Thursday, October 4, 2007

North Coast Vloggers Gathering - Update

Duration: 09:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-02 07:09:35
User: ZenArcher
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:::: Top Videos of Day

Info on events - Registering - More You MUST RSVP to: NCVG Flyer available at: Ghostly Manor Videos


gnr1234 ::: Favorites
that looks very similar to the puerto rican flag
07-09-30 19:04:53
childofares ::: Favorites
OK now I'm depressed. I'll actually be in Ohio that weekend but I'm stuck in Cleveland with relatives I dislike. :( I wanna roller skate! Not talk to Aunt Betty about her garden!
07-09-07 02:25:07
Thirdgen83 ::: Favorites
That's a good "look" for you, Jim... ;)
07-09-05 00:00:02
phaedress ::: Favorites
You are Sooo talking me into this!
07-09-04 11:43:34
karoshiga ::: Favorites
Sorry about that, bro. Just a misunderstanding ;-)
07-09-04 09:19:08
Tanahwei ::: Favorites
good video, zen
07-09-04 01:01:53
TylerGWelch ::: Favorites
Even if I had a choice to go, I couldn't make it. I'm going to go see Jim Gaffigan in Tower Theater on the 29th. I wouldn't be able to make it from here to Ohio fast enough either.
07-09-03 20:09:28
joenike55 ::: Favorites
this fool should shut up
07-09-03 19:13:25
terfillius ::: Favorites
If there's anyway the Universe grants me the ability to come join the fun, I'll be there. I doubt I could get THAT much time off work, though. Perhaps next time. Have fun!
07-09-03 03:16:26
mkline718 ::: Favorites
At least you all are trying to arrange events and have some activities. The other gatherings in SF and NYC seemed to be just show up in a park and video each other.
07-09-03 02:12:14

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