Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse (as interpreted by Devon)

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-26 19:14:42

I know I'm looking down at my lyric sheet for most of this. And I got ahead of myself in a few places. I've still got two more hours to learn it. It'll be okay.


afraidofpop  2008-02-25 19:09:58

Yeah, the mic did suck. I'll definitely look into your suggestions. Thanks for the kind words :)
artgonewrong  2008-02-25 16:12:43

Devon, that was very, very good. Wow, some of these comments are really hateful. I do agree, however, that a better mic was needed. Might want to try a Shure or Audio Technica. They're not too expensive and will make you sound less distorted. Excellent! Plus, you're cute!
afraidofpop  2008-02-19 23:18:08

thanks for the tip :)
o2dasmitty645  2008-02-19 19:48:20

Ok I know this is late, but when you sing you need to really listen to yourself and feel where you are singing. It sounds like you are singing through your nose alotplus it makes you sound monotone, so just take a good yawny breath andsing from your diaphram and let it rip. Oh "tip" don't strain your neck when you sing it just keep your chindown relax and just sing the notes with clearity and strength. :D
Stoopudjurcee1  2007-09-27 20:42:02

...UGH. Your microphone fucking SUCKS. Uh, but if your microphone didn't suck fucking ass, I would say your voice isn't bad.

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