Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dogtor Who- who's who

Duration: 00:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-24 07:51:33

a quick video of what the characters of Dogtor who would look like... and some of the characters have had their actor/ atress name changed. oh and for the 4th dogtor, the thing is if he doesn't trip over his long scarf, he trips over his long ears. Names for Dogtor actors that weren't named on the video: john Pertweimeraner Schnauzer McCoy Poodle mcGann (Names above thought of by my ICT teacher :D)


usamadrwho  2008-01-25 13:11:26

pcfan10  2007-12-20 10:32:04

dogtorwho  2007-12-19 16:53:20

they'll be on my next who's who :D
pcfan10  2007-12-19 16:51:30

Can you at least do dogtarans?(sontarans)
dogtorwho  2007-11-06 15:04:49

im actually not sure about the daleks because i have been thinking of calling them dogleks but theres the whole thing of dalek is an anagram of kaled(something to do with the daleks of course) and i wasnt sure what they would like, but keep tuned in and you might see them in one of my dogtor who videos :D

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