Sunday, October 14, 2007

超級星光大道 第二季 12強 快歌指定曲 20071012 Part 3

Duration: 09:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-12 14:30:21
User: hkchess2000
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超級星光大道 20071012 星光大道 第二季 快歌指定曲 12強 梁文音 黃美珍 賴銘偉 魏如昀 曾沛慈 葉瑋庭 李千娜 林宜融 林道遠 吳忠明 林佩瑤 劉軒蓁 巴冷 巴冷公主 Queen Yuming


rosemars8 ::: Favorites
07-10-14 04:19:50
2Hotttt4U ::: Favorites
I am going to be doing FREE private webcam sessions all night long. If you guys wanna talk to me, click on the link in my profile. You'll be glad you did. ;-)
07-10-13 22:54:07
Maybige ::: Favorites
She has a strong voice, her voice quality is quite good. However the pronunciations weren't that good, and her dancing was a bit too extended her body.
07-10-13 21:10:46
kathybti ::: Favorites
yuming was really cute when he danced. not bad.
07-10-13 15:20:58
kathybti ::: Favorites
wow~ 葉瑋庭今天真的很棒﹗舞蹈有律動﹐有力道﹐身體的柔軟性也超強。歌選的很好﹐唱來氣很足。她通常英文發音還算是不錯的﹐不過今天我也有點聽不清她在唱些甚麼。but still, it was a fantastic performence today.
07-10-13 15:18:58
Suanchung0529 ::: Favorites
sorry...I can't understand what the hell she's singing...
07-10-13 14:42:24
shineluvslambiel ::: Favorites
也許每個動作不是最優雅完美的 但是她散發出一種奔放的野性美 讓人移不開視線
07-10-13 14:18:00
shineluvslambiel ::: Favorites
葉瑋庭 超讚的啦!!! 只要英文發音練好了 就暴氣了
07-10-13 14:14:38
newzoned ::: Favorites
i dont like it......she tried to do too much
07-10-13 13:36:58
jhu022 ::: Favorites
Yeh's performance is powerful and superb. Some people don't like her simply because of her skin color. This is so unfair.
07-10-13 11:48:11

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