Thursday, November 29, 2007

Las Vegas Democratic Debate- CNN stacks the cards

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-16 18:43:28
User: davisfleetwood
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urbanclimber777 ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 23:22:13

ron paul
oDennisKucinich2008o ::: Favorites  2007-11-16 23:50:32

Excellent Video. Keep up the Good work !!!
ehhjeep ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:12:58

no truer word ever.keep it up fleetwood.
katiedivina ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:20:08

Kucinich looks better to me every day.
kicesie ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:20:54

Very interesting. I love the feeling of getting 'inside information' from you. I hope I hope I hope this election is different than the rest. It has the smell of something new, the internet presense at least suggesting that it's new... but I really wonder if it's a ploy like all the other political moves. thanks for the video!!!
R0CC08U775734k ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:33:05

'Why does CNN want Hillary to win???' Maybe because the mass media is in love with the tyrannical Bush/Clinton regime. Let's get to together and stop this people!!!
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:35:05

Hi kicesie! I think everyone hopes that this election process is a little different from all the previous ones. So far, it has been -- thanks to the relatively new mediums of YouTube and the internet, in general. We have Dr. Ron Paul being almost totally disted by the MSM and yet, he's #1 on the internet (and just received a record 4.3 million dollars in campaign donations in 24 hours on Nov 5th). Kucinich also appears to have an increasing amount of support on the internet.
GreatGig1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:35:10

It's good to see you dancing again! :-) I noticed they weren't letting Dennis talk! I also noticed Dennis seemed a bit frustrated by it too! Is there EVER going to be a debate where Dennis gets to talk? I don't doubt what you said about CNN, after all they did stop Gravel from participating in this debate! Big corps are afraid of Dennis! He will take the power from them and give it back to the people and make them play by the rules!!
kicesie ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:38:36

I've stayed incredibly neutral on the choices so far... but today I did a lot of research on Kucinich. And the major place he passes where Paul fails (horribly) is pro-choice. If given the opportunity I'll be voting Kucinich.
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:40:09

It remains to be seen if use of this medium will affect the outcome of the elections. I believe it will. Also, there is a major Federal lawsuit (filed in the DC Circuit) currently in progress to stop the use of all E-voting machines in all States across the Union and to have the votes counted in full view of the public at election time. So, yeah, I believe this election just may be somewhat different from previous elections.
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:45:24

As far as Kucinich goes, if he would renounce his anti-Constituional position on the 2nd Amendment, I (and many others) would be a lot happier with his candidacy. When he pulls out that pocket copy of the Constitution, yet has introduced legislation to subvert it, then on principle, I have difficulty supporting that candidate.
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 00:47:03

As far as Paul's "choice" position, he simply wants the Federal government out of the baby business and to leave it up to the People of the individual States to regulate abortion. I don't have any real problem with that particular position. Let the People decide on a more local level.
LastNickNameOnEarth ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 01:49:27

Same is true with Ron Paul. It's this aspect that is holding American democracy back. This forcing down American voter's throats the idea that people support candidates that are essentially just another differently colored cat. Anything less then Kucinich vs. Paul in '08, is really not a democracy.
Sikapossu75 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 01:54:09

I really feel sorry for you Americans. Hillary is forced down your throat. I still hope that the last two candidates left are DK and Ron Paul. Chillary will bring you more wars.
jdfox37 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 02:04:02

I think as an anarchist you would be more apt to support paul, libertarianism is closest to anarchism and paul is frankly a libertine. Just cant run in a non major party if you want any voice at all. I gave youa thumbs up to counter some idiots neg mod probably based on some assumption becuase you used the word anarchist. Anarchy isn't chaos people. Other then that Dennis is looking more and more enticing to my voting self.

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