Friday, February 22, 2008

Uh? hahaa.

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-13 20:19:13
User: MadisonElaineChertow

Dylan | madison | fall | haha | cute 


This is like a random blooperish clip Its really old. haha. I dont even know why im uploading it. haha.


BlindDude1234  2008-02-16 14:17:14

wow....just when i thought i couldnt get any stupider! but your hot i would love to meet you haha
Punktrick  2008-02-13 23:04:36

uhh sorry for the spam, guess I had problems cause the comments, never showed up thats why I wrote again xD (lol my 4th comment now) sry about that and thanks for responding to my comment =D
Punktrick  2008-02-13 22:54:53

haha funny^^, is that your room? ^^ nice, you uploaded a new vid =D even if its short^^ pAtRiCk
MadisonElaineChertow  2008-02-13 21:33:42

hahahah thank you :D yea it is but its changed alot since then this is kinda really old. haha I dn why i uploaded it. Ill upload a real video soon
Punktrick  2008-02-13 21:01:36

haha is this your room?^^ dylan laugh is funny xD

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