Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Worst Game Ever Made!

Duration: 07:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 10:52:56
User: BoogerBoyMeister
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I tell you this game is the biggest piece of crap I've ever played. Terrible controls and a very gay camera. What Could it be? Sonic The Hedgehog!


6youngfretshredder9 ::: Favorites
a poor workman blames his tools
07-10-13 05:10:59
jdt917 ::: Favorites
hahahaha nice one.
07-10-12 15:41:47
CaptinPenguin ::: Favorites
i hate sonic it sucks and the music is horrible camera looks horrible
07-10-11 19:04:18
jediknight1988 ::: Favorites
Sonic just can go and die. It hasn't been the same seen it was on the early console.
07-10-11 07:51:35
joshprows ::: Favorites
i wont ever play the second game. im not going to try it.
07-10-11 00:15:33
joshprows ::: Favorites
you know i have seen some gay games in my time of gaming and this game is the crapiest shitiest crapiest (you know the rest) game i have ever seen/played
07-10-11 00:14:19
troylg ::: Favorites
agreed sonic is not the same since dreamcast and sega
07-10-10 21:49:49
Bl0OdyH3Ll24 ::: Favorites
ok, it looks like you've never played a sonic game before if you've played a lot of sonic games before, they are pretty mch all like this. Your right that this is a bad game, but its not worse than bomberman live or bulletwitch
07-10-10 21:23:03
hackerNOT ::: Favorites
its way better on dreamcast
07-10-10 21:18:11
TylersetsE ::: Favorites
your voice isnt annoying. i wish i had your voice.
07-10-10 17:40:22

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