Friday, September 14, 2007

GW College Republicans spar with liberals at war protest

Duration: 05:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-28 00:55:24
User: wcwalsh
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An entertaining argument between GW College Republicans Chairman Gary Livacari and ultra liberal protestors on the National Mall.

NHpianist ::: Favorites
Gary Livacari needs to respect his elders, what a douchebag
07-09-09 13:27:38
AquilinusTriarius ::: Favorites
Awesome vid
07-09-06 21:04:45
s1ider ::: Favorites
why cant we all just get alo.... ahhhh nevermind!
07-09-04 02:24:32
devildawg32 ::: Favorites
This is hilarious! I love the "no, you go then!" comments by the protesters...ummm, I did, twice! I'd rather spend my time eradicating terrorits than hanging out with uneducated hippies...I love how these guys crumble when confronted with educated argument for the war...if you think those without college degrees aren't in Iraq, you are an idiot!
07-08-25 17:59:27
Kotton06 ::: Favorites
That's great
07-08-22 00:48:03
greyfox37 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I'm sure you do too when no one else listens to you, so you go to your oven, stick your head in, and listen to the hollow echo. Don't listen to this if you don't like it, moron
07-08-17 05:51:35
greyfox37 ::: Favorites
What is the real Liberal argument?
07-08-17 05:50:28
greyfox37 ::: Favorites
God Bless America is a weakness? Supporting your freedoms to protest like this is bad? Joining the army to make a living if you're not college ready is wrong? Jesus Christ....when will this country's pussification end???
07-08-17 05:49:05
greyfox37 ::: Favorites
Yes, but you Liberals want to destroy freedom of speech and give up wars and bring our troops back, therefore, allowing the enemy to win. It's you idiots that actually arm and support the insurgents with your defeatist attitudes. I'm not Republican, by the way
07-08-17 05:45:40
geojus1 ::: Favorites
damn that kid is a little prick.
07-08-04 14:20:06

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