Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wii Review(redo) - Red Steel

Duration: 17:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-27 03:28:21

Are you all happy? I'm doing it again. If you don't know what I mean, check this out.http://youtube.com/watch?v=uY-d7T70v00


Alexred94  2008-03-17 16:22:04

Don't come on youtube and bash people unless you have a reason.
chipman800  2008-02-25 20:44:02

yoiu suck balls sonik dude
jpslugger2  2008-01-06 20:53:56

no but my mom does
Pilpup  2007-12-28 05:46:28

I don't think it's games at all music is maybie a bit. You have to think about it how would someone think of it "Hmm well it can't be the movies hmm well maybie the music I GOT IT IT'S THE GAMES IT'S A LAME AS HELL EXUSE BUT IT GETS WORKS" i think people have sick natures and some people don't.
lucace1996  2007-12-15 23:55:56

i was gonna get this game when i got my wii used at game stop on july something 07 but i got zelda insted

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