Friday, October 19, 2007

Broken Social Scene- Lover's Spit (featuring Feist)

Duration: 08:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-21 18:36:19
User: Pawl2
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Broken Social Scene's version of 'Lover's Spit' with artwork by DanielC, wes9000, Marko Djurdjevic and some various other artists.


Pawl2 ::: Favorites
07-10-11 21:58:51
nkobrin ::: Favorites
The song friggin sucks but the art gives me inspiration up the ass! Thanks!
07-10-11 19:55:31
prelotube ::: Favorites
07-09-23 14:33:53
Gorangai ::: Favorites
I could easily die to this song.
07-09-09 16:57:48
VideoFish ::: Favorites
Thank you, thank you for the inspiration.
07-09-04 11:14:13
nkabuto ::: Favorites
great movie, great song, thanks you so much for making this video. It's inspired me everytime i watch those masterpieces.
07-07-13 01:00:28
chronoh ::: Favorites
what a surprise, finding here Wesleys's draws. BTW, nice video :)
07-07-07 15:21:02
harmony94110 ::: Favorites
07-07-05 09:52:30
Pawl2 ::: Favorites
Yeah I'm sorry mate. I posted this up so you can at least hear it, I've tried to e mail it to people but i just cant get it to work.
07-07-01 23:46:41
jher011 ::: Favorites
Great video, great song. Where can I find this version of Lover's Spit for download?
07-07-01 20:58:36

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