Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey Smosh...We're Better Than You!!!

Duration: 00:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-19 11:18:33
User: funnyz
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hey  smosh  were  better  than  you  




WorstNinja ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 17:44:17

HEY KIDS Fuck YOU!!!! Smosh is way better then you'll ever be beotches! You guys are gayyyy and have squeaky vioces and you don't have the balls to be better then them!!! so you guys suck!!!!!!!!!!
funnyz ::: Favorites  2007-10-05 15:22:51

Thanks! We'll try=) -FZ
Sydneylovesu4ever ::: Favorites  2007-10-04 21:42:43

lol this is kind of hilarious... but still, you guys, smosh will forever be the best thing in the world.. keep trying though.. (I love Smosh!)
laughgladly ::: Favorites  2007-09-18 17:58:34

u stupid morons ull never be better than smosh! morons!
funnyz ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 18:11:43

no, i'm 13 watch my videos

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