Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Your generic Halo fanboy READ DESCRIPTION FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-13 17:33:45
User: GodzillaCO

ok this is not deriected toward ALL Halo fans, this is only directed towards the ones who say: 'ZOMFG HALO IZ TEH GRESTEST TING ONE TEH PL4N3T AND IF U DU NOT LIEK ET DEN U R GHEY LULZ!!"


LilM0  2008-03-11 06:26:56

lol Super Mexican Bros.
uberpwnage15  2008-03-04 18:55:45

lmao i cryed from laughing
FinalFront  2008-03-02 20:18:55

Dear lord his eyes are spaced!
magicalmidget8  2008-03-02 09:43:19

LOL! orgasm from halo 3 legendary edition!
SuperFizzoly  2008-02-29 16:50:21

I agree with you! I've had my attack on the Halo fanboys myself. They get SO mad realy easy, and it's funny!

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