Sunday, September 9, 2007

Moon programme to resume

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 04:09:30
User: RussiaToday
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As the Earth's natural resources begin to run out, scientists are looking for alternative ones to power the planet. And their focus is moving beyond Earth as space exploration could provide the world with energy.

Chespato1 ::: Favorites
Im from Argentina Russia Sucks =) USA RLZ =) NASA :D
07-09-03 12:19:47
InfiniteMushroom ::: Favorites
Get the Buran shuttle out of mothballs and refit it for travel to the moon! Finish building the other two Buran shuttles! Launch a fuel tank ahead, launch the Buran, hook up with the fuel tank in orbit, go to the moon.
07-08-28 21:07:58
onepassingby ::: Favorites
never mind about energy efficiency... damn crazy bastards
07-08-16 14:50:27
ComradeLynx ::: Favorites
Soon Russia will be the first in the space, just wait for it
07-08-13 05:13:18
isadashhqdotcom ::: Favorites
Thanks! Check out the International Space Agency (ISA) site here by clicking on this user account!
07-08-04 13:10:39
RmanDC ::: Favorites
I always felt sorry for missing the first space race. I guess I'll get to see the second one in full colour and 3D.
07-08-02 17:42:45

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