Monday, October 8, 2007

Iron Mike Tyson - Every Boxers' Nightmare

Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-21 03:18:22
User: britvroman
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Tyson destroying everybody, watch how boxers shit their pants when about to fight him.


Jersey Joe stated that his best fight was against his last bout with Charles which in fact it was also his last desire to fight for the win. He said Marciano had no skill but was powerful. Quote "10 years ago I would have taken Marciano the distance and won". Joe Walcott! Marciano really did have a spoon fed career and got away clean without really being tested!
07-09-20 22:13:21
Louis retired right after the Jersey Joe fight went into the army and was inactive for a little over 4 years. Comes back to box Marciano to repay back taxes which he was screwed out of because he donated the money to the army.
07-09-20 22:13:11
Rocky Marciano was a one dimensional fighter, he relied on his right hand too much and really put forth pressure and intimidation on his opponents who were either club fighters or over the hill greats (louis - Moore). Mike has real skill great combinations UN natural power and a great chin on a massive neck. Sorry no offense towards Marciano but seriously not only would Tyson beat him but allot of others would as well. Marciano fought in an era that was weak and full of no other greats.
07-09-20 22:07:11
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
Totally out of line when people try to compare Marciano to fighters like Tyson. I wouldn't even compare Marciano to anyone who has succeeded in the heavyweight division now a days. You know what a match between a young Holyfield and Marciano would be something to watch. I think Marciano would hurt Holyfield with a brutal body shot!
07-07-20 00:35:51
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
I know for a fact that Marciano has a bigger heart but if an 200 45 year old Archie Moore could take Marciano down with ONE punch than a Tyson would respectively take him out for good! Hey it's just my opinion who knows what would of happened because it never will. The only real way to determine shit like that is to compare similar situations like Spinks vs Tyson. True lightweight vs True heavyweight and we all know what happened in that fight lol.
07-07-20 00:32:52
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
Bro I love Marciano he brought great respect to all of us Italians for what he has done in the ring. When it comes down to science you have to realize that putting what we would call now a days a light heavyweight in Marciano against a true heavyweight in Tyson would be suicide. I don't even think Marciano would have took that fight. Now if they were both the same in weight and class it would be a bad ass display of the best brawl you will ever see.
07-07-20 00:32:42
britvroman ::: Favorites
Yeah I agree man, I think Tyson would win the fight. Rocky never faced an oppponent with the skill of Mike Tyson.
07-07-20 00:32:33
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
Also note that Tyson has a great chin even against much much bigger opponents, I don't think Marciano's hits would do much and even at that Tyson takes a punch to deliver. Tyson is just too strong to fast on his feet and hands and he will easily out power the much smaller Marciano. Think about this man a 185 pound fighter vs a 220 pound fighter? I'm sorry but we just don't see that in boxing buddy, Marciano would have to put on some mean weight and I don't know if he would be the same if he did.
07-07-20 00:26:42
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
Tyson would side step all over him laying down vicious hooks and with one of his famous body shots upper cut I see Marciano going down. Marciano would have to be challenged against someone who isn't a true heavyweight and a champion at that. Try Marciano vs Dwight Muhhamed Qawi that dude always came to fight and he hit hard with aggressiveness and they are evenly matched.
07-07-20 00:22:36
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites
Marciano has never not once faced an opponent with the caliber speed and style of a Tyson. I think it would be a one sided fight for Marciano and it will just be too easy for Tyson because Marciano doesn't have good D nor does he know how to move with his feet.
07-07-20 00:22:27

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