Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bob Dylan Masters of War NWO Illuminati Conspiracy

Duration: 05:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-28 21:25:00
User: Xare420
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This is Bob Dylan: Masters of War, but its how I see it with my world view. We need to resist these men of war, for evil men only prevail when good men do nothing... This video incorporates some esoteric symbology that you need eyes to see, ears to ear and the knowledge to see the intentions. Babylon was the worlds first One World Government. The initiates and Adepts of the Orders strive for the Great Work to come into Fruition. A One World Totalitarian Socialist Empire. Take notice of how the United Nations building and the Tower of Babel "Blend". tags: Masters of War Bob Dylan NWO New World Order Globalist Lucifer Luciferian Satan Satanic Money Banker Rothschild Cabbala Freemasonic Mason Masons Freemason Greed Alex Jones Nuke Nuclear Atom Bomb Attack Skull and Bones Secret Societies Conspiracy globalasation globalazation Illuminati kabbalah Zionist Zionism Iraq Iran America American Ron Paul


bobdylan121 ::: Favorites
07-10-23 14:39:04
phillipdaly ::: Favorites
thanks for that.
07-10-12 16:19:49
ineedmoney123456 ::: Favorites
we need more of this to wake up people that are still sleeping.... facing the truth is the only way to beet this zionist controlling our minds and way of living
07-10-10 15:23:49
secondexodus ::: Favorites
great song. great video.
07-10-07 10:25:45
headtrauma8000 ::: Favorites
at 00:25 there is a rothschild star above the rothschild family crest (the eagle clutching the arrows),this is how deep the zionist-israeli control runs.
07-10-01 14:36:50
mundorodd ::: Favorites
Gives you a lot to think about doesn't it, what 9/11 truth or AIDS and other vaccines
07-09-30 14:34:08
blookup ::: Favorites
Fantastic post. Peace to all!!!
07-09-30 12:53:36
metedude ::: Favorites
awesome video! the revolution is now
07-09-13 18:32:53
masn1978 ::: Favorites
07-08-13 03:17:35
Xare420 ::: Favorites
I sent ya my messenger contact via PM.
07-08-02 00:08:58

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