Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mac Vs PC Again

Duration: 22:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-02 22:08:12 - foxtrot_MGS wrote to me, and said that after watching all the videos I've done about Macs, he's been considering making the switch. However, he states: "I've always used windows, and so I have some feelings about switching to a Mac". Here are his thoughts.


bijhua  2008-03-24 17:25:02

aaa.. only the 24" IMAC has a MXM PCI Express connector...
bijhua  2008-03-24 17:14:54

dude, the IMAC , i repeat , The IMAC has the video chipset integrated. You google it and you'll see. Only the MAC PRO , I repeat, the MAC PRO has a "stand-alone" video card.
NeoMasterpt  2008-03-24 16:13:13

no its not google it and u'll see
bijhua  2008-03-23 05:32:01

the video card in IMAC is integrated in the motherboard. so you can't replace it. you can easily replace it in a Mac Pro , but there is no way to do that with an Imac.
destructon62  2008-03-22 23:28:50

sell the mac in a different country!!!!!!!!!

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