Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Then where did the big bang come from?

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-31 22:52:13
User: bishop8000
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You can always ask "well then what happened before that?" The god hypothesis explains absolutely nothing; it gets us no closer to an answer. It's just a continuation of the same infinitely regressing line of questions.


Jeffieboi ::: Favorites
Personally, I believe in God, and I believe in science. I believe God created The Big Bang, Evolution, etc. In religion, isn't the most important thing that you acknowledge that God created everything, rather than HOW he created it? I don't feel science and religion contradict each other at all.
07-10-06 16:19:04
bishop8000 ::: Favorites
There's no such thing as proof in science, even gravity (part of Eisenstein's theory of relativity) isn't proven. It's just a theory too. Science isn't about proof, science is about evidence, that's why the burden is one you, because we haven't seen any credible evidence for your hypothesis yet. The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim.
07-09-18 06:57:57
onetocome ::: Favorites
But you are going back to the proof thing. Evolutionist can't prove where the universe came from, or anything else for that matter. Believers can't prove it either, they can't prove God. So why is the burden on us. Even if you saw a miracle, it's not what makes you believe in God. This is what people don't understand.
07-09-18 06:23:14
retsejdragon ::: Favorites
Carl Sagan was brilliant! The Master!
07-09-18 02:14:03
bishop8000 ::: Favorites
I don't know that there is no god, just like I don't know that there is no easter bunny. I could very well be wrong and I know that, but it's not up to me to provide evidence that god exists, it's up to believers to provide evidence that god does exist. Non-belief is the default position, it's how we're all born. The burden of proof is on believers to provide evidence of existence not on non-believers to provide evidence of non-existence.
07-09-17 19:13:49
onetocome ::: Favorites
bishop: Listen is useless arguing, tell me, how do you know there is no God, how do "you" know.
07-09-17 19:06:15
bishop8000 ::: Favorites
The living world wasn't designed though. It's the product of 4.5 billion years of mutations+natural selection.
07-09-17 17:30:11
onetocome ::: Favorites
Because you know that in order to design something, intelligence must be present. Matter can't produce thought, it's that simple. It doesn't matter in which way you arange it, it can't think, much more know that it's thinking.
07-09-15 10:03:53
GothemcityX ::: Favorites
there is no ??GOD??..hmmm did u kno there never was a Jesus unless u believe Horus existed who had a falcon head on a manly boy
07-09-14 17:05:15
bishop8000 ::: Favorites
Explain why that something had to be intelligent and non-material.
07-09-13 19:32:40

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