Monday, April 7, 2008

best fs flip contest results!

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-01 23:01:17

congrats to all!


BOULALITA  2008-04-05 22:13:44

i should be in the first 3 seriusly what a shit
BOULALITA  2008-04-05 22:04:40

i thiink mine should be closer to the first ones honestly
almostskater1072  2008-04-05 12:28:19

dude ur such a douche, i can see ur good at skatin but that doesnt mean u gotta hate on other people, fuck you
npp1992  2008-04-05 09:32:40

worst fs flips ive ever seen! srry guys but those were SKETCHY
Acidus23  2008-04-04 16:46:21

Some nice fs flips there.

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