Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Let Yourself Go a song by Me

Duration: 06:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-01 16:44:19
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

This is a song I wrote back in the 9th grade. I decided to post it because everyone who sings seems to be doing this in YouTube now. So i thought why not. The first half is me lipsynching to my own song (watch to see what i mean) and the second half is me singing it accapella. I think it is pretty cool but you tell me! xox Liz

MiZzVanillaLatte ::: Favorites
very very beautiful. the hook kind of sounds lyke "let go" by frou frou just fantastic. :) As ssoon as ii get a camera a good one n hook up the shyt for myy keyboard then im going to be posting my stuff also xD ur great.
07-08-28 05:29:20
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
thank you so much I really appreciate that.
07-08-12 12:14:32
DragonFurnace ::: Favorites
I liked it. Really good lyrics.
07-08-12 01:01:40
musiclover649 ::: Favorites
wow your really good i think you should be famouse!!
07-08-03 01:24:57
thejimg ::: Favorites
I have to agree... The acapella version was better...
07-07-02 02:09:16
a0414336806 ::: Favorites
the acapella version was alotta better than the one with accompaniment which leads to one conclusion.... u need a chorus with a melody hook so people wanna sing along. I hope im making sense...
07-06-28 09:21:45
BoopBubbles ::: Favorites
You are a really good singer i like the song;; good job
07-06-24 09:46:57
obsessionxaddiction ::: Favorites
you are so talented!
07-06-22 19:19:06
livelaughlovexx ::: Favorites
i like your videos, you're really great at connecting with the camera... but i don't think singing as a career is for you.
07-06-22 06:56:27
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
thank you lecomte22, i appreciate that :D
07-06-19 10:38:32

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