Saturday, November 3, 2007

Reply to APlickity

Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 17:44:55
User: Vegamo
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I dare you to make a video response to this.


kolkane45 ::: Favorites
i hate the coop, yet love multi, the fps genre is my cake
07-11-03 01:38:12
Vegamo ::: Favorites
Gears had nice CO-OP, but terrible multiplayer. Too slow and limited for me, I like the freedom of movement that you get in halo. Besides im not a fan of heavy Third Person Shooters.
07-11-03 01:35:35
kolkane45 ::: Favorites
you dont gears? yet you like halo, i know its opinion but dude thats just wierd
07-11-03 01:33:12
Vegamo ::: Favorites
Well others like it. Some don't some do, you can't have everyone be happy about it, GOW had it's enemies too, like mE?
07-11-03 01:30:50
kolkane45 ::: Favorites
no dude im beastoid at that game but its so boring, and its the same as halo 2 come on seriously, im not lying dude, i was hardcore but halo 2 was like a 7 and now ppl relise it and halo 3 comes out just boring dude, thats the ultimate disapointment
07-11-03 01:11:35
Vegamo ::: Favorites
I am a hardcore fan, and I wasn't dissapointed, the only people that were dissapointed are the people that suck ass at it. halo 3 > Halo 2. You can't complain.
07-11-03 01:07:28
PonyRider87 ::: Favorites
Is there a full moon tonight? I'm in a really playful mood tonight for some reason. It might have something to do with the wine. ;-) If ya wanted to chat, hit me up!
07-11-03 00:43:14
kolkane45 ::: Favorites
please dude please, 130 for halo legendary edition dude and the nerds bought it so what, and i said basically because hardcore fans were dissapointed, i know alot of them (30) and only 5 liked it dude, plz
07-11-03 00:15:57
Vegamo ::: Favorites
LMAO.... Halo flopped? Halo became the most successful entertainment product to ever be released on the face of earth, bringing 170 million the first 24 hours in USA alone, and achieving a meta critic of 94. Please.....
07-11-03 00:11:12
kolkane45 ::: Favorites
hahahahaha aa xbots always bashing, then they admit it, anyways the one we havent got yet? OOhh plz dude, RFOM, MOTORSTORM, NINJA GAIDEN, WARHAWK, HS, RATCHET, aah all you have is halo which basically flopped, gow is good though, and mass effect maybe, not proven though so yeah, strike one
07-11-03 00:09:45

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