Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Absolutely Retarded Human Tricks

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 15:14:22
User: LordTony
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Have you ever met anyone that can fit 3 quarters in his nose, Lick his elbow, move his eyes independently, break a brick with his forehead, and fit a coke can in his mouth? Some people are weird as hell.


kellyjoe27 ::: Favorites
That was a graceful performance. I cut my toenails during it. More interesting.
07-10-28 07:30:04
Sinoluffsyew ::: Favorites
ahh! what are the numbers for the mary had a little lamb on your cell phone? my friend taught me the first part but we cant figure out the rest of it
07-10-27 17:52:46
LordTony ::: Favorites
The numbers for my cell phone are 3212333-222-399-3212333-322321
07-10-27 18:44:05
Sinoluffsyew ::: Favorites
thank youuuuuuuuuuu
07-10-28 01:48:30

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