Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Duration: 10:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 00:25:25
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quitter00111 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 22:06:14

go john mccain woooooooooooooooooooooo!
Mehgatraun ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:07:07

Why did this whole debate begin with questions directed to the candidates about who is more conservative and why? Who gives a shit who is more republican or who has left wing beliefs? None of that is at all important. What America needs is someone who's only concern is how take take the country out of the shit hole it's slid into.
Angelheart1982 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 02:33:36

I just wanted to say that I was adopted and if it had not been for my birth mom putting me up for adoption, I would not be here. If there was a way to say women could have the option in the following cases (ex: rape, medical health issues which complicate preganancy or life expectancy) then that would be the best way to approach abortion. Just so you don't think I'm some Christian conservative, I'm also bisexual so I'm not all "right wing".
hisangelmylove ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 20:29:59

grow up. don't you know they quit that back in the 1800's not long after it was started? They are just like everyone else. One spouse, a family, and you would be surprised how many mormons are there around you without your even realizing they are mormon. so do you have a crush on Romney cuz you bring him up in a discussion and seem so interested in what he says?
todnyc ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 03:32:25

i think Romney has a secret crush on Hillary -- how many times does he mention her per sentence? he must be thinking of her even more often than he thinks of his secret WIVES! (and husbands)
Greedy470 ::: Favorites  2007-12-27 19:55:55

Ron Paul 2008!
MajinDrHuxtable ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 12:07:47

It's a woman's decision. Saying that banning abortion would be "pro freedom" is ridiculous. Rape victims have a right to not have that child.
alkoakes ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 17:09:33

I don't get why abortion is so bad--Sure, the fetuses (notice I don't say babies) don't get to live a life, but I sincerely doubt that a woman would have an abortion only because she feels like it--she must certainly have a reason. Murder is not murder if the so-called "victim" was never alive, never had feelings, etc.
alkoakes ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 17:09:16

Nicoleiia ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 15:22:12

ok...Republicans want to get rid of abortion, but don't give a shit about healthcare...Democrats want universal healthcare, but want to keep abortion...who do we pick?????
jusmart ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 14:38:44

Nicoleiia, I didn't name call. That does nothing. Let's focus on the issue (attacking the person shows the argument is weak anyways). I am not against Health Insurance. And I also feel so hurt for those women who feel so desperate that they have an abortion, but little money still does not justify it. We need to vote for someone who cares about life, not just of the unborn, but of ALL people.
Nicoleiia ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 11:37:01

Abortion is wrong...I agree...But think about it....Most women have abortions because they can't afford the baby..including hospital bills, and other health costs associated with having a baby...NOBODY has health insurance...I guarantee you, if we all had health insurance (which neo cons are against of course)..the rate of abortions would go down significantly...but of course, you greedy bastards even veto childrens're sick..
jusmart ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 01:20:59

I thought liberals were for freedom? So how can you, Nicoleiia, sleep when you vote against the right to live? How can you justify abortion as ok? I mean, if the doctor didn't perform the surgery, the child would exist, correct? Well then that is murder. Why don't liberals ever talk about the trauma women who have aborted later face? Get real...
Nicoleiia ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 09:04:26

you guys are fucking sick...We have to pay taxes anyway...why not have a system where we all have healthcare....The deficit is only because of the dumbnuts president...and fucking Republican!
neffie82 ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 02:18:14

Well said!

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