cut your neck off. It is YOU who is prolonging and escalating the war and the death of soldiers.
07-06-18 15:55:21
sanannmay ::: Favorites
You got it wrong NOMOBrains,,it's your frickin Pres and Congress running this country to the ground. The few nuts like you that are supporting them will go down with them. You are an I-D-I-O=T.
07-06-17 11:03:55

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