Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Inflatable Staircase (leads) ★★★

Duration: 05:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-13 23:35:16

This is not a song, this is just a jam. (go to 1:27 to skip my intro) A psychedelic jam about being intelligent to the point that it alienates you.


souldistortion25  2008-03-19 07:44:41

OMG :( how did you catch me? LOL! don't tell the law! nothing better then home grown California (Las Angeles) dank. But I have quit and its been 2 months. And caveman, thank you so much for your comment about me making a dessert for everyone but no meal! if you read on my profile im starting to realize that leads are just sugar and meant to compliment music as you said, and not be a song. Thanks for your kind words (and wisdom). Glad you enjoy my music enough to leave such detailed commentary.
caveman1113  2008-03-19 05:48:36

Oh yeah... I DEFINITELY want a pile of whatever you're smoking, becuz we ain't got nuthin THAT strong here in Florida man. :-( ...and it MIGHT make it to where I could get to sleep instead of being on here at 4:45 A.M. LOL!!!!!!
caveman1113  2008-03-19 05:42:47

Don't take it wrong, but your "leads" R like a great chef spending hours making a desert but 4getting 2cook the meal it's supposed2 compliment. In other words, I'd like 2C U work on sum good complete songs, +THEN throw in embellished notes, chords, riffs, etc, 2fill out + ACCENT the spots in that song that you think it needs it. I mean, think bout Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner. All his distortion is outa place without the meat of the song 2show how HIS work changed it 2 sumthing HE created.
souldistortion25  2007-12-29 13:41:53

yeah i tend to get lost cuz i dont know any theory, but thanks man.
shaynedge  2007-12-29 05:20:19

i like ur individuality and stuff in ur playing but i think u got a little lost in some places lol but there was some awesome parts in that hey sounds like hendrix and tool get really high together then write an angry song (in a good way)

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