Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mad Mario Kart Racer

Duration: 05:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-17 15:45:21
User: superj707
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Poops is at it again ! Watch as he assaults his friends with a barrage of insults and a myriad curse words. This video was filmed without poops being aware that we were taping his every reaction. I placed the camera under the TV inside the entertainment center in a very inconspicuous fashion. Watch as Poops unleashes his fury! Driving those little Mario Karts drive him CRAZY and I still don't understand why; BUT ITS FUNNY !


killmoore707 ::: Favorites
"You guys are fags, FUCKING FAGS" ; Why would you say that, we are your friends? " ; "SHUTUP" LMAO !!!
07-10-23 01:55:13
muppetfluff ::: Favorites
he's freaking funny "NOOOOOOOOO!"..."FUCK OFF!"
07-10-22 03:11:59
zoromaskcoming ::: Favorites
he needs to see a doctor NOW
07-10-20 01:21:30
Limpychief ::: Favorites
he's faking
07-10-18 17:44:45
daveh1975 ::: Favorites
I think that guy is retarted. Might have that looked into.
07-10-18 17:18:17

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