Sunday, March 23, 2008


Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-29 01:26:28

Here is a 1981 surprise appearance by Jose Carreras on a popular show!! This is followed by a clip of Pav preparing and singing his very first Radames.


novice1959  2008-03-17 15:08:20

This is precious!! Too funny!!
Phaedrax2  2008-02-23 11:37:29

Ha ha I laugh at something different every time I watch this! I particularly love the bit where Jose sings 'he's lost his duck-y' hilarious when sung in an operatic manner.
Phaedrax2  2008-02-23 10:45:54

Had to come back for a second look - this is so great! Was this on The Muppets Show?
Alain2884  2008-02-14 22:09:49

OMG this is sooo hillarious, this just goes to show you how humane stars should be, and also that Carreras has a multi-talented personality!! It's all about Earnie's Ducky!!! LOL
laratssoyyo  2008-02-07 07:11:38

Hahahaah, What does he say just after 'Earnie is unhappy 'cause he can't find his buddy? I will remember this everytime i hear Vesti la giubba. XD

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