Monday, September 3, 2007

Ron Paul is the Matrix

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 16:55:14
User: fairtaxPresident2008
:::: Favorites

The message is in the dialog

jscottupton ::: Favorites
07-09-02 18:20:56
mauiboy86 ::: Favorites
Dont forget to register as a republican and vote for RON PAUL in the Primaries, we only have 4 months left to spread the word!
07-08-31 16:22:30
archerman04 ::: Favorites
Sadly, most Americans will take the blue pill.
07-08-28 13:55:45
J1Goro ::: Favorites
The time for the red pill is long past due.
07-08-24 02:50:00
yammitor ::: Favorites
07-08-23 14:42:57
dadooronron08 ::: Favorites
the blue pill is for the sheeple. Most people are sheeple. The sheeple will vote for a nanny state war promoter. For the sheeple are as thick as their fleece.
07-08-23 07:13:11
seastar001 ::: Favorites
RON PAUL 2008!
07-08-22 23:52:05
andergriff ::: Favorites
The blue one is the stupid pill. Lot's of folks been gulping those for a long time, Democrats and Republicans.
07-08-22 19:48:23
CarlaSun2001 ::: Favorites
Excellent video. Please people take the red pill and wake up to work towards freedom...........
07-08-22 14:53:47
goRPaul ::: Favorites
Flippin awesome! I love it. Take the red pill America! Go Ron Paul!
07-08-22 13:59:12

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