Wednesday, February 20, 2008

♡♪ Every Heart - Japanese - Fandub - Inuyasha ♪♡

Duration: 05:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-31 23:21:11
User: StrawberryLight

Every | Heart | Boa | Japanese | Anime 


I did this little Boa's Every Heart in Japanese. I know it isn't that great. My voice sounded lower than usual. But I was sick when I sang this, so it explains it :D I was sick and also trying to mae it low, very strange combination. But hey it worked :D It's low. At least it wasn't high for this song. Please lsiten completly till the end, my cute production thing that I sang is at the begining and the end of the song, AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Don't mind my sucky singing. Well happy listening^^ Comment and Rate Please ^^


Kurayami1207  2008-02-01 10:10:55

Not your best vid ever, I guess it would sound better if you'd record it once again when you're well, but still unbelievably cute! I guess you just got another fan XDDDD
vanillacottoncandy  2008-02-01 00:02:54

:) Good job for one being sick. I can understand how being sick affects ur performance. The pronunciation was a little off at one place, and you should hold the note longer... but you were sick! So I'm really sorry about that! Keep it up I enjoyed it very much!
Destiny4ever  2008-01-31 23:44:09

Ohhh, nice. You used your production thing! So kawaii. Dude, you have to teach me ROMANIAN! I shall be waiting ^^ Aww, even though you sounded sick, you were still good. Remember: NUMBERUUU ONE FANNUUUU!!! *CHEERS*

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