Friday, November 2, 2007

Pride & Prejudice everybody needs somebody

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-07 13:47:31
User: Lotjeknorrepotje
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

This is just a simple, quickly made and in my opinion crap video, but I had a lot of fun making it!! (some sounds and transitions don't go well) It is a video matched with the song everybody needs somebody to love from the Blues Brothers. I made it because it is 07-07-07. In this video it goes about lovers, but I just wanted to make this video to show how important it is to love each other, and it is decidated to the careful and sweet people in the world! Sorry for the talking you hear sometimes, it is exact on the wrong time, I thaught i made it different, but that wasn't as I found out when I watched it here again ;-) I own nothing, no copyright is intended. All credits go to the music and moviemakers and to the wonderful people in the world!


Lotjeknorrepotje ::: Favorites
No thanks, I am glad you liked it, thank you for your comment! Whahah yes, the photo's and Darcy are both nice ;-) Have a great day!
07-09-21 08:15:20
ali68romero ::: Favorites
Thanks for this video, congrats. I liked the photos of the entire cast. and, of course, my dear Mr. Darcy!!!
07-09-20 22:44:10
Lotjeknorrepotje ::: Favorites
glad to hear! :D
07-08-12 08:43:31
BlueSalad14 ::: Favorites
yes it was real fun! :)
07-08-11 20:30:12
Lotjeknorrepotje ::: Favorites
really?? I don;t like it that much, but I am glad you enjoyed it enough to comment and even call it awesome! Thanks :D
07-08-11 18:52:28
BlueSalad14 ::: Favorites
this vid is awesome!
07-08-01 11:18:56
Lotjeknorrepotje ::: Favorites
Thanks Ita! I was already curious after your opinion :D
07-07-27 17:08:46
itavlf ::: Favorites
this is a interesting vid very funny.wonderfull
07-07-27 17:07:25
Lotjeknorrepotje ::: Favorites
hehe I think it is a bit crazy, but I am very glad it made your day, great to hear that you favourited too :D
07-07-22 06:51:27
wantingyounear ::: Favorites
I Love this Lotte! :) You just made my day! I agree with Line... We need more videos like this.. ;p 5/5 and gone to faves!
07-07-22 00:39:31

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