Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Korean National Sport is Rape

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 11:23:23
User: gotohrisa
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prokkets ::: Favorites
Wow this is antisemite terrorist propaganda.We need 2fight the iranins in iran so we dont have 2fight them here.Ulibs need 2b detained untl ucan prove u r not a terorist.If any iraqi tries 2take myFREEDOM I will blowup his cave cmd centr.IranNchina hve been stckpling WMDs2 use aginst us an our Israeli friends in th form of a mushroom cloud in th global wr n terror.When the market crash+bio/nuke battle comes we need world govt.+world bank+hive mind+every1 get microchip so prs bush cn keep us safe
07-09-30 08:18:51
seanki11 ::: Favorites
미친 개쪽바리 새끼들... 지랄을싸세요.
07-09-21 01:17:41

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