Sunday, September 2, 2007

Europe Direct

Duration: 09:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 09:03:10
User: eutube
:::: Favorites

More information: Every year several hundred thousand Europeans choose another EU country for the purposes of study, work or pleasure. Very often, they have practical questions about employment, taxation, recognition of qualifications or about pensions, but they don't know where to go for the answers. EUROPE DIRECT, the European Commission's information service, is there to help them to find their bearings in their new environment.

hs4020 ::: Favorites
C'est surement intéressant, mais j'ai rien compris, c'est pas en français
07-07-01 15:05:33
attactube ::: Favorites
Of course this all sounds lovely!BUT it is of coarse pure BS!Propaganda!I have tried 1 month to get a simple ans on why sweden refuses my family proof of residency for 7 mos after 5 years of residency!I have a British Passport.The EU "Help" line did'nt help!My family remains "Imprisoned" in Sweden indefintly!Freedom of movement?BS!
07-08-07 13:31:10
Zeptocomp ::: Favorites
attactube - EU citizens can move to any EU country whenever they want to - so i fail to see your problem....unless its propaganda from you?
07-08-09 07:35:02

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