Saturday, October 27, 2007

Reasons to go Vegetarian

Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-07 00:23:11
User: mtt7738
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Stop. Watch. Think


cosmicstart ::: Favorites
Vegetables are alive, but they aren't consious living creatures like animals. They don't have brains, so they are incapable of thinkinging or feeling pain. Picking an apple off of a tree does not compare to tying up an animal and brutally slaughtering it when it's defenseless.
07-10-25 14:50:33
TheCat86 ::: Favorites
Can anyone tell me why it is wrong to kill an animal and not to kill a vegetable? Vegetables are ALIVE before they are cut/uproot, so you can consider yourself as assassins. Even 100 people together cannot cut a big tree if they don's have tools, so it is not "natural" to eat vegetables. Think about something: Would a plant kill you if they were hungry? And what about an animal? So what is less fair, to eat animals or to eat veggies?
07-10-25 14:20:05
garrafos ::: Favorites
Violento el clip de los vegetarianos, creo que expresan ira.
07-10-24 18:19:55
Cymro32 ::: Favorites
Can I just point out that I was wrong on 1 point: You can't kill BSE without destroying the meat. Anyway, you just generally don't sell meat from BSE infected animals, and even then, you could have some tasty lamb or some delicious pheasant instead. Not just say OH NOES!!1111111 MEAT B BAD!1111 and make videos regarding it.
07-10-24 10:35:44
bigcheese1973 ::: Favorites
PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals! Long live the meataterians!
07-10-23 17:31:54
tribunalfunk ::: Favorites
Shut the fuck up, gelding. Go eat a lamb chop. Maybe you will be less hostile and more nourished. If god/universe/continuim/easter bunny wanted us to live on tofu and TVP, those things would grow on trees without need for processing...which is artificial.
07-10-21 11:56:17
tribunalfunk ::: Favorites
All I know, is that that black chick looks sickly and malnourished as hell. Why the fuck would I want to end my healthy meat diet and be a lady skelotor with beri-beri and pellagra like her? NOT SOLD. Try again vegtards.
07-10-21 11:53:47
Cymro32 ::: Favorites
25) That looks very tasty. 26) What, and get eaten by something else? 27) OH NOES!!!!!111111111111one doesn't it? 28) Oi, PETA, stop filming yourselves torturing! We have some decency at least! 29) PETA is very wrong, yes. 30) See 28. 31) Hell no!
07-10-20 16:06:55
Cymro32 ::: Favorites
18) OH NOES!!!!!!!!11111111111 So's the vegetable. 19) Stamping on a pig? Yeah. That *always* happens. I bet PETA did that. 20) Everybody dies. 21) So do we. 22) OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111 adnf I thot dat meeet growded on trees!!!1111 23) Yes it is. 24) That's not really representative of all farms
07-10-20 16:06:24
Cymro32 ::: Favorites
12) OH NOES!!1111111one what about teh excecutioners????////////////// 13) Proper farmers don't beat their animals. Damages the meat, see? 14) That's heightist! 15) Yes they do. It's also very nutritional. 16) So? You could give them vegetables. 16) OH NOES!111111111111 Ever heard of the water cycle? Yeah, the same water has been there since the dawn of the Earth. 17) Yes you can. Ever heard of free range?
07-10-20 16:03:36

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